Behind His Eyes: Truth Page 17

Also in French, she replied, “Yes, I decided to capitalize on my gift of time.”

He smiled. How could he not? She was talking casually about prison, as if it had been a vacation. He leaned forward. “Claire, how’s your headache?”

Taking a sip from her glass, she smiled. “I believe the wine is helping.”

“That’s good. Tell me about San Antonio.”

If he expected her to be surprised by his knowledge of her activity, she disappointed him. Then again, he suspected that she knew he was watching her. Claire didn’t miss a beat. She immediately began talking about sunshine, books, and relaxation. They fell into easy conversation. He remembered the Red Wing and talking with her for the first time. Even then, she’d impressed him with her confidence and knowledge. Her strength hadn’t waned over the last year and a half. It emanated from every pore of her being, like an aura that pulled him nearer. She possessed knowledge, of language and of him. It intrigued, as well as frightened him. What would she do with her new power? Could he stop it? Did he want to? As the dinner progressed, her smile became less forced and her tone rang with the occasional laugh or giggle. It was music to his ears, and he didn’t want the evening to end.

Neither one of them mentioned his birth name or the box again. The subject had been closed—temporarily. Tonight was about reconnecting. Maybe it was about something else. Tony wanted her to see that he was still in control; after all, he’d manipulated her plans. However, there was no doubt that her revelation created a shift in their game.

He couldn’t wait to continue the play!

This POV was originally written at the request of my amazing readers and appeared in the Goodreads Group: The Consequences Series Group Reads, Therapy, and Hugs. That version has been tweaked and edited for Behind His Eyes Truth. The “Dream” scene in Truth has been interpreted in various ways. My initial intention was to show that from Tony’s POV it wasn’t what many have claimed it to be; however, like the rest of my story, his intent is still your decision.

Thank you for joining me on this dark and insightful journey.


A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is a reality.

—Yoko Ono

The luxury of the upscale condominium escaped Tony’s notice. Nothing mattered, other than making his way to Claire. Since their dinner the night before, he’d been unable to concentrate on anything or anyone else. As the elevator moved upward toward the fourth floor, Tony closed his eyes and envisioned his ex-wife. He remembered the white dress, the way his hand touched the skin of her back, and the slight whiff of perfume as his lips neared her long neck. He recalled the fire in her eyes as she called him Anton. Though he had tried to hide his reaction, Tony knew he’d failed. Claire saw him as others never could. She knew that her declaration affected him, and she knew when a subject was closed.

The woman he’d shared a meal with last night was more like the Claire Nichols he’d watched from afar—the one before his acquisition. Sometime during his refining process, she’d muted qualities that he now longed to explore. She was different. He could see it in the pictures, but more vividly in person. For the first time, he wanted to know the real Claire Nichols—the one who could stare him down, and the one who would attempt to manipulate their dinner plans. Tony didn’t just want to converse with that woman: he wanted to know her intimately. The woman he created knew his wants and needs; did he truly know hers?

As he neared the door of her condominium, he pushed away his carnal thoughts. Tony wouldn’t do what he’d done before. He’d had his reasons, but they were done. She’d paid her price, or rather her family’s price, for their past sins. Now it was time to move on. Tony needed to help Claire see that for herself.

After they’d parted ways last night, Tony started to call Catherine—he almost did—but he decided he needed more information. Perhaps the contents of that box would help him understand why Catherine sent it. Then, during the night, the revelation hit him: Claire’s new knowledge was the stepping-stone he needed. That box would facilitate a path to her understanding. First, he needed to know what Claire knew. He also needed to emphasize that her newly acquired knowledge was private. Their roles may be evolving, but some rules would never change. Private information could not be divulged.

Tony went to her condominium to learn and to experience. Besides learning her level of knowledge, he couldn’t go back to Iowa without spending more time in her presence. He hoped that a more private setting would bring out the woman with the fire in her eyes. He wanted to see those flames, feel the heat, and inhale her smoky aroma.

Before knocking on her door, his surroundings registered. He’d definitely waited too long. Claire was becoming established in Palo Alto. It was a double-edged sword. Negatively, she was making a life without him; however, the positive aspect was that she wouldn’t likely disappear from him again. Phillip Roach’s watchful eye guaranteed that. The private investigator was how Tony knew that Claire was currently home and her roommate was out of town.

With his knuckle ready to strike, Tony took a deep breath. What if Claire refused to talk to him? A rush of anxiety flowed through him. Why hadn’t he thought of that before? She could refuse him entry. No, he reasoned, Claire wouldn’t do that. Exhaling, he allowed his hand to rap on the door.

The voice from within rang with unabashed glee as the door opened. “Did you forget your key?”