Behind His Eyes: Truth Page 51

Failure had never been an option and this was no exception. The difference that tugged at his heart was the knowledge that he would never succeed on his own.

Alone, he’d accomplished great things throughout his life. This was different. The realization created an unfamiliar sense of vulnerability. To not fail, to succeed, Tony needed Claire. He needed her help and her guidance. He’d never be able to parent without her. Hell, he wouldn’t have a clue. To make this work, it would take both of them. It was no longer a matter of him having the answers to her requests and questions—this was a whole different world. Suddenly, he had questions and she had answers. The realization left him uneasy.

Tony decided to concentrate on the present. For the time being—if only the next two days—Tony would enjoy having Claire with him. He would work to show her that Iowa, more specifically their estate, was where she belonged. At a little before 7:00 AM, he sent her a text:


After he hit SEND, Tony suddenly worried. He’d been thinking the fresh air would be good for her, but what if she was ill? She’d told him about the morning sickness. He didn’t want her to be concerned about rushing down to breakfast, if she wasn’t feeling up to it. Apparently, time wasn’t the only thing he couldn’t take back—he couldn’t retrieve a text once it was sent, either. He called the kitchen and informed them of his plans, and that Ms. Claire may be joining him.

As soon as Tony saw Claire through the French doors, he remembered her new aversion to coffee, moved his cup away, and greeted her, “Good morning. I wasn’t sure you would wake for my text.”

“Good morning.” Her smile made his cheeks rise. “I did.”

Before he could say another word—tell her how amazing she looked or how he wanted to keep her captive forever—Cindy was by her side, offering her coffee or tea and discussing food. Damn, he needed less attentive staff. As she spoke, he assessed her complexion. To him she was beautiful. When they were finally alone, he asked, “How are you feeling this morning?”

“I’m feeling well, which is surprising, considering how early this is in California.”

“I think you’re getting used to being in Iowa. It probably isn’t a great idea to keep changing time zones. Maybe you should stay here.”

Smirking, she replied, “I don’t think that would resolve any of my current issues.”

“Oh, but you’re mistaken. It would be ever so helpful.” Tony reached for the bowl of fresh fruit. “Would you like some fruit?”

After Claire spooned some fresh melon and grapes into her bowl, she asked, “Why did you summon me here so early?”

He reached for her hand. “Claire, why do you think everything has double meaning?”

She swallowed her fruit. With her beautiful emerald eyes glowing, she answered, “Because I know you.”

He laughed. “Better than most.”

“What’s your plan?”

“I wanted to discuss the day. I plan to work from home this morning and was hoping we could spend time together before the wedding.”

“I told Sue that I might be available to meet her and Sean this morning in Iowa City. I think I’d like that.”

The playful banter came to a screeching halt. She wanted to leave the estate, to drive away. The last time… Tony didn’t want to go there in his mind. He didn’t want to remember the last time—the only time—Claire had driven off of the estate. Finding an acceptable concession, he replied, “Eric can drive you.”

“I was thinking that perhaps you have a car—one that isn’t worth half a million—that you’d let me borrow for a quick drive into town?”

His thoughts battled with one another as their new reality fought with their old. Tony had always prided himself on his ability to maintain a poker face during stressful negotiations. However, when he looked at his ex-wife, the gleam in her eyes and smug smile on her face, Tony knew that she was reading his every thought. She truly knew him like no other. With a smirk, he asked, “Are you enjoying yourself?”

Claire grinned. “Immensely, thanks for asking.”

“The last time you drove away—”

“This time I’m talking to you about it,” she interrupted. “I want to meet Sue for coffee. I’ll return and then you and I will go to the wedding together.”

“I thought coffee made you ill?”

Claire shrugged. “Coffee is an expression for getting together. I can guarantee that I will not be having coffee.”

“Getting together? About what?” Just days ago, Sue didn’t want Claire near her child. Now they were going to meet for coffee? It didn’t make sense.

Claire’s shoulders straightened and she leaned across the table. Tony’s gaze struggled to find her fiery eyes instead of concentrating on the way her robe gaped open, giving him a great view of her cleavage. Her hushed but determined tone refocused his view as well as his thoughts. “This is what I don’t want.”

“Concern, Claire, that’s what I have. After all, someone broke into your condominium last night. Don’t you think you should be concerned?”

After Claire thanked Cindy for her food, she returned her attention to Tony. “How do you know about that?”

“So you aren’t surprised?”

“No. I spoke to others about it last night, and I suppose I’m not surprised you know.”