Behind His Eyes: Truth Page 71

Claire snickered, “Whoever would’ve thought that Anthony Rawlings would be open to new lessons?”

“Oh, I’m open, but,” his tone turned stern, “I meant what I said. I don’t want that ring to ever be anywhere but on your finger. Are we clear?”

Claire lifted herself on her tipped toes and kissed his cheek. “Yes, we’re crystal clear.” As she stepped into the shower and steam filled the bathroom, Claire tilted her head toward the spraying water and teased, “Now, Mr. Rawlings, come here. Let’s learn a few new things together.”

By the time the first package arrived, Tony and Claire were officially engaged, and she hadn’t experienced a nightmare in over a week. Tony refused to let the mailing threaten her newfound security. He wouldn’t allow anyone or anything to risk renewing that terror. Without fully explaining the threat, Tony reassured her that he didn’t care where she went or what she did as long as she wasn’t alone. It didn’t matter if it was an outing to the store, lunch with a friend, or a weekend to visit her sister, Tony’s one requirement, one undebatable rule, was that either he or Clay be by her side.

For obvious reasons, Clay accompanied Claire during the weekend trip to Emily and John’s. Claire wanted to inform them in person of their engagement. When Claire returned, she didn’t say much about their visit; however, when Tony asked if she was planning another, she told him that for the time being she was restricting her travels to trips with him. Though he didn’t like seeing her disappointed, Tony was glad that she didn’t want to travel without him. He wanted to do everything within his power to create a stress-free environment where Claire felt not only safe but loved. Over the course of time he, Catherine, and the security team succeeded. Until the rattle.

Other packages had been intercepted prior to reaching the estate, but the rattle made it inside their home. Luckily, Clay saw it and called Tony before Claire noticed it. Tony immediately rushed home and called Catherine, Clay, and Eric to his office. Before berating the security detail, Tony needed to know exactly what had happened. As he listened to their information and voiced his opinion, Claire silently slipped into the room.

Tony didn’t want her to know about any of the mailings—especially this one. The engraved message of: Baby Nichols-Rawls / R.I.P. could definitely be considered a threat. Therefore, when his eyes met hers, he silently pleaded, then demanded that she leave his office. Following his gaze, everyone turned to her, yet instead of leaving, she asked, “You’re all very loud. Is this about me?”

“Claire,” Tony said, summoning a calmer tone than the one he’d been using. “Please don’t worry about this. I’m taking care of it.”

As she stepped toward him, Tony looked to Catherine. “Catherine, if you could please help Ms. Claire? She may need some assistance.”

Though Claire obviously understood what he wasn’t saying, she pressed on. “Clay, what others have you intercepted?”

“Ma’am, nothing that concerns you.”

“I don’t believe you.”

Catherine tried to assist. “Claire, let’s get you something to drink. It’s very hot outside.”

Defiantly, Claire proclaimed, “I’m not leaving.”

Tony fought the red that wanted to stream towards his fiancée. Didn’t she understand that this wasn’t the time for bold and cheeky? “Claire,” he warned.

Surprisingly, wearing her swimsuit, cover-up, and flip-flops, Claire walked toward Tony, to his side of the desk, ignored him, and addressed their staff. “Catherine, Eric, and Clay, could you please excuse us for a minute. Mr. Rawlings and I need to speak privately. I would assume he’s not done with you, so please stay close. This won’t take long.”

He’d never heard her take that tone with anyone. It wasn’t demeaning as much as it was authoritative. Despite her attire, Claire was asserting herself in the position Tony wanted her to assume—lady of the house. Everyone in the room turned to him for confirmation. The tension was palpable. Finally, through clenched teeth, he agreed. “Do not go far. I’m not done. Clay, make some calls. After Ms. Claire and I have finished, I want answers.”

Of course, Tony saw Catherine’s glare as they all hurried from the room. He didn’t have the time or energy to worry about her wounded ego. The way he saw it, it was her fault for not confiding fully in Claire.

“What’s happening?” Claire’s question brought Tony back to present.

“How did you hear? You were at the pool.”

“How could I not hear? Everyone in a three-mile radius could hear you. Tell me, what’s so important to bring you home early from work? The sooner I know, the sooner you can continue your meeting.”

“Damn it, Claire! I don’t want you worrying.” He paced to the window and back. “Besides, who in their right mind would come in here while I’m teetering on the edge of sanity? Did you see how fast they all left?”

Claire smiled as she placed her hands on the lapels of his dark suit. “No one. Just ask my family, I’m definitely not in my right mind, and if I’m correct, the only thing that can get you this worked up is something about me.” She turned and picked up the package addressed to Claire Nichols Rawls. “So I don’t get to open my own mail anymore?”

“Seriously, some asshole found you here, knows our address, and you want to complain about opening mail?”