Hearts in Darkness Page 17

"Michael?” She brushed the midnight strands of hair from his closed eyes. “Michael? Can you hear me?

Are you okay?"

She felt his thoughts stir. Pain bloomed, followed quickly by anger. “Did you get the number of that truck?” he muttered, holding his chest and wincing slightly.

"What happened? Why did you show yourself to him?” She quickly undid his shirt, noticing with a slight smile that he was still wearing her cross around his neck.

"I didn't. He obviously sensed I was there because I came out the door, and he was waiting for me. Must have had some sort of magical wards set in place to warn him if someone follows him."

"And maybe he sensed you because he's also a vampire.” It was certainly more believable than magical wards—whatever the hell they were. She pulled his shirt to one side. His skin was an angry red and already blistering. “We have to get something cold on these burns."

"What do you mean, he's a vampire?” He brushed away her hands almost angrily. “I'll be all right, damn it."

She glared at him. “Just because you're feeling like an idiot, don't go taking your anger out on me. And you'll do as you're damn well told. Now, stay here while I go get some ice."


She ignored him and disappeared inside the bar. When she got back five minutes later with ice wrapped in a cloth, he reached out and gently thumbed the moisture from her cheek. Heat slithered through her, as warm as the caring in his dark eyes.

"You really are the most irritating and bossy woman at times, you know that?"

"And it's taken you this long to realize it? Damn, you're slow." She placed the ice on his chest. He winced slightly, then leaned back and briefly closed his eyes.

"Thank you,” he said, after a moment. “I think you may have saved my life."

"Twice more and you're mine,” she said lightly, echoing the words he had said to her when they'd first met.

In his gaze she saw amusement and longing. He might admit what he felt, but he wasn't yet ready to admit they needed each other—that they needed to be in each other's life.

"What did you mean when you said he was a vampire?” he said after a moment. Coward, she thought, and felt his amusement shimmer though the link. “Just that. He's a vampire. His name, by the way, is Randolf Cordell."

He raised an eyebrow. “And just how do you know that?"

"Rachel—who's currently hog-tied in the back parking lot and waiting for us to pick her up." He snorted softly and shook his head. “Maybe I should just leave this case to you. You seem to be doing a hell of a lot better at unpicking the pieces than I am." She grinned. “That's because I attract trouble better than most. You able to stand?"

"I'm burned, not disabled. Of course I can stand."

Her grin widened. “Just as well vampires don't get sick. You'd be a horrible damn patient."

"And you'd be the most annoying nurse.” He stood, then pulled her towards him, crushing the ice pack between them. If it was cold, she didn't feel it. He smiled slightly. “But I wouldn't mind seeing you in a nice little nurse's uniform."

"Oh yeah? That some sort of fetish I should know about?"

"Maybe,” he murmured. He bent and kissed her so hard and so long it snatched her breath and left her dizzy.

"Damn,” she muttered when she was able to breathe again. “Maybe you should get mugged more often."

"If you stayed—” He hesitated then stepped away, catching the ice pack as it fell. “You want to lead the way to Rachel?"

If you stayed. The unfinished sentence echoed through the link, through her soul. She smiled slightly. At least he was thinking about it, even if he wasn't yet ready to take that risk.

"This way,” she said, and led the way to the back parking lot and Rachel. Michael squatted beside the prone vampire and lightly touched her cheek. She was hot, burning hot. Like Nikki had been when the flame imps were in her. Like Elizabeth was this evening. He met Nikki's gaze. “She has an imp in her?"

She nodded and crossed her arms, as if to ward off a chill. “Yes. And I think its controlling her fledgling desires, at least to some extent. It's given her control."

"And yet she still desires to eat.” It meant the vampire urges were strong—maybe too strong to save her. He glanced down at the young vampire. Rachel was awake, her blue eyes dark with fury. Do you want to live?

He filled the thought with cold anger. She blinked, and fear stirred in her thoughts. She nodded. We want to live.

He wasn't sure if it was the imp replying, or Rachel, or maybe even both. It didn't really matter, as long as they obeyed. If I release you, you will do as you're told? You will not try to escape?

Again she nodded.

Because if you do try ... He left the thought hanging. Rachel knew what would happen if she tried. He could see the knowledge of death hovering in her mind. He took the car keys out of his pocket and handed them to Nikki. “Bring the car around. I'll contact Seline and see what we can arrange." She spun away, her footsteps echoing across the night. He scanned the parking lot, then reached out with his mind.

About damn time, came Seline's grumble. I was beginning to worry. If she were truly worried, she would have sent someone else out here to see what was going on . Got several problems for you, Seline. First up, is there anyone near Jackson Hole who could come and collect a package?

Package? Human or other?

Other. A young vampire who may be hosting another entity in her body. Nikki believes both can be saved. He didn't think so himself—not if the hunger in Rachel's mind was anything to go by. Doyle's flying in from Utah. I can get him to divert immediately. Silence filled the line for several seconds. A friend of his owns the Triple T ranch off Moose-Wilson Road. Apparently it has a private air strip. As long as he can get the proper clearances, he'll be there in twenty minutes. What's this other entity? Anything dangerous?

Nikki drove up. Michael began unwrapping the young vampire's feet. They apparently call themselves flame imps. They're some sort of fire creatures. I haven't seen them, but Nikki has. They can inhabit the bodies of others, controlling them.

Did Elizabeth have one in her? Was this magician's control over the imp in her the reason she couldn't leave?

Surprise whisked down the line. Flame imps? Haven't heard of them for ages. I didn't think there were any here in America.

Nikki climbed out of the car and walked toward them. She had a distracted look in her eyes, as if she were listening to something. Maybe she was, he thought, and snapped the link closed between them. She blinked, then glared at him. He smiled slightly and rose, pulling Rachel roughly to her feet. Then you've heard of them?

There's mention of them dotted throughout ancient texts.

So what are they, exactly?

Michael thrust Rachel into the back seat then climbed in beside her. She might have promised to behave, but he wasn't about to trust her. Not with Nikki in the car with them. “Head toward Moose-Wilson Road,” he said, as Nikki climbed back into the driver's seat. “We're looking for the Triple T ranch." She nodded and didn't ask the questions he could sense in her mind. Seline's shrug shimmered down the line. The imps are energy spirits, basically. They're generally only seen during the lunar cycle's new moon phases. It is said they can find human form during that time, and that no human male who sees them can resist them. If they can find human form, why were they being forced into people like Rachel—and maybe Elizabeth?

So they're some sort of energy siren?

Partially—they do not devour their prey, just suck the energy from them, leaving them drained but alive. And only during their mating cycles. I've never heard of them actually cohabiting within another's body.

It's something they appear to have no choice in. The man behind the kidnappings is apparently using magic to force them into the bodies of others—generally vampires, from what I've seen. Probably because a vampire is the only being capable of withstanding the heat of the imp for any length of time. Humans would literally melt.

Nikki hadn't, but then, they weren't really in her that long. But the vampire at the airport had melted. Maybe there were limits, even then.

I take it that you've encountered the man behind all this?

Yes. He's a vampire named Randolf Cordell. He's using a magic-induced shield to cover his appearance. Which should not have been necessary if the man was a vampire. Walking in shadows should have been cover enough.

I'll do a search and see what I come up with. In the meantime, be careful. Do not trust her, Michael.

Anger surged again. You could have told me Elizabeth was here, Seline. I didn't need to discover that myself. Particularly when Nikki had been there to witness it. You needed the shock of her appearance to see her as she is, not as she lives in your memory. It worked, did it not?

Yes. Or maybe it hadn't been the shock of seeing Elizabeth, but rather the shock of seeing the hurt and anger in Nikki's eyes and suddenly realizing she meant a hell of a lot more to him than Elizabeth ever had. He might have given up life for Elizabeth, but he would give up eternity for Nikki. Amusement shimmered down the line. Always knew you had the makings of a romantic somewhere in that dark heart of yours.

And you, witch, know better than to intrude on my thoughts like that. She chuckled. We ran that check on Lucas and Ginger Rodeman and came up with some interesting results.

He raised an eyebrow at the wisp of excitement in her mental tones. It usually meant she was on the verge of cracking a big case, and that certainly wasn't happening here. Not that his was the only case the Circle had on their plate. Hell, Doyle had been in Utah sorting out some disaster there, and they had close to twenty other agents currently scattered throughout America and Europe. What did you find?

For a start, that image you gave me came up as a match for three separate people—Michelle Hannerman, reported missing by her husband some three months ago. Frances Baker, reported missing some two months ago by her husband, and Mary Gordon, who's car was found smashed into a tree some eight months ago.

Hannerman and Baker were two of the fifteen men who had been lost, then found, at the resort. Ginger had told Nikki she was a lure, and she obviously hadn't just meant Rodeman. Is Mary Gordon still missing? If she was, then maybe they'd found Ginger's true identity. Yes, and police suspect foul play, as there was blood all over the car. It wouldn't have taken a bright mind to reach that conclusion . There would be, if she'd just had a car accident.

Yes, but there was more blood than the accident would account for. What about Ginger Rodeman? Any chance that she's really Mary Gordon?

According to the marriage license, Ginger's maiden name is Holemont. So far, we haven't been able to find her in any records. What we have discovered is that in recent months there's been some unusual cash transactions in all the abductee's accounts.

He's stealing their money? It was hard to believe someone would set up such an elaborate plot just to steal a few dollars.

It's not just a few dollars, Michael. These men are all incredibly rich, and we're talking millions from each. But it's heading to a charity that appears perfectly legitimate. Appearing legitimate didn't actually make it legitimate. You're checking it out, I gather? He glanced out the side window. A sign indicated they were nearing Moose-Wilson Road. Yes. I'll get back to you as soon as I have anything. In the meantime, as I said, be careful. If she was repeating her warning, she had to be seeing some bad shit headed his way. I will. Thanks. The link closed. He glanced up and met Nikki's gaze in the rearview mirror. Her eyes sparkled with gold fire in the darkness and were filled with an odd mix of anger and understanding.

"All sorted?” she asked.

"Yes. Turn right at the intersection. The Triple T, from memory, is only a mile or two down on the left.”

He'd heard Doyle talking about it a couple of times and just had to hope he'd heard the directions right. What they didn't need right now was to be wandering up and down the road looking for a damn ranch. She nodded. He ripped the tape from Rachel's mouth. She hissed, but otherwise managed to control the fury he perceived in her mind. “We're giving you both the chance to live." Rachel snorted. “We do not want your charity. We do not want your help." He leaned back, regarding her steadily. “So you're happy to continue doing Cordell's bidding until you literally melt away? Which, from what we've seen, is only a matter of months away." Rachel stared at him for several seconds, then licked her lips. “What do you mean, melt? We are not melting."

"It happened to the chauffeur at the airport,” Nikki said, watching Rachel through the rearview mirror rather than watching the road. “And it killed both the imp and his vampire host."

"No. It's not possible. He told us there would be no danger." Nikki raised her eyebrows. “And you believe a man who has already killed eight of your number?" Michael leaned forward, tapping her on the shoulder, redirecting her attention to the road and the sign she was about to sideswipe. She straightened the car and flashed him a grin that burned his soul.

"Who told you this?” Rachel asked, crossing her arms and glaring at the back of Nikki's neck. Lust rushed in heat waves through her mind, and the look in her blue eyes changed to hunger as her canine's lengthened.

Michael grabbed her face, squeezing her cheeks hard enough to fracture bone. “Don't even think about it,” he warned flatly, forcing her to look him in the eye. “You touch one hair and you're dead, understand?"