He Hates Me Not Page 26

I’ve been watching how Paolo has been turning her into his own mafia princess, his legacy and heir. I’ve been watching how she stood in front of the mirror and touched her fingers to the collar.

I wonder if she thinks about me as much as I think about her, or if touching her collar has become a habit.

If she wanted to remove it, she could’ve asked for her father’s help and it would’ve been done, but she didn’t.

She didn’t even attempt to get rid of it herself, even when she escaped, almost as if wanting me to find her wearing that collar.

Tonight, my little Petal and I will have our final and real goodbye. I’ll make her worst nightmare come true, and she’ll hate me for fucking eternity.

She’s wrong. I can’t just let go.

Every time I sleep, all I see is my mother’s dead eyes and the blood soaking her chest after Petal’s fucking father, uncle, and grandfather killed everyone I had in cold blood.

Because of that, I turned into this bitter person with no attachment, trust or fucking belonging — aside from being a dog to my family’s mass shooter.

“Ready?” Enzo asks from beside me in the car.

We’re both wearing tuxedos to mingle with the rest of the crowd at Paolo’s party. A party where he’ll introduce my little Petal as his rightful heir.

A party I’ll burn down to the ground.

“Is Angelo in position?” I ask.

“Already in.”

I button my jacket as I step out of the car. “Let’s do this.”

We go into the house, flashing fake invites that the guards gobble up. They don’t suspect Enzo since he’s been a Costa ally his entire life, but the guard at the entrance must be new considering he doesn’t recognize me either. If he did, I would’ve gotten rid of him, so he’s lucky to live a few more minutes.

Enzo and I don’t waste time between partygoers — the fuckers in tuxedos and the women in expensive gowns and jewelry who are pretending they’re here for my little Petal. They’re only here for the Costa’s power. While Paolo is old and frail, his name is enough to attract the entire fucking city.

We go separately to corners and disable as many alarm systems as possible without triggering the control room.

Once I determine we crippled the outside security enough, I retrieve my phone and text Stephan that it’s time.

Sure, I could’ve brought what remains of my men and went in an all-out war against the Costas, but they have more manpower than me and the city is their turf. All my men would end up dead, and I’d be captured, tortured and probably killed.

Going all in would’ve only hurt me and my men, and the people who look up to me back in Sicily.

So I did the next best thing; using their manpower against each other.

With Stephan’s help on Lucio’s side, I’ve managed to convince the younger brother that his only way to rule is to get rid of Paolo and Georgina when they least expect it.

Lucio has been restless lately, thinking all his efforts will go to waste and he’ll lose the king position when he’s so close to tasting it.

But being a Costa, he never actually wanted to kill Paolo. He’s fine with finishing off Georgina and her mother, but not his brother. It’s his fucked up way of picking the only family member he has left.

However, now that Paolo is threatening his life, all I need is a devil — in the form of Stephan — to whisper over Lucio’s shoulder and convince him that Paolo will kill him, so he might as well do it first.

What’s the best way to catch Paolo off guard than at his own party?

The moment Lucio ambushes him, Paolo’s men will fight, and I’ll watch as they kill each other.

Angelo will take Petal to a safe place until this whole shitstorm is over. Once her father drops dead, she’ll hate me; she’ll despise me, she’ll want to kill me.

I’ll take it.

After all, she would’ve never been fully mine with the way things are heading.

She’ll always be a Costa and I’ll always be a Vitallio.

We’re not little Joseph and Jasper from the boarding school. We’re not two young souls finding refuge in each other, now we’re enemies and it’s all because of her fucking family.

Remaining near the windows, I pretend to talk to Enzo while we stare outside.

A few of Lucio’s men have started to filter inside. Two of Paolo’s men at the entrance drop to the ground after being shot at.

The war has already begun.

Enzo toasts his glass of champagne with mine, a slight smirk on his lips.

He’s the type who doesn’t only love the taste of revenge but also chaos. Watching people die darkens his eyes in a sick type of sadism almost similar to mine when I used to be a cleaner dog.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my home.” Paolo’s voice echoes from the top of the stairs. He’s wearing a tuxedo and raises a glass of champagne.

Your very last, old man.

“I’m happy you decided to join us for the introduction of my long lost daughter as the rightful Costa heir. Please raise your glasses to Georgina Costa.”

I smirk, imagining his disappointment when she won’t show up.

Fuck him basically.

Angelo must be taking her outside and —

A petite woman puts her fair hand in Paolo’s as she stands beside him. She’s wearing a black dress that reaches her knees. Her black hair falls in waves to the middle of her back.

My mood darkens in a fraction of a second.

What the fuck is she doing here? She’s supposed to be gone. I told Angelo to drug her, because there’s no way in fuck she would’ve gone with him willingly.

The hall erupts with toasts as my phone vibrates with a text.

Angelo: Sorry, boss, she was already with her father when I got there.


Fucking fuck!

That woman always ruins my plans. Fucking always.

I steal a look outside, but it’s already too late.

As the people inside toast to Paolo’s new heir and she smiles like a princess on her father’s throne, my other plan goes into motion as smoothly as a boat in a calm sea.

Enzo takes cover to watch the chaos unfold.

I run upstairs. To her — my fucking damnation.

Paolo’s face contorts upon seeing me and Petal’s features morph in both relief and surprise.

Before either of them can do anything, Lucio’s men barge from the grand double doors.

Screams and gunshots echo in the air as loud voices tell everyone to go outside.

Lucio wouldn’t hurt his investors and money bringers. The only one he has an interest in are the two people standing in front of me.

I grab Petal by the arm and pull her behind me.

“Jas...what are you doing?”

“Saving your fucking life, which would’ve happened without all this drama if you followed Angelo.”

“Papa…” She struggles against me despite my steel hold. “I have to get Papa.”



“Shut the fuck up and follow me, Petal. Lucio won’t hesitate to kill you.”

“He’ll hurt Papa.” Her voice is emotional, angry, but also sad.

“Let go of my daughter right now, Vitallio.” A click of a gun sounds behind me and I stop.

Slowly turning around, I find Paolo oblivious to the whole mess around him, to his guards being killed, to Lucio walking in with a smug grin like a king in another man’s country.