He Hates Me Page 29

"Like what?"

"Like... do you have any siblings?" He shakes his head, his mouth setting in a thin line, and I give it a moment's thought before I go on. "What about pets? I know you don't like cats, but maybe a dog?"

"No." His answer is firm and leaves room for no other questions. "Are you done with the interrogation?"

"I've barely asked you two questions!" I sigh in frustration and roll onto my front, with my feet up in the air. "What about your job, then? You haven't even told me what you do?"

"I told you," he mutters. "I work in HR, at C Electronics. You could say I'm someone who gets things done."

"Okay." I raise an eyebrow at him. "For the company?"

"For the family."

"Which family?"

He groans. "Is this necessary?"

"Yes," I insist. "Who do you run errands for?"

"You met him," Jas mutters.

"That Lucio guy?" He nods reluctantly. Once again, the thought of the creepy guy I'd seen in front of my apartment sends chills down my spine. There's something unnerving about him. I remind myself not to judge and try to find out more before I make any crazy assumptions. Just because he gives me the creeps doesn't mean he's a bad person. "So, what kind of errands do you run for him?"

"Whatever needs doing." Jas yawns and pulls the duvet higher. "Can we go to sleep, Petal? You're getting on my nerves."

"Just one more question," I beg, and he finally gives in, glaring at me as he motions for me to go on. "Have you hurt anyone for this Lucio guy?"

"Define hurt."

"You know what I mean, Jas." The question is making my own heart race. I taste acid. I'm scared of Jasper's answer. "Have you hurt innocent people as part of your job?"

He stares back at me, but says nothing. His full lips thin into a line and we have a silent blinking competition that I lose.

"Answer me," I demand.

"Stop bossing me around. I own you, not the other way around, Petal."

"Like fuck you do." I'm out of the bed in a flash, eyes filled with anger. It seems like not even an hour can go by without us getting into an argument, and the last one is still too fresh on my mind to just sweep it under the rug. "Are you going to answer me, Jasper? Because if you're not, the fucking door is right there."

He follows my pointed finger and stares at the door like he's contemplating whether he should just walk out on me. I know I'm being crazy, but I can't help it. All of Jas' cryptic answers, that weird guy Lucio, and then the scene at the club tonight – I can't just pretend it's nothing.

"Are you sure, Pet?" he finally asks, and I find myself nodding. I've gone too far with this now. I can't just back out.

As he gets up and my heart starts to hammer out of control, I ignore it. I stare at the floor, hoping he'll change his mind, but instead, he grabs his boxers and jeans and pulls them on. I stare at his chiseled body. He has some questionable scars I've asked nothing about. Now that I opened the Pandora’s box, I'm afraid to know the truth.

Jas gets dressed and approaches me. "You keep sending me away. I wonder when you're going to realize I'm never leaving."

I shrug him off and he takes the hint, walking away. Just when he's at the bedroom door, my stupid heart calls out to him, and the words tear themselves from my lips before I can stop myself.

"Jas, wait..."

He doesn't need to be told twice. Jasper turns around, reaching me in four quick steps and throwing my trembling body on the bed.

"You never tell me to leave again, Pet," he growls at me.

His fingers tear at my shirt with possessive need, buttons flying everywhere. He rips my shirt open down the middle and I gasp when his fingers find my nipples. They twist and pinch painfully and I cry out, but not for long – a moment later, Jas sucks my nipple into his mouth and bites down, causing waves of ecstasy to roll through my body.

"That's for being a controlling little monster," he groans against my skin. "And this is for telling me to leave. A pet doesn’t tell their master to leave, is that clear?"

I mewl when he bites me, but he only takes it as an invitation to take things further. It makes me wonder when I'm going to admit his cruel kind of love is exactly what I need, and what I've wanted this whole time. The missing piece.

As he continues his assault on my body, the realization I hid away from the entire night hits me.

Jasper following me.

The spider.

The glass.

The window.

The spider.

The glass.

The window.

I push Jasper off.

"What the fuck now?" He makes a grab for me, but I dodge it, running into the kitchen. He follows behind and I stand trembling in front of the kitchen cabinets. "What is it, Pet?"

"I want some water," I say, trying to stay calm. "Can you pour me a glass?"

Jas gives me an odd look, but shrugs and heads for the cabinet with the glasses. He doesn't even hesitate to ask where they are. And he gets it right on the first try.

"How did you know where the glasses were?"

He freezes mid-move, turning to give me a sideways look over his shoulder. "Huh?"

"The glasses. How did you know where they were?"

"I probably saw you take them out before."

"I don't think so." I cross my arms. "Oh my God. It's you, isn't it?"

"What the fuck are you talking about, Pet?" He looks menacing as he walks up to me. "What are you on about now?"

"You're the freak who's been following me around!" I cry out, jamming a finger into his chest. "You left the window open. You took care of that spider. You put the glass back."

"Petal." Jas' eyes burn with silent fire, urging me not to go on. "Drop this now. I'm warning you."

"Is it you?" I demand. "Are you the one who's been... stalking me?"

He stares back at me, eyes cold.

"Answer me!" I slam my fists against his chest, but he easily gathers them in his hands and pulls me away. "What do you want to hear, Pet? I don't think it's the truth."

"It would be a nice change," I scoff, pulling free of his grip. "Because all you've done so far is fucking lie. I don't know whether a single thing I know about you is the truth. Including your name."

"Fine." His voice is cold now, dripping with ice. "I've been keeping an eye on you. Someone had to."

"What?" I run my hands through my hair as I stare at him. "I can't believe it. You... I... You had me thinking I was crazy, Jasper! Imagining things, going insane..."

"I was trying to take care of you," he grits out.

"I can take care of myself!" The bastard actually laughs out loud and I scream, attacking him again. From the sofa, my cats watch us fighting without a care in the world. Unfaithful little bastards. "I can't believe what you've done. You're sick, Jas! Sick!"

"I've heard worse," he replies, and despite it all, it hurts me for him. "Since you're getting so good at finding out the truth, ask me some more shit, Pet. I'm done holding back."