Unlocked Page 36

ENHANCER: An elf who stores energy in the tips of their fingers, which can amplify the strength of someone else’s ability. Enhancing happens automatically through touch, so Enhancers often wear gloves (or in some cases, special gadgets) to allow themselves some control over when and who they help—though it appears that special mental exercises may be effective in training the mind to switch the ability on and off. Reported Enhancers: Sophie Foster

FLASHER: An elf who can sense and manipulate light—most often by gathering it into glowing orbs or beams of a single color on the visible spectrum. Uses for flashing range from entertainment to medicine to battle tactics. Reported Flashers: Councillor Clarette, Elwin Heslege, Wylie Endal, Cyrah Endal, Orem Vacker, Luzia Vacker, Glimmer

FROSTER: An elf who can sense and gather particles of ice in the air and use them to freeze things, create snowfall, or form any shapes they desire. They can also cover themselves with ice as a disguise. Reported Frosters: Juline Dizznee

GUSTER: An elf who can sense and manipulate wind, creating everything from breezes to storms. The ability is elemental, and the wind is always calling—which tends to make Gusters more powerful than other elves (and, at times, slightly unstable). Reported Gusters: Durand Redek, Councillor Velia, Trix


HYDROKINETIC: An elf who can sense the presence of water (whether it’s the invisible particles in the air, or a nearby lake or ocean) and manipulate the water any way they choose (lifting rivers, draining pools, making it rain—or drying something off—or even bending it into shapes or forming tidal waves). Like other elemental abilities, the pull of the water is relentless, so without training (and constant vigilance), Hydrokinetics can cause floods. Reported Hydrokinetics: Linh Song

INFLICTOR: An elf who can gather their emotions into tangible mental energy and launch the force at others. In the case of negative emotions, the ability can cause tremendous pain and even incapacitate someone. And in the (rare) instance when positive emotions are inflicted, the ability can heal a broken mind. As a result, Inflictors are closely monitored by the Council. Reported Inflictors: Sophie Foster, Councillor Bronte

MESMER: An elf who can sense someone’s will and manipulate it, putting them into a kind of trance and controlling their actions and behavior. Someone being mesmerized remains conscious but can rarely resist the Mesmer’s command, which is why those with the ability are often mistrusted (and are closely watched by the Council). Reported Mesmers: Grady Ruewen

PHASER: An elf who can sense the bond between their cells and temporarily break it down, allowing them to slip through solid barriers like walls, doors—anything they want. Some can even delay re-forming, allowing them to hide their identity from others. Reported Phasers: Fernan Babblos, Lady Alexine, Councillor Darek, Blur

POLYGLOT: An elf who instinctively speaks any and all languages, including those of the other intelligent species (and human dialects). In rare cases, the ability even allows them to communicate with animals. Polyglots’ accents are flawless, and with practice, they’re able to perfectly mimic the vocal tones and inflections of others—on a level far beyond a convincing impression. Polyglots also often (but not always) have more than one special ability. Reported Polyglots: Sophie Foster, Lady Cadence Talle, Lady Gisela Sencen, Councillor Clarette

PSIONIPATH: An elf who can sense and manipulate energy, shaping it into charged force fields around themselves and others. Psionipaths are often unstable—and can seem unstoppable in battle situations (though their force fields can be broken down by Flashers and Shades). Reported Psionipaths: Ruy Ignis, Maruca Chebota

PYROKINETIC: An elf who can sense and control the heat in the air and use it to spark anything from a tongue of flame to a raging inferno. Like with other elemental abilities, a Pyrokinetic’s hunger for fire can be insatiable, and that craving eventually led one of them to call down Everblaze. When he attempted to teach others, the lesson tragically resulted in five deaths (which is what caused the Council to ban pyrokinesis). Since the ability is now illegal, Pyrokinetics are forced to live as Talentless. Reported Pyrokinetics: Fintan Pyren, Brant, Marella Redek


SHADE: An elf with the ability to sense and control darkness, either by focusing on shadowvapor, or (in the case of the strongest Shades) by focusing on shadowflux. Shades can also use their shadow to carry their voice into someone’s mind (shadow-whispering) and can read a person’s potential for darkness. Given the focus on light in the Lost Cities, Shades are often mistrusted and ill-spoken-of. Reported Shades: Tam Song, Lady Zillah, Umber


TECHNOPATH: An elf who can communicate with technology through its inherent “language” and can use that knowledge to create new inventions or manipulate gadgets to their will. Reported Technopaths: Dex Dizznee, Tinker, Lady Iskra


TELEPATH: An elf who can sense the thoughts of others and shield their own mind. Telepaths have a code of rules to follow (to prevent them from abusing their power) and are extremely important to the Council, serving as Keepers, Washers, and Probes. If they find another Telepath they trust, they can even become Cognates (which gives the pair a greater level of power). Reported Telepaths: Sophie Foster, Fitz Vacker, Alden Vacker, Mr. Forkle/Magnate Leto, Sir Tiergan Alenefar, Councillor Emery, Councillor Kenric, Prentice Endal, Quinlin Sonden, Gethen Ondsinn, Damel Kafuta, Lady Pemberley

TELEPORTER: An elf who can use momentum to build a unique type of energy that can create a crack in the void for them to slip through. Once inside the void, they can travel to any location they visualize (so long as it’s not underground). Reported Telepaths: Sophie Foster (though alicorns can teleport as well)


VANISHER: An elf who can sense the light making contact with their skin (or clothing) and allow it to pass through their cells (instead of bouncing off), rendering themselves invisible—even when they’re moving (though the length and quality of their vanish is dependent on their training). Reported Vanishers: Councillor Ramira, Biana Vacker, Della Vacker, Alvar Vacker, Wraith

VOCIFERATOR: An elf who can manipulate the volume of their voice to an extreme degree, making earsplitting screams that force everyone to pay attention to them and that can even be incapacitating. Reported Vociferators: Councillor Noland



The elves are so focused on special abilities that they often overlook (or completely forget) that they also possess a number of useful skills. Practice is needed to fully utilize each skill—which is sorely lacking in the Lost Cities. (Foxfire’s physical education session touches on a few, but the real skill training happens at Exillium—which is part of the problem. Until recently, Exillium was seen as an unfavorable institution.) Efforts are currently being made to place more emphasis on skill training, particularly since the Neverseen brought down the castle in Lumenaria with nothing more than skill, focus, and patience—and Alvar Vacker used skills to survive and escape an otherwise deadly situation.

Known elvin skills include:

APPETITE SUPPRESSION: controlling hunger by focusing on something else as a distraction. Can even slow digestion and allow longer survival without food.

BLINKING: similar to vanishing—but blinking lasts a maximum of a few seconds, and requires far greater concentration and absolute stillness.

BREATH CONTROL: controlling the distance between breaths by distracting the mind, slowing the body’s systems, and focusing on the air remaining in the lungs.