Unlocked Page 44


Okay, this might not look as comfortable as a tunic (and it isn’t!). But some things are so stunning, they’re worth that little extra discomfort—and jerkins definitely fall into that category. I mean, look at all that incredible detail!




WHILE THE MAJORITY OF ELVIN culture primarily focuses on education (and general world-betterment), life in the Lost Cities of course still includes a healthy measure of entertainment—particularly in the form of hobbies, sports, and games.

Elvin hobbies include activities like swimming, hiking, drawing, dancing, baking, and animal care—as well as the incredibly popular pastime of trading Prattles pins. Thus far, no one has ever managed to obtain a complete collection of Prattles pins. In fact, the closest anyone has ever come is still lacking three key pins—and the owner of the collection (who prefers to remain nameless) has developed a strong dislike of both the taste and smell of the candy after opening so many packages.

Elvin sports are equally varied. Children grow up playing base quest and bramble—and elves of every age enjoy the Bramble Championship held every three years (though the recent turmoil with the Neverseen led the Council to indefinitely postpone the most recently scheduled game). Foxfire is also known for its Ultimate Splotching Championship, as well as numerous other team-oriented games played during the physical education session.

For a unique glimpse at two of the popular elvin sports, included on the next page are the additional rules for both bramble and base quest, created by Fitz Vacker for the well-known matches that he and his friends regularly hold at Everglen.


No time-outs.

Abilities are allowed.

Tackling is also allowed—but no knocking anyone into the lake!

(That one’s for you, Biana!)

Covering the ball in anything from Slurps and Burps is definitely cheating!

(Looking at you, Keefe!)

Pretending to be injured and then tackling someone who tries to help you is also cheating.

(Another one for you, Keefe.)

Losers owe the winners a dare.

Winners get to eat all the mallowmelt in the kitchen.

(And no, Keefe—I’m not scared. Get ready to lose!)


Both teams’ bases have to be within the main gate.

The team that chooses their base first has to quest first.

No hiding muskogs in someone’s base!

(We all know that wasn’t a “random muskog encounter,” Keefe!)

Abilities are allowed.

(But staying invisible the whole time makes playing with you super boring, Alvar!)

There’s no prize for winning.

(Because you guys get way too competitive!)



Prattles Pins


Prattles Kraken (AKA Krakie)

#32 of 709


Prattles Alicorn

#2 of 4


Prattles Sasquatch (AKA The Stink)

#467 of 982


Prattles Flareadon

#55 of 329


Prattles Moonlark

#10 out of #91




THANKS TO THE HARD WORK and creativity of numerous talented Technopaths, the elves have an abundance of gadgets at their disposal to facilitate life in the Lost Cities, or to provide a measure of privacy or protection.

Some of the most well-known gadgets are:


A necklace-style gadget worn when someone wants to remain private or anonymous. Addlers make it impossible for anyone to focus on the wearer’s face, effectively keeping them from being recognized or remembered.


A triangular gadget that allows the user to breathe at extremely high altitudes—though only in small, contained spaces.


Special rings made of ruminel (a rare metal that reacts to mental energy and has a magnetic draw) that Cognates wear, both to symbolize their telepathic relationship and to keep their hands connected when working telepathically.


Vendors use these gadgets—which come in several forms (sometimes pendants or rings—but most commonly as cuffs worn on the arm)—to access their customers’ birth funds and process any payment due.


Anything meant to remain “secure” in the Lost Cities can only be accessed by providing the necessary DNA (generally through saliva) on these small, subtly placed sensors. Some sensors—like those on the lockers at Foxfire—even change flavor.


These silver forklike gadgets are stuck into the ground in order to provide a measure of protection from ogres. When triggered, effluxers release a cloud of scent that damages ogres’ sinuses (and isn’t particularly pleasant for any nearby elves).


These tiny, clever gadgets are technically one of a kind and were designed by Tinker in order to give Sophie Foster control over her enhancing ability. The small curves of silver fit over her fingernails and create an undetectable force field around her hands—kind of like invisible gloves. Tapping the fingers five times activates or deactivates the blockers.


It’s hard to decide if a home crystal is an accessory or a gadget, but whichever category someone places them in won’t affect how vital these pendants are, providing a safe path home for those without access to Leapmasters or pathfinders.


A handheld communication device that allows someone to speak with a projection of anyone they “hail” (though there are certain restrictions on which elves are “reachable”—the Councillors, for instance, can only be hailed with Imparters that have been granted special permission). Imparters are thin, palm-size crystal squares with a silver sheen—and users should be careful, since it’s now known that Imparters can be tampered with.


Since pathfinders are limited to those with the Council’s approval, most residences in the Lost Cities are equipped with some form of Leapmaster—a ceiling-mounted device comprising numerous dangling crystals, which raise or lower on command and create a path to the requested location. Leapmasters are often named for the number of locations they include. (For instance, the Leapmaster 500 has 500 locations.)


A T-shaped mouthpiece that allows the user to safely breathe underwater for an unlimited amount of time.


As one of the rare weapons used in the Lost Cities, melders are meant to incapacitate—not cause permanent harm (though repeated blasts, particularly at close range, can be highly dangerous). Melders have a sleek curved handle that connects to a triangle of silver with a single button in the center, and they can cause instant, painful paralysis.


These bracelet-style gadgets put a force field around the wearer during light leaps as an extra layer of safety. Nexuses cannot be removed unless the meter on the underside (which measures the strength of the wearer’s concentration) becomes full, proving their mind is now strong enough to leap unassisted. Their signal can also be tracked.


A device designed to block the signals from any technology near the wearer—but nulls can also be adjusted to block only certain frequencies.