Unlocked Page 52

The truth is, while the elves have valid reasons to be concerned about some of the things humans do (like crime, pollution, wars, etc.), Sophie also discovered in Nightfall that the elves have hidden a very dark secret.

The kind of secret that might have prevented humans from losing their status as “intelligent species” if the Council hadn’t covered it up.

So, I put humans in the section where they rightly belong. Only time will tell if the elves are ever willing to do the same.

(And yes, I am aware of how strange it sounds to talk about humans like I’m not one of them. My friends are constantly teasing me about it. Writing is a weird job! )






(translates to Gildingham in the Enlightened Language)


Queen Hylda


The first time Sophie saw goblins, Fitz told her they were “the most dangerous creatures you’ll ever meet.” And while the ogres might take exception to that, Fitz definitely wasn’t wrong. Goblins start battle training as toddlers, and focus heavily on weapons and war tactics throughout their lives. They also have heightened senses to detect threats or intruders (though their senses can be fooled by those who know certain tricks). All of which is why they make excellent bodyguards for the Council—and for Sophie and her friends. But the goblins’ military-driven ways are only one side of their culture. They also have a tremendous appreciation for beauty and art, as is evidenced by the delicate, shimmering architecture of their capital city. They don’t need their buildings to be strong, or to provide protection. Instead, they prefer to live somewhere that inspires awe—somewhere worth defending. And if peace truly became a reality, the goblins would happily set down their throwing stars and swords and celebrate that no more fallen soldiers would be added to their Hall of Heroes. Queen Hylda only keeps her forces poised for a fight because she fears that one is coming (particularly with the ogres, who have long been the major threat to the goblins’ safety). The goblin queen does everything in her power to ensure that if a war should happen, her people are armed, ready—and victorious.


The elvin-goblin treaty is one of the strongest of all the intelligent species’ treaties, which is why the Council trusts the goblins to be their personal bodyguards (and why they used the goblins for security in Lumenaria). Still, the relationship between elves and goblins has its limitations, particularly now that numerous goblins have lost their lives, between the Neverseen’s attack at Lumenaria and the ogre attack at Havenfield. The situation may dissolve further if no solution is found for what some are beginning to call “the human conundrum,” with human populations soaring and causing increased pollution and destruction to the planet. The goblins haven’t shown signs of being power-hungry or ambitious, nor have they demonstrated any desire to be the ultimate leaders over the elves. But they won’t allow anyone (ogres, trolls, humans, dwarves, gnomes—or elves) to cause harm to their world or their people. And if they did decide to break their treaty with the elves, it would be disastrous—particularly if any bodyguards turned against their charges.









ASSIGNMENT: Bodyguard to Sophie Foster

QUALIFICATIONS: Before being assigned to the Lost Cities, Sandor was in charge of his own squadron in the goblin army.

KNOWN FOR: His high-pitched, squeaky voice; overprotective personality; and rigid, disciplined approach to training and battle.

NOTES: Sophie isn’t always a fan of being followed around by a seven-foot-tall, stubborn (and exhausting) goblin. But she and Sandor have grown quite close over time, fighting side by side during battles and trusting each other with their lives. Sandor has had several brushes with death since he started protecting Sophie—and he’ll surely face many more, given the Neverseen’s ruthless tactics. Yet his concern is centered on Sophie’s safety—not his own. He did consider requesting reassignment once, after the Neverseen’s most brutal attack on Sophie, but only because he feared he’d failed his charge. Sandor also appears to be in a relationship with Grizel (Fitz Vacker’s bodyguard), but he’s careful to remain professional and not let any feelings interfere with his duties.






ASSIGNMENT: Bodyguard to Fitz Vacker

QUALIFICATIONS: Before volunteering to serve in the Lost Cities, Grizel was in charge of a squadron in the goblin army.

KNOWN FOR: Her husky voice and stealthy way of moving—as well as her teasing personality.

NOTES: Grizel is leaner than other goblins, with a natural grace and a light step—but she’s still every bit as deadly. Possibly more so, given her gift for sneaking up on others. She’s also highly competitive and loves a challenge, whether it’s on the battlefield or in a friendly wager—and if she wins the latter, there will be creative consequences. Rumors suggest that she and Sandor are romantically involved, but Grizel hasn’t let whatever may or may not be going on between them affect her behavior. She’s also been one of the primary proponents of the battle training that Sophie and her friends have been working through, believing the elves should learn to fight and protect themselves as much as they can.






ASSIGNMENT: Bodyguard to Biana Vacker

QUALIFICATIONS: Before being assigned to the Lost Cities, Woltzer served in Queen Hylda’s palace.

KNOWN FOR: Regularly getting scolded by Sandor for failing to keep control of his charge.

NOTES: Given how often Biana manages to sneak away from Woltzer, it may seem as though he’s somehow less competent at his duties than the other bodyguards. But protecting a Vanisher is no easy task—particularly someone as sneaky and strong-willed as Biana. And Woltzer has diligently fought to keep Biana safe, despite the trouble she causes him. Many do suspect, however, that Woltzer is eagerly hoping for a transfer to a new assignment as soon as possible.






ASSIGNMENT: Bodyguard to Dex Dizznee

QUALIFICATIONS: As the oldest of the goblins assigned to guard Sophie and her friends, Lovise has had decades of service in the goblin army. The only reason she hasn’t been placed in charge of her own squadron is because she prefers assignments that are more solitary.

KNOWN FOR: Her abundance of patience, which is particularly essential for her assignment, given that she spends a great deal of time around Dex’s triplet siblings.

NOTES: Lovise was severely injured during one of the Neverseen’s recent attacks, and yet she refused anything more than temporary battlefield remedies for her wounds until she’d reorganized the security. She then returned to Gildingham for proper treatment, and while she was there, Queen Hylda gave her the option of being reassigned. But Lovise has grown quite fond of Dex and chose to remain with her charge. She also became one of the few goblins to have visited a Forbidden City after going with Sophie, Dex, and Sandor to London.






ASSIGNMENT: Bodyguard to Edaline Ruewen