Unlocked Page 60




Ever since I invented cinnacreme for a scene in Lodestar, I’ve been wishing it existed. I mean, who doesn’t want to drink something warm and steamy that tastes like melted snickerdoodles?

Took me a little while to figure out the right combination of flavors to capture what I was imagining—but I finally did it! And now you (and your friends) can make yourselves mugs of cinnacreme too! (Just make sure you have a parent or adult with you while you try!)

Makes 2 servings


1/4 cup + 3/4 cup half-and-half (divided)

1/2 cup white chocolate chips

1 cinnamon stick

1 cup whole milk

1/8 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/4 cup mini marshmallows

Optional: extra mini marshmallows

and whipped cream for topping



In a small saucepan, combine 1/4 cup of half-and-half, white chocolate chips, and cinnamon stick.

Place on stove and set the burner to low heat.

Stir until chocolate melts.

Add remaining 3/4 cup of half-and-half, milk, salt, and ground cinnamon, stirring constantly.

Add mini marshmallows and stir until melted.

Pour into mugs.

Top with additional mini marshmallows and/or whipped cream if desired.


Note: This recipe works with any kind of milk you prefer. Personally, I like the thickness when it’s equal parts whole milk and half-and-half, but you can use anything you like. And make sure you’re working on low heat so the milk doesn’t scald.



Lushberry Juice

(the Forbidden Cities version)

Probably the number one request I’ve gotten from readers over the years is for a recipe for lushberry juice. And sadly, I’ve always had to tell everyone, “Alas, lushberries only exist in the Lost Cities”—which is true. I’ve yet to meet any gnomes who could grow some for me.


I did discover a way to create that perfectly refreshing, sweet-tart juice I’ve been imagining by using ingredients we humans have access to.

Bonus: It’s SUPER easy to make!

And so, I give you my recipe for the Forbidden Cities version of lushberry juice! (And even though this recipe is really simple, it’s still a good idea to have a parent or adult with you when you make it.)

Makes 4 servings


2 cups strawberry lemonade

1 cup pomegranate juice

1 cup sparkling water

Ice to serve



Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher and stir. Pour over ice. Enjoy!


Note: I use my favorite brand of store-bought strawberry lemonade when I make this, but you are welcome to make your own, if you want to be fancy like that.

For more Keeper-themed recipes, go to




Keefe’s Memories




THOSE WHO’VE READ LEGACY PROBABLY remember that Keefe is in the process of drawing all his memories, to see if it helps him remember anything his mom erased. And ever since I wrote those scenes, I’ve wished those drawings existed.

So when my editor and I were discussing what art to include in Unlocked Book 8.5, my immediate thought was, OHHHHHH, WE NEED TO HAVE A SECTION OF KEEFE’S MEMORIES WITH ONE FROM EACH BOOK IN THE SERIES!!!!

Thankfully, my editor agreed, and we began the nearly impossible task of deciding which memories to include. It wasn’t just about picking favorites (though there are definitely some of those in the mix)—we also needed to show the moments that Keefe might focus on, since all the gorgeous art is followed by Keefe’s personal commentary!

*pauses while Team Keefe does all the squealing*

We also let you guys settle the tie for the Exile memory. My editor and I had narrowed it down to two, and there was no way to pick, so I put a poll on my social media and let you guys choose.

And so, I give you the list of the amazing art you’re about to see:

THE MEETING (From Keeper of the Lost Cities)

THE FLIGHT (From Exile)

THE LEAP (From Everblaze)

THE BETRAYAL (From Neverseen)

THE DISASTER (From Lodestar)

THE TWIN (From Nightfall)

THE TRIBUNAL (From Flashback)

THE THING (From Legacy)




So… Foster thinks I might learn more from my memories if I try writing stuff about them after I finish the drawings. Not totally sure why. She gave me a big speech about the power of words and different ways of processing information. But I was only half listening because she gets this cute little crinkle between her eyebrows when she’s trying to be serious, and it makes me want to reach up and smooth her forehead with my fingertip—and I’m betting she’d think I was super weird if I did that, since it’s not like she’s my…

You know what?

I don’t know why I’m talking about this! Or writing about it—or thinking about it—or whatever I’m doing right now.

Pretty sure I’m just stalling, because this feels kiiiiiiiiiiiinda pointless.


Foster’s way smarter than I am. And nothing else I’ve tried has helped me remember anything new. So, I guess that means it’s time to write about my messed-up life—oh boy!

And in case I forget why I did this later, I’m writing about the memories here, instead of in the notebooks where I’ve been sketching them, because Lord Nosypants is always going through my stuff. (HEAR THAT, DADDIO? I’M ONTO YOU! AND I DARE YOU TO KEEP READING—I’M SURE I’LL HAVE LOTS TO SAY ABOUT YOUR AWESOME PARENTING SKILLS!) Plus, I have the world’s most annoying ogre constantly looking over my shoulder. (YEAH, I SEE YOU OVER THERE, PRINCESS! YOU’RE NOT AS SMOOTH AS YOU THINK YOU ARE!) So, basically, I’m separating the lock from the key. (GOOD LUCK FINDING ALL THE NOTEBOOKS, GUYS!)

Okay… let’s do this!


Ugh. The snooty expression on my dad’s face makes me want to throw a vial of gulon gas at him—and I have a photographic memory, so there’s no way I imagined it.

I think his hair actually bugs me more than his slimy smile does, though. It’s like… proof of how perfect and tidy he expects everyone and everything to be. One day I actually timed how long it took him to smooth every strand into place like that—especially that one little piece in the front. (I was grounded, okay? There wasn’t a whole lot else to do!) And he was at it for thirty-one minutes.

Thirty. One. Minutes.

Then he winked at his reflection and stalked away. (I so wish I were making that up!) What I wouldn’t give to be a Guster and be able to blast him with wind.…

But I’m guessing the point of this whole writing-about-my-memories thing isn’t to make fun of my dad’s hair, so…

*squints at drawing*

I honestly can’t tell who my dad’s showing off for. It could be Tiergan, since he definitely knew all about Tiergan’s fancy reputation—and my dad’s always looking to make new “connections.” But he could just as easily have been trying to impress Foster. I used to hear him talking about her to my mom, going on and on about how he was convinced that Foster was way more powerful than anyone knew.