Unlocked Page 90

He shrugged again, earning a growl that rattled the walls.

Are you still there? Sophie transmitted in a soft, worried tone that made Keefe imagine her tugging on her eyelashes.

Yeah, sorry. Ro was distracting me.

He smirked at his bodyguard as he sat up and tried to fix his hair—then wanted to smack himself since it wasn’t like Sophie could see him. And it was a good thing she couldn’t, because wow—he didn’t realize his hair could bend that many different directions at the same time.

He was also pretty sure the tingling in his cheek was from big, red pillow creases.

He’d tunneled under his blankets after Dex left, and he’d been there ever since, tossing and turning and flailing and thrashing and generally feeling sorry for himself.

Elwin had brought him dinner at some point—something he called Cosmic Explosion, with all kinds of weird, colorful fruits cut into stars and moons and planets and suns. It even had sparkly silver dust sprinkled on top. And it tasted as amazing as it looked, but Keefe had only been able to choke down a few bites before his insides knotted up.

So… how are you doing? Sophie asked.

Oh… you know.

He wanted to tell her he was great—convince her that things were already going back to normal.

But then she might want to visit.

I’ve been better, he said, flopping back onto his pillow. He pulled his blankets over his head before he added the words he didn’t even like admitting to himself. I think this ability is getting stronger. I almost used a command on Dex today. Twice.

Several seconds crawled by before Sophie asked, But you didn’t, right?

Yeah, I fought it off. But it was a STRUGGLE.

What was the command?

I’m not sure. I couldn’t let myself acknowledge the word, because I knew if I did, I’d HAVE to say it.

More painful silence. Then Sophie told him, Well… that sounds like good news.

Keefe snorted a laugh. You’re cute when you try to be optimistic, Foster. But we both know if I were there, I’d be seeing that little crinkle you get between your eyebrows when you’re worried. You’re reaching up to smooth it right now, aren’t you?

Actually, I’m rolling my eyes. You don’t have to get rid of the power, Keefe—you just have to learn how to control it. And that’s what you did today, right?

Keefe couldn’t bring himself to agree.

He wasn’t ready to feel optimistic—not when his throat hurt from the words he’d choked back, and his stomach hurt from all the failed medicines, and his head hurt from the constant emotional overload, and his heart hurt worse than anything.

At least he could do something about the last one.

I haven’t said I’m sorry yet, have I? he asked quietly.

No, Sophie admitted. But you don’t—

Yes, I do. He pulled his blankets tighter around himself, into a Cocoon of Shame. I’m really sorry, Sophie. I didn’t mean to make it seem like I don’t want to be around you, or like I think any of this is your fault. I definitely don’t.

Endless silence followed.

When Sophie finally responded, the thought was barely a whisper. It kinda seems like you do. I mean… you hung out with Dex—

I wouldn’t call it “hanging out,” he corrected. It was more like he lectured me and I fought the urge to use some creepy command on him. And he was only here because I’m hoping he might be able to make me a gadget like those fingernail things Tinker made for you—but, you know, for my voice.

Ohhhhh, that’s an awesome idea! She sounded so sweetly hopeful when she added, Does Dex think he can make something?

He wasn’t sure. But he’s going to try. And I guess Elwin and Kesler are working on some elixirs that might help too.

He decided not to mention the whole ability restrictor option, since he had a feeling Sophie would hate that idea even more than Dex did—and he wouldn’t blame her.

Plus, he was trying to apologize.

So… are we okay? he asked carefully. Or do I need to do some begging? I will. I’ll even write an apology poem if I have to. I just need to figure out what rhymes with “total jerkface.”

Her mental voice somehow carried her laughter. I think I’m good.

Hmm, that wasn’t very convincing. Apology poem it is! Imagine me clearing my throat now for dramatic effect, and… “Forgive me, Lady Foster. I never meant to make you mad—”

I wasn’t mad, Sophie interrupted.

Fine, we’ll switch it to “sad.” Is that better?

Sort of. It was more like… I don’t know. It just felt like you didn’t want to be my friend anymore.

Keefe sank deeper into his Cocoon of Shame. I know. I felt that when you left. And it totally killed me. I just… I didn’t know what else to do. I need a little more time to get control of whatever this ability is—then I promise I’ll be around so much, you’ll be trying to find ways to get rid of me. And I’ll be like, “NO WAY—TEAM FOSTER-KEEFE IS FOREVER.”

He could tell she was smiling when she said, I hope so.

So did he.

But they didn’t need to have his doubts in the mix.

So he told her, No need to hope, Foster. That will definitely be happening. I may even get us tunics that say “Foster-Keefe is back—and better than ever!” And—

Ro yanked back the blanket over Keefe’s head. “You’re doing that elf-y mind trick thing to talk to your pretty little Blondie, aren’t you? I knew it! It’s like I can feel the angst cloud lifting! So, I’m guessing you groveled enough to get her to forgive you?”

Keefe reluctantly nodded.

“THANK ALL THE SPARKLES FOR THAT! Now you just need to tell her you’re helplessly in love with her so she can be like”—Ro shifted her voice up an octave and clasped her hands against her heart—“ ‘Oh, Hunkyhair, I never realized you felt that way, even though it was ridiculously obvious to everyone else. And I’ve been in love with you forever—I just didn’t know it because I’m super oblivious. I’m sorry I wasted so much time crushing on Captain Perfect—come here, let’s do all the smooching ever!’ ”

She followed that with kissing sounds, and Keefe opened his mouth to tell Ro exactly where she could go.

But he caught himself at the last second.

“Gah, I almost had you!” She slumped into a dramatic sigh. “Fine. Get back to your little Blondie before she starts worrying that you’re ignoring her.”

Sorry, Keefe told Sophie. Ro distracted me again.

I figured. Everything okay?

Oh yeah. I’m just going to need to find some prank elixirs to punish her. I’m sure Elwin must have a stash somewhere.

I’d be stunned if he didn’t. What’s his house like?

Super Elwin-y in some ways. Mellower than I expected in others.

He almost added, You’ll have to see it sometime, but that would probably bring back the awkwardness.

So he went with a safer Definitely way better than being stuck with Daddy Dearest.

Yeah, I bet. And that reminds me… I don’t suppose you have any idea why your dad would get all weird about the term “merged abilities,” do you?

Nope. But what do you mean by “weird”?

It’s probably easier if I show you.