Broken Dreams Page 64

I closed my eyes and prayed Reed would come find me. “Please…please just let me go.”

He grabbed my face and got so close to me that I could feel his hot breath and smell the alcohol. “Did you tell that fucker about us?”

I closed my eyes as he squeezed harder, and I let out a small whimper.

“Look at me.”

I opened my eyes and tried to smile. “Yes.”

He laughed and whispered, “Liar. Don’t fucking lie to me, you bitch!”

He placed his hand on my stomach, and I pushed it away.

“Don’t touch me.”

He grabbed my hands and put them over my head as he held on to them with one hand.

Fuck. He is so strong.

He used his finger and began moving it along my cleavage.

“Please stop,” I whispered.

He moved his hand down my body, and my eyes snapped shut. I forgot that I had taken my panties off. He reached his hand up under my dress and slowly started to touch my inner thigh.

“Reed, please…I need you,” I whispered.

Noah instantly stopped moving his hand. “What in the fuck did you just say?” He pulled his hand out and grabbed my face again before he began trying to kiss me.

I tried turning my head. The moment his lips touched mine, I wanted to throw up.

Reed! Please, Reed, help me! I need you!

In that one second, I knew what I had to do. I needed to show Noah that he could no longer control me.

Reed…I need you…please hurry.

I walked down the hallway, heading back to Court’s bedroom. I had left my Kindle in her room, and I wanted to make sure I got it before we left to head back to Texas. A bedroom door opened, and Sissy ran right into me.

“Shit,” we both said as we hit each other hard.

“Damn it, Reed! What in the hell?”

I laughed and said, “Sorry, Sissy. I was heading to Courtney’s room to get my Kindle that I’d left here. I don’t want to forget it.”

She smiled and said, “Wow, are you two done already? That was fast.”

My smile faded as I looked at her, confused. “What do you mean?”

“You and Court…you know…getting it on in the library. She got your message to meet her in there.”

My heart dropped to my stomach. “I never sent her a message to meet me in the…” I turned and started running down the stairs.

“Reed? If it wasn’t you, who was it?”

I called back, “Oh God…Noah’s here. I have to get to Courtney.”

Sissy started running after me. “Why?”

I ran down the stairs as fast as I could. I stopped and looked at Sissy. “Shit! Where is the library?”

She just stood there, looking at me, confused.

I grabbed her shoulders. “Sissy. Please. Your sister is in danger. Please tell me where it is.”

Her face dropped, and she took off running down a hall as I followed her. We ran right by Tyler, and I almost knocked him over.

“What the fuck? What’s going on?”

Sissy said as she pointed, “Last door on the left, but, Reed…”

I ran past her and tried the door. It was locked. I stepped back and kicked it open. As soon as I walked in, I looked to my left, and a guy was doubled over, holding himself.

“You fucking bitch!” he yelled out.

“Courtney!” I yelled.

She let out a scream and ran to me. “I knew you would come for me! I knew you would come!”

She slammed into my body, and I held her. I looked at the fucker as he stood up. He gave me a smile as he ran his hand through his hair. I pushed Courtney back and looked her up and down.

“What in the fuck is going on here? Someone please tell me!” Sissy said.

“Baby, are you hurt? Did he touch you anywhere?”

Courtney began shaking her head quickly. “No, but he almost…he almost…oh God, Reed, thank God you showed up when you did. I didn’t know what else to do, so I kicked him. He almost…he had his hand up my dress with my hands pinned above…above…” She began crying again.

I turned around and motioned for Sissy. “Take care of her for me, please.”

Sissy grabbed Courtney, who was crying hysterically.

Court reached for me and yelled out, “Reed, no! He’s not worth it.”

I turned back to see that Noah was beginning to walk toward the door.

Tyler walked into the library, took one look around, and asked, “What in the hell is going on?”

Noah laughed. “Nothing. Your sister wanted to talk to me, and—”

I lost it. “You lying piece of fucking shit.” I launched myself at him and grabbed him before he could move. I pulled my fist back and hit as hard as I could.

He stumbled back and fell but quickly jumped up.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Meg come in.

“We heard someone scream, and—oh my God. What are you doing here, Noah?”

Noah turned, looked at her, and winked. When I looked at the expression on Meg’s face, it felt like I was looking at Courtney all over again. She had the same look of fear on her face.

I turned back and looked at Noah. “You son of a bitch.”

I jumped on him, knocking him to the ground. I just began hitting him over and over again as I heard Courtney, Meg, Tyler, and Marie yelling for me to stop. Tyler tried to pull me off Noah, but there was no way I was letting this asshole get away with what he had done to Courtney.

“Courtney, stop your husband, for God’s sake!” Tyler yelled.

I kept hitting the son of a bitch over and over again. Each hit was for Courtney and the pain he’d caused her. Before I knew it, four guys, including Tyler and Steve, were holding me back as Marie was helping Noah up.

Marie turned, looked at me, and asked, “Why? Why would you do this, Reed?”

I looked at Courtney, who was just standing there, stunned. I faced Meg, who was now crying. She looked at Courtney and put her hand up to her mouth.

She walked over to Courtney and placed her hand on Courtney’s shoulder. “Oh my God, Courtney. Did Noah do it to you, too?”

My knees felt weak, and the guys holding me back were now actually holding me up.

Courtney snapped her head and looked at Meg. “Is that what you were talking about earlier?” she barely said.

Meg slowly nodded her head.

Tyler said, “What in the hell are you two talking about?”

“How old were you, Courtney?” Meg asked.

Courtney looked at me before looking back at Meg. “Sixteen.”