Broken Dreams Page 67

She let out a little giggle. “I can walk, you know.”

I winked at her and said, “Any reason to have you in my arms, and I’m taking it.”

We walked through the house and out to the rental car. I placed her into the passenger seat and walked around the front of the car. I knew exactly what I was going to do next.

Reed and I drove back to the hotel in silence. Every time he came to a stoplight, he picked up his phone and texted someone. I didn’t want to close my eyes because every time I did, I saw Noah. I wanted to ask him what he’d said to Noah when they were alone, but the faster I forgot about what had happened, the better.

Reed reached for my hand, and I felt those familiar goose bumps cover my body. He rubbed his thumb back and forth on the back of my hand, and with every motion, I began to relax.

Reed pulled up to the valet and said, “We’ll be right back down. We’re just changing.”

I looked at him, confused. All I wanted to do was crawl into bed and go to sleep. Reed smiled at me as we walked into the hotel. Making our way over to the elevator, I looked up at him. He was smiling from ear to ear.

“Reed, I’m so tired. Where are we going?” I said with a whine.

He squeezed my hand and motioned for me to get in the elevator. “Somewhere fun,” he said as he pushed the button for our floor.

“I don’t want to do something fun. I just want to crawl into bed and sleep.”

He looked down at me. “I know you do, babe. I know. Will you please just trust me on this?”

I wanted to argue with him, but I just didn’t have it in me. I was emotionally exhausted and honestly too tired to care. We walked into the hotel room, and I made my way over to the bed and collapsed. I watched as Reed got undressed and quickly slipped on a pair of jeans. He slipped on a T-shirt and then put on his sneakers.

He looked at me and said, “Come on. Change out of that dress and put on something comfortable.”

I stood up and stomped my foot before I began taking my dress off. It wasn’t lost on me that Reed was staying across the room.

He always at least touches me when I get undressed.

What if he is appalled at the idea of Noah touching me? What if Reed thinks I let Noah touch me?

I slowly turned and walked over to my suitcase. I pulled out a pair of Victoria’s Secret sweatpants and a long-sleeved T-shirt. I slipped them both on and fought like hell to keep the tears at bay. I instantly felt calmer when Reed wrapped his arms around me.

“I know what you’re thinking, and please stop. The only reason I stood on the other side of the room is because I knew if I was close to you when you undressed, I’d want to make love to you.”

I dropped my head back onto his chest. “Please, Reed. I need you, and nothing makes me feel better than being with you.”

He leaned down and kissed my cheek as he slipped his hand down my pants. “Put your leg on the bed, Courtney,” he whispered in my ear.

I did what he’d said, and the moment his fingers swept across my lips, I let out a moan.

“I’m going to make you come, Courtney, and then we’re leaving, okay?”

I nodded my head as I bit down on my lower lip. Reed slipped his fingers inside me and began moving in and out slowly.

“Faster,” I said as I pushed my hips into his hand.

He brushed his thumb against my clit, and I let out a long moan.

“Yes. Oh God, that feels so good.”

When he began moving faster and his thumb pressed just a little harder, I came hard and fast. I felt my leg wobble, but Reed grabbed on to me and held me while I fell apart with my orgasm.

He kissed along my neck and then nibbled on my earlobe. “Did that help?”

“A little,” I said as I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He leaned down and began kissing me so sweetly. I wanted it to be more passionate, but he pulled away, reaching up and removing my arms from his neck.

“Come on, we’re late.”

I looked at him, confused. “For what? We should be at a wedding, so I know damn well you didn’t make plans for tonight.”

He let out a laugh as he opened the door to our room. He waited for me to walk out.

As we rode the elevator down, I noticed he was texting someone. I wanted to ask, but a part of me was worried he had been talking to Layton. I hadn’t grabbed my purse, so I didn’t have my phone. I knew if Whit had found out what had happened, she would be calling, and I really didn’t feel like talking. After telling my parents everything and seeing them both cry and blame themselves, I knew I couldn’t take any more tonight. As I sat down in the car I put my head back and closed my eyes as I thought back to Reed making love to me for the first time.

I felt Reed put his hand on my leg, and I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. “Shit. I fell asleep.”

Reed let out a chuckle and got out of the car. He walked around to my side and opened the door. When I got out, I noticed where we were.

I gave him a confused look. “Laser tag?”

He smiled and nodded his head. “You said one of your favorite things to do was play laser tag against your brother. So, we’re about to go kick some serious ass. It’s couple against couple.”

I looked back toward the laser tag entrance and let out a gasp. My parents, Tyler, Meg, Sissy, some guy I didn’t know, and one of Tyler’s friends with his wife were all standing there, talking.

I put my hand up to my mouth and turned to look at Reed. “You planned this? When?”

He smiled and let out a small laugh. “On the way to the hotel, I sent a text to Tyler and asked if he felt like having a little bit of fun.”

I threw myself into his body and held my tears back. “I love you, Reed Moore. I love you so damn much!”

“I love you, too, angel.”

I pulled back, and Reed lifted my chin up and looked into my eyes. “Swoon-worthy?”

I let out a giggle and said, “Very swoon-worthy.”

We walked up to the entrance, and Tyler walked up to me and took me into his arms. We didn’t say anything to each other, and no one else said a word.

When I finally pulled back, I smiled and kissed Tyler on the cheek. “Reed and I are going to kick your ass.”

Tyler threw his head back and laughed and then looked at Meg. “Oh, I beg to differ, but bring it on, baby sister…bring it on.”

My father let out a gruff laugh. “Please, your mother and I might not seem like we can keep up with you guys, but trust me, you’re all going to be eating our dust.”