The Wanted Short Stories Page 22

The bathroom door opened slowly, and I held my breath. When she opened the door completely, I exhaled quickly. I was pretty sure my mouth was hanging open.

Ari stood before me in a beautiful ivory strapless gown that was covered in lace. The slit on the side went far up her leg. I almost wanted to tell her she had to take the dress off and put something else on. I moved my eyes up and saw the diamond necklace with the matching diamond drop earrings. I had bought them for her for our five-year anniversary. Her hair was pulled up with just a few curls framing her face. Her bright-red lipstick made it seem like she had just stepped out of a movie set from the 1950s. My eyes wandered back down her body before landing on her perfect chest.

“I’m pretty sure this push-up bra has my breasts up to my chin. What do you think?” she asked.

I licked my lips as I slowly shook my head. “You take my breath away.”

She smiled bigger and bit down on her lower lip. She ran her finger up and down her exposed thigh and said, “Easy access for you, my dear.”

“Hell yeah, it is.”

The phone in the room rang, and I walked over to pick it up. “Hello? Okay, we’re heading down right now.”

I looked at Ari as I hung up the phone. She nodded as she grabbed her clutch.

Ari and I made our way to the elevator, and I pushed the button for the ground floor.

Right as the doors opened in the lobby, Ari started to walk out of the elevator. “I’m not wearing any panties.”

My heart dropped, and I had to hold on to the wall to steady myself. I watched as she retreated away from me. “Fuck. This is going to be a long night.”

I held Ari close to me as we danced. I couldn’t help but think back to the first time I ever held her in my arms. I pulled her closer to me so that she could see how much I needed her.

“Mr. Johnson, do you want to have a little fun?”

Smirking, I said, “Don’t tease. It’s not nice, Mrs. Johnson. My dick has been hard ever since you told me your little secret as you walked off the elevator.”

Ari attempted to play innocent. “Little secret? I don’t know what you mean by that.”

“Really? Should I slip my hand under your dress to see if you were telling the truth?”

Her eyes lit up, and an evil grin spread across her face. “If you think you can slip your hand under my dress with my father somewhere in this room just to see if I’m sans panties, you go right ahead.”

I let out a gruff laugh. “Baby, I’d have sex with you right here, right now. I’m not afraid of your father.”

Ari grinned. “Uh-huh, sure you would.”

She quickly darted her eyes around the dance floor. The lights had been dimmed after dinner.

“I’ll tell you what. If you have the courage to check for panties, I’ll have sex with you somewhere in this building.”

I swallowed hard. The idea thrilled me…and scared the piss out of me. I quickly began looking around.

Where could I take her so that no one could see?


No, too public.

The hallway out back.

I had accidentally walked out the wrong door earlier looking for the restroom, and it led to the service hallway. I smiled, knowing I was going to bury my dick deep inside my wife within the next few minutes.

I spun her around and danced our way off to the side and toward the back corner.

“You really think you’ve got it in you?” she asked with the most beautiful smile ever.

I slowly moved my hand down her bare back and to her leg. She jumped when I pushed my hand up and under her dress, and I quickly found my way to heaven. When I brushed my fingers across her lips, we both let out a moan.

“Son of a bitch, Ari.”

She smiled bigger. “Where are you thinking, Mr. Johnson?”

I quickly pulled my hand out before anyone could see what I had been doing.

I grabbed her hand and began walking toward the door leading out to the service hallway. “Let’s go. I’m going to explode.”

“Ari? Ari, darling.”

Ari pushed against my back, moving me forward. “No. Keep walking. Don’t look back!”

“Ari, Sue is gonna see where we’re going!”

“Keep moving!”

“Ari! Arianna Johnson.”

Sue was not about to let Ari get away. I stopped, and Ari let out a sigh.

She put a smile on her face and slowly turned around. “Yes, Mama?”

Sue smiled and motioned for us to come to her. “Ari, Jeff, I’d like you to meet John and Trixie Donovan. John is your father’s good friend. They met in college.”

Ari shook hands with John and then Trixie. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Ari said.

I repeated the gesture.

Trixie smiled as she grabbed Ari’s arm and began walking her over to a table. Ari looked over her shoulder at me, and I shrugged. I followed John as he began asking me what had brought us to Kentucky.

Before I knew it, we were all sitting at our table, and John and I were laughing and exchanging stories. I glanced over at Ari. She was attempting to appear to be interested in the conversation with Trixie, but she clearly wasn’t. When she kept motioning back toward the door, I would shake my head.

My aching dick had long since gone down when Mark walked up and joined the conversation.

Ari attempted to get up three times, but each time, Sue pulled her back down into a sitting position and told Ari that she never got to visit with her. I could see the sexual frustration building on Ari’s face every time I looked over at her.

Then, the lights became brighter.

Mark looked at Sue and Ari and said, “The auction is starting.”

I peeked over at Ari, and she was wringing her napkin.

Shit. If I didn’t get her to the service hallway soon, we were both going to be in trouble.

I was going to kill both of my parents. If they made it back to Texas in one piece, it would be a miracle.

I sat there and listened as the auction began. Jeff appeared to be enthralled in the bidding process, and he hardly even looked over at me. Each time he glanced over, I would try to motion to leave. Every once in a while, my mother would lean over and tell me to bid on an item. The last time she’d suggested I bid, I’d told her I was going to put her in the auction.

I peeked over at Jeff again. He looked so damn handsome in that tux. It was driving me crazy. I closed my eyes and imagined his hands on my body. I quickly opened my eyes and placed my hands on my flaming cheeks.

Jesus H. Christ. I need my husband, and I need him now. I’m kid-free! I want sex, damn it.