The Wanted Short Stories Page 7

She looked down and then back up at me. “How were you taking care of the kids by yourself with having to work on the ranch and…work with Karen?”

The mention of Karen’s name made my skin crawl. The day after Ellie had left, I’d called Karen to meet me for lunch. I’d let her know that I was stepping down from my position as her architect and that Bill would be able to finish up. She had seemed okay with it. She’d even acted sympathetic. I had excused myself to head to the restroom. She’d walked into the restroom and locked the door behind her before she began undressing. I’d about had heart failure. When I’d asked her to stop, she’d gotten angry and said she knew I wanted to fuck her. I’d quickly pushed her out of the way and unlocked the door. Heading to my truck, I’d called Bill and told him I was done.

“I told Bill I was done and that the job was taking time away from my family and causing issues between us. I love you too much, Ellie, to ever let something like this happen again.”

I held out my hand and led her into the shower. I began soaping her body. “Ells, you have to promise me that you’ll talk to me if you ever feel like this again. Please don’t ever leave me again. You have no idea how devastated I was.”

Her eyes searched my face, and when I saw the tears beginning to fall, I leaned down and kissed her. I pushed her against the wall, and I began moaning when she started playing with my dick. I pulled my lips from hers when I felt myself hardening in her hand.

“Drew, make love to me.”

I reached over and turned off the shower. I grabbed a towel, and I started to dry off Ellie and then myself. I picked her up and carried her back to the bed.

“Lie back, baby.”

I crawled over her and grabbed her hands, placing them over her head. I used my right hand to wipe away another tear. I pushed gently into my beautiful wife and began making love to her. Our bodies felt as one as I moved slowly inside her.

When I felt myself getting closer to coming, I leaned down and brushed my lips against hers. “I’m about to come, baby,” I whispered.

She closed her eyes and arched her body, and we both began whispering each other’s names.

In that moment, I vowed I would never again take my wife for granted. She, and only she, could make me feel so loved and so wanted.

I peeked my eyes open and saw the daylight shining through the side of the curtain. I turned my head slightly and smiled when I saw Gunner sleeping peacefully. I tried to remember the last time either one of us had gotten to sleep in.

I moved just a bit, and I felt the soreness in my body. Gunner and I had made love four times. The first was raw and fast, and I loved it. Then, we’d done it again after the shower. The third time, Gunner had woken me up at one in the morning and made love to me again. When I’d crawled on top of him at five thirty this morning, I had needed something different. I’d needed to be fucked hard and fast, and Gunner had done just that. I was pretty sure I would have small bruises on my hips from where he had gripped me.

I stretched and smiled. I rolled over and grabbed my cell phone. Grace had texted and said Alex and Colt had gone off to school this morning. Then, I read my mother’s text.

Mom: I’ve arranged for the next two days off. I talked to Jeff and Josh, and they will take care of everything on the ranch. You and Gunner stay in Austin for another couple of days and relax with each other. I love you, Ellie.

I felt my stomach jump a bit, and I was sure I was grinning from ear to ear. I couldn’t wait to tell Gunner that we had two more days to be with each other.

Me: Mom, you don’t know how much this means to me. Thank you!

Mom: Trust me, I know. Get lost in each other again, baby girl.

I blushed at my mother’s text and then hit Reply.

Me: Yes, ma’am. I intend on doing a lot more than that!

I giggled, and then I felt Gunner wrap his arms around me.

“Mmm…you smell like heaven,” he whispered against my neck.

“You smell pretty yummy yourself.”

He began moving his fingers up and down my arm, leaving a burning sensation in their path. I was shocked by how he could still give me goose bumps after all these years.

“I don’t want to go back yet,” he whispered.

I rolled over and smiled as I pushed my hand through his hair and stared into his beautiful blue eyes. “We don’t have to.”

He tilted his head and gave me a questioning look. “We don’t?” He chuckled. “I’m pretty sure our children would miss us if we didn’t head back.”

I laughed. “I mean, we still have two days. My mom texted me and said she made arrangements with Jeff and Josh, so we can stay for another two days.”

The smile that spread across his face caused me to grin.

“I know what I want to do then,” he said.

“Oh, yeah? What?”

He shook his head. “It’s a surprise. Let’s get up and get dressed. Wear jeans. Did you bring a jacket? I think it’s going to be cool today.”

I got up and laughed. “Yes, Dad. I brought a sweatshirt. That should be good.”

Gunner jumped up and walked into the bathroom. I watched as he walked by naked. We hardly ever walked around naked anymore, not with the chance of a little one running in on us.

I bit down on my lip. I couldn’t believe I wanted him again. I was about to walk into the bathroom and make my move when someone knocked on the door.

“Room service, Mr. and Mrs. Mathews.”

Gunner poked his head out of the bathroom. “Did you order room service?”

Shaking my head, I grabbed my robe and put it on. I slowly opened the door and smiled. “Um…we didn’t order room service,” I said.

The young man’s face blushed, and he looked away quickly. “It’s from Ari, ma’am,” he said.

I tilted my head and looked at him. “Ari?”

“Yes, um…so, yeah…okay…well, enjoy your stay, Mrs. Mathews.” He quickly turned and began walking away.

“Oh, wait…a tip,” I called out.

He turned and smiled big. “Mrs. Johnson paid me handsomely. No tip needed.”

I shook my head and pulled the cart into the room.

Gunner came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. “What’s Ari up to? Jesus, did she order enough food for an army or what?”

I shrugged my shoulders and lifted the two metal pans at the same time. I let out a gasp as Gunner began laughing his ass off.

“Damn, that girl was always my favorite of your friends,” Gunner said as he picked up the handcuffs and winked at me.