A Forever Love Page 35

I closed my eyes and did the one thing I knew I shouldn’t do. I pushed myself into Emma. She arched her back and let out a moan that shot through my whole body.

“Oh…God…” I didn’t move at all. I tried to take in how it felt to be inside her with nothing separating us.

“Garrett…move…please move.”

I shook my head. “I can’t, Em. If I move, I won’t want to stop. This is a dangerous game we’re playing.”

I looked into her eyes, and I knew I would never put our future at risk for just a moment of pleasure. Pure fucking pleasure.

“Just a few times…please.”

I slowly pulled out and pushed myself back into her. “Oh God…”

She made the sweetest sounds.

This time I pushed as far into her as I could possibly get.

“Garrett! Oh God…”

I shook my head and pulled all the way out of her. Cursing the entire time, I quickly reached for the condom and ripped it open. I was about to put it on when Emma sat up.

“Shh…I think someone is in the house,” she said.

I was breathing like I’d just run a damn marathon, for Christ’s sakes. “It’s just Billy and Marg. Don’t worry. They won’t—”

“Garrett? Emma?”

“David?” Emma and I both said at the same time.

Emma busted out laughing and covered her mouth.

“Are y’all upstairs?”

“No. Fucking. Way.” I pulled the covers out from underneath Emma and made her get under them. I looked around, and for some reason, I couldn’t find my damn clothes anywhere. I saw a towel folded up on the chair, so I jumped up and quickly wrapped it around me. I picked up Emma’s suitcase and threw it on top of the bed.

“Ouch!” Emma said.

“Be quiet!”

Just then, I heard the doorknob turning on my bedroom door. “He’s not opening the door,” I whispered.

I quickly ran to the door, but David swung it open, and I ran right into him.


“David? Um…Dad? Ah, shit. I don’t really know what to call you right now.”

David looked around the room. “Where is Emma?”

“She’s, um…um…I don’t know. With Margie? I was just getting ready to take a bath, and I…I, um—Jesus, David…do you not know how to knock?”

Billy was walking up the stairs, and he must have heard me because he started laughing. “Dad has a theory, Garrett. Tell him your theory, Dad.”

David smiled and nodded his head. “An unlocked door is an open invitation.”

I nodded my head. “I’ll be sure to remember that, sir. Uh…what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be heading into Austin with Mom?”

“Yes, but she forgot one of her suitcases, so I told her we would come back for it. I heard someone upstairs, so I thought I would see who was here. I thought the guys were camping out downstairs?”

I looked over David’s shoulder, and that bastard best friend of mine was laughing his ass off.

“We are, but my clothes and stuff are up here. Well, let me help you with that suitcase, so y’all can be on your way.” I ushered David out of my room and down the stairs to my mother’s room.

“There it is,” I said as I picked up the suitcase. I handed it to him, and we made our way to the door.

Peggy and Margie busted in through the front door and ran upstairs. Billy came walking down the stairs, and he had the biggest shit-eating grin on his face.

“Now, boys, no parties, no getting crazy, and for the love of God, try to keep your snakes in your pants, please,” David said. He turned and walked out of the house.

When I turned and looked at Billy, I was pretty sure his expression matched mine. Then, all I could hear was screaming.

Billy smiled. “Sounds like they found Emma.”

I rolled my eyes and started making my way back up to my bedroom. I turned and pointed to Billy. “No one takes the master bedroom downstairs.”

Billy made a motion like he was going to throw up. “Agreed.”

I walked into my room, only to have Peggy whistle and tell me to take it off. I gave her a dirty look. I glanced down at the towel and then back up. My eyes caught Emma’s. She looked so happy. She was still under the covers, but she had on one of my T-shirts. Just seeing her in my shirt caused my dick to start getting hard again.

“It’s beautiful. Oh my God, it fits your finger perfectly. You know what that means, don’t you?” Margie asked.

Em shook her head. “No. What does it mean?”

“Oh, Emma Rose, it’s good luck. It means you’re a fit for life.” Margie looked at me and made a face because I was practically naked with only a towel wrapped around my waist. Then, she turned back to Emma. “Nothing will ever come between the two of you.”

“Except for our dad.” Billy let out another laugh and leaned against the doorjamb.

“Okay…y’all have seen it, and you’ve screamed.” I looked at Billy. “You’ve had your laughs. Now, can I get back to my girl, please?”

Peggy stood up. “When the cat’s away, the mice will play.”

Margie let out a yelp and ran into Billy’s arms. “Take me. I’m yours.”

“Ew,” Emma said as she covered her ears.

When Raymond walked up, it was Peggy’s turn to let out a squeal.

“What in the hell is going on here?” He took one look at me in the towel and Emma in the bed. “I take it, we didn’t give you enough time.”

I shook my head. “No, y’all didn’t. Now, get the hell out of my room!” I shouted as I began pushing Billy out. I slammed the door shut.

I started walking toward the bed when Billy called out, “An unlocked door is an open invitation.”

Emma started giggling as I turned around and locked my bedroom door.

When I turned back around, Emma had taken the shirt off, and she was standing at the end of the bed waiting for me with a condom in her hand. I took the towel off and let it drop to the floor. I walked as fast as I could to get to her. I slammed my body against hers and began kissing her. I picked her up and placed her back down on my bed.

“You’re gonna have to be quiet, Buttercup.”

She nodded her head and put her finger up to her lips. I slowly kissed her neck and whispered how much I loved her.

“I’m going to make love to you all night long, Em,” I said against her neck.