A Forever Love Page 55

I placed my hand on my stomach and said, “After all these years, Garrett Mathews, you still make me feel like a young girl in love.”

My name was written across the envelope. I reached for it, took a deep breath, and opened it. I pulled the letter out and began reading it.

My dearest Emma,

I watched you sleep last night for the longest time. I was so overcome with love that I wanted to wake you up and tell you how much I loved you. You have given me so much, Emma—love, happiness, two beautiful sons.

You will never truly know how much you saved me all those years ago when you smiled at me in Mr. Horster’s drugstore. I do believe that I can honestly say that was the best moment of my life—the moment I first saw you, the second I knew that we would be together for always.

No words will ever be able to describe that moment you told me we were expecting our second child. No words will ever be able to describe when Jack was born or the moment I saw you hold him for the first time. I will never fully be able to tell you how happy you continue to make me.

The only thing I know to say to you is that you, Jim, and Jack are the most important people in my life, and I will spend the rest of my life loving all three of you.

I believe you are still missing one charm, my love.

I love you, Emma Rose Mathews. I’ll love you forever and always because our love is and always will be…

A forever love.

Love always,


I picked up the small blue velvet bag and slowly opened it. I turned it over and let the charm fall into my hand. It was a round charm with a baby footprint in the middle. On either side of the footprint was each boy’s birthstone. I instantly began crying. I quickly got up and made my way over to my dresser. I opened my jewelry box. I pulled out my charm bracelet and laid it across the dresser. I was going to have Garrett go to the jeweler first thing in the morning to have the charm added to my bracelet.

I made my way into the kitchen and pulled the quiche out from the refrigerator. I turned on the oven. I didn’t even wait for it to heat up before I placed the quiche inside the oven and started the timer. I walked over to the phone and picked it up. I dialed Margie’s number.



“Ah hell…he wrote you a letter, didn’t he? That overly romantic bastard.”

I couldn’t help but giggle. “Yes, he did, and I need to call in a favor.”

She let out a sigh. “Billy will be over in a few minutes to pick up my precious little nephew. Make sure to pack up a bag. I’m sure Jim will want to spend the night with us.”

I did a little jump. “Margie, I swear to you, I owe you big time.”

“Hell yeah, you do. I’m going to be calling it in soon, too. I can’t even remember the last time Billy and I had a good fucking.”

I placed my hand over my mouth and laughed. “I’ve got to go, so I can get Jim’s stuff ready.” I started making a mental note of everything he would need.

Margie laughed. “I’ll send Billy right now.”

“Perfect. Love you!” I said.

“Love you back.”

I rushed around the house to get everything ready.

Billy and Margie had moved back to Mason two years ago, and it had been a blessing for both of us. I’d missed her so much, and now, with her teaching here in Mason and Billy working for Garrett, we got to see each other all the time.

I heard Garrett and Jim talking on the front porch.

“Well, did you go poo in your diapers, Daddy?”

Garrett chuckled. “Yes, son, everyone starts off going potty in their diapers.”

Garrett opened the door, and I was standing there, holding a bag. He looked around and then glanced back at me, confused. Jack was fussing, so I set the bag down and walked up to Garrett. I took Jack from Garrett’s arms and sat down on the sofa.

“Jim, Uncle Billy and Aunt Margie wanted to know if you would like to spend the night with them tonight.”

Jim let out a small scream and said, “Oh, pwease, Mama. Pwease can I go over and play?”

Garrett and I both laughed.

I said, “Of course you can. I packed you a bag and put your favorite toys in there. Mommy and Daddy will be over first thing in the morning to pick you up.”

Jim ran over and grabbed his bag. He started heading to the door.

Garrett bent down and stopped him. “Hey, where do you think you’re going?”

Jim looked at him with a serious face. “To Uncle Billy’s to play, Daddy.”

There was a knock on the door, and Billy came walking in. Jim ran up to him. Billy quickly dropped down and took Jim into his arms.

He looked at Garrett and then at me as he smiled. “Well, I’m going to safely say the little guy wants to play.”

I was sitting on the sofa, feeding Jack, as I nodded my head. “Just a little.”

Garrett clapped his hands. “Well, not to rush you out the door, brother, but…”

Billy laughed and scooped up Jim as he grabbed the bag. “Well, hell, if that isn’t a hint, I don’t know what is.”

Garrett slapped Billy on the back. “Make plans to take your wife somewhere romantic in a few weeks. Between us and Mom and Dad, we’ve got you covered. Y’all deserve it.”

Billy stopped and looked at Garrett. “Oh, man, that would be awesome. If you’re serious, I know Margie has been talking about going to the coast. I’d love to take her there, just us two.”

Garrett nodded his head. “Consider it done. Make the plans, and I’ll talk to Mom tomorrow. I’m sure Lily would love to spend some time with the kids.”

Billy thanked Garrett again and headed out with Jim.

“Thanks again, bro!” Garrett called out.

When he turned around and shut the door, I saw the look in his eyes. He walked up and peered down at me.

I swallowed hard and stood up, holding a sleeping Jack. “I think he’s out.”

“Oh, he is out. He’s my son, and he knows when Daddy needs alone time with Mommy.”

I giggled as I walked into our room and placed Jack into his bassinet. I no sooner turned around before Garrett was picking me up and taking me over to the bed.

In no time at all, I was softly calling out my husband’s name as he took me to heaven and back.

After returning the favor and making Garrett orgasm, we both took a quick shower where Garrett snuck in another orgasm for me.

Later, we wrapped ourselves up in our quilt and sat on the front porch. We hadn’t had any alone time in so long that it was amazing to just sit and be with each other.