A Forever Love Page 6

I watched as Garrett took in my every move. He wanted to smile. I knew he did. Billy and Raymond started laughing as they walked off with Peggy.

Garrett gave me a sexy smirk before he walked toward Margie’s car.

I stood there, trying to regain my thoughts. I wanted to crawl under a rock. I’d let this guy get me so worked up that I totally just embarrassed myself in front of everyone.

Margie grabbed my arm and started leading me to her car. “Emma Rose Birk, were you jealous?” she whispered.

“No! Not at all.”

We got into Margie’s car and drove to the screen. By the time we ordered drinks, I was feeling somewhat better. Garrett and Margie got out of her car, and they climbed up to lie on top of the hood, leaning against the glass. There was plenty of room for all of us. When I went to climb on, Margie moved to the middle. She kept talking to Garrett about the football team this year and how good they were going to be. My heart sank when it dawned on me that if I had just kept my mouth shut about being alone with Garrett, I would be next to Garrett and not Margie.

I couldn’t even enjoy the movie. The whole time, I was daydreaming about what Garrett smelled like, the feel of his touch, and what his favorite movie, favorite song, and favorite thing to eat was. When Margie and Garrett both let out a laugh, I was snapped out of my daydreams.

I glanced over at the two of them. Garrett was honestly trying to watch the movie, but Margie wouldn’t shut up. She’d said she didn’t have feelings for Garrett, but it sure seemed like she did to me. I couldn’t even concentrate on the movie with all her talking. Leaning up, Garrett looked over at me and smiled. I wasn’t sure why, but I turned away.

I just want to go home. “I’m not feeling so well, Margie. I hate to ask, but do you think you could take me home?”

Garrett slid off the hood and walked over to me. “What’s wrong? Do feel like you’re going to be sick? Should I get you some water?”

I tried to smile and thank him, but all that came out was, “No. I just want to go home.”

“Really, Em? It’s still so early, and I hate heading home so early.”

I looked over at my cousin as she took a sip of her soda. “Yes, Margie, really! I feel sick.”

Garrett lightly touched my arm, and I jerked away, surprised by the strange feeling running through me.

He quickly held up his hands and took a step back. “I was just going to help you down.”

My heart was beating so hard in my chest that I was sure he could hear it. I held out my hand, and then he took it and helped me down. I had the strangest sensation that I just wanted to walk right into his arms.

Then, Margie walked in between us. “Come on, Emma. I’ll take you home.”

I smiled slightly at Garrett, and he gave me a smile that about dropped me to my knees.

I really need to stay away from him—far, far away from him.

“Did you get all the chores done, Garrett?” my father asked as he walked into the kitchen.

I was sitting down, drinking a glass of tea, after I’d spent most of the morning mending a fence. “Yes, sir, I did.”

My father smiled and nodded his head. “You taking care of your heifer? Treating her good and loving her more?”

I let out a chuckle. My father had a way with words, and for him to use the same advice for a female cow as he did with a female girl made me laugh. He would always tell me, Son, when you find the right girl, treat her good and love her more.

“Yes, sir, I am. I’m treating her like a princess.”

My mother rolled her eyes and continued cutting up apples.

My father laughed. “Good. Now, help your mother here with the fruit while I go clean up. Our guests will be here soon.”

I walked over to where my mother was. I grabbed an apple and began cutting it up. “So, who is coming over again?”

My mother smiled. “The new doctor in town. We wanted to welcome him and his family to Mason. Your father and I know the doctor’s wife. She went to school with us. It will be good to see her again.”

I nodded my head and cut up a few more apples before my father walked up next to me.

“Garrett, we need to talk.”

He motioned for me to head outside. I set the knife down next to the apple and followed my father down to the barn. We walked in, and he pointed for me to have a seat.

“So, what is this I hear about you running around with Anna King?”

I looked up at my father. “Excuse me, sir?”

“Garrett, I’m not stupid. I was your age, and I did the same things you’re doing. I’m not going to sit here and preach to you about how you can’t have sex until you’re married. Hell, I was fourteen when I lost my virginity to my sister’s best friend.”

I rolled my eyes and looked away. “Dad, did I really need to know that?”

My father let out a chuckle as he sat down on a barrel and looked at me. “Garrett, don’t be running around with the town whore. She’s gonna end up getting pregnant, and the poor schmuck who ends up marrying that girl will be struggling for the rest of his life because she is like her mother. They come from money, and Anna’s gonna want the world on a silver platter.”

My father was sitting here, talking to me about our school tramp, and all I could think of was how in the hell he knew I’d had sex with Anna.

“Dad, how did you know?”

My father smiled. “Billy’s daddy saw you and Anna sneaking off. He followed y’all and saw you going into her house. He knew her parents were gone for the weekend.”

I instantly felt my face go red.

“It took me so long to talk to you about it because…well, honestly, son, I just didn’t know how to talk to you about it. I do want you to be careful. Son, someday, you’re going to meet a girl who will change everything. She’ll make you want to be a better man.”

My father shook his head and smiled. I knew he was thinking about my mother.

“She’ll be the reason you wake up every morning and push through another day. She’ll be your everything.”

I nodded my head and kicked the dirt. “How will I know it’s her, Dad?”

He smiled so big. “Trust me, you’ll know. You won’t be able to think clearly when she is anywhere near you. You’ll find yourself having a hard time breathing when she walks into a room. You’ll think about her all the time, and you’ll want to do nothing but make her happy for the rest of your lives.”

“When did you know Mom was the one?” I asked.