Cherished Page 82

Oh god…he’s in front of me. The moment I felt him near me, I wanted to puke. I tried hopping back in the chair, but I was getting nowhere.

“Take it off, cowboy!” Heather yelled out.

“What?” I screamed. “Oh my god, Heather! What is wrong with y’all?” I tried to figure out where he was. “Just stay back, stripper cowboy.”

Then, I felt him straddle me. He must have taken off his shirt because I felt something wrap around my neck, and Ellie screamed something about how hot his abs were.

“Um…no…I’m not happy with this at all. Really, go dance with one of the horny drunks.”

Then, I felt his breath on my neck. Oh god…he smells like Scott. For about ten seconds, I lost my wits.

“Please…I really don’t want…”

I felt someone untying my hands.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

“You have got to feel his abs, Jessie!” Azurdee said with a laugh as someone grabbed my hands.

“Azurdee! If that is you grabbing my hands, you are no longer my maid of honor. I’m stripping you of the title.”

The only girl I couldn’t hear was Amanda.

“Amanda! You’re my new maid of honor!” I yelled out.

Ari started laughing. “Sorry, sweets. Amanda is busy making out with one of the stripper’s friends.”

What. In. The. Hell?

“What? She’s not even drinking. Ari, please…you’re gonna get everyone divorced and—”

The minute my hands touched the stripper’s chest, I felt a funny feeling zap through my body. I froze for two seconds until he straddled me again. I moved my hands across his chest and then slowly down to his abs.

I’d know this body anywhere.

I slowly smiled and then felt his lips against my neck. My body instantly jumped to attention, and every sensation kick-started. He slowly kissed along my neck and up to the side of my face.

“Wait,” I said.

He stopped moving, but he kept his lips against my face. He was now putting more pressure on my legs, and I could feel his hard-on.

“I’d like to take off this blindfold, so I can see my future husband strip for me,” I said.

Scott started laughing as I reached up and pulled the silk cloth up and over my head. He didn’t even give me time to say anything before he started kissing me. All I heard was everyone whooping and hollering. His kiss felt like heaven, and I wanted nothing more than for him to pick me up and just take me out of this stupid club.

“For a second there, baby, I was getting worried that you might be liking this a little too much,” he spoke softly against my lips.

I smiled. “The moment I touched you, I knew it was you.”

I glanced over and saw Brad and Amanda making out like they hadn’t in years. Gunner was hugging Ellie and whispering something in her ear. Josh looked like he wanted to rip Heather’s clothes off her body, and Jeff had Ari in his arms while he was talking to her. Lark was talking to a few of my college friends, and Azurdee was standing there, looking really pissed-off.

I turned back to Scott. “What in the world are y’all doing here?”

“Ari planned it all. I know I told you I didn’t want to have a bachelor party, but we’ve pretty much been following y’all around all night. Josh and Lark are well on their way to being trashed with Jeff and Gunner running a close third and fourth. All I’ve wanted to do was get this part over with, so I can take you back to the hotel and have my wicked way with you.”

I shook my head. “Is that why all the moms were at the houses because y’all had planned on going out the whole time?”

He looked down into my eyes, and I swore they were piercing into my very soul. I would never get tired of how he looked at me with so much passion.

He tilted my chin up with his finger and slowly leaned in to kiss me. “I. Want. You,” he whispered after each kiss.

“Yes,” was all I could manage to get out.

This was the first time we were out and away from Lauren for so long, but we both needed it.

“Scott?” I asked as I quickly looked around.

“Yeah, baby?”

“Please save me from this bachelorette party. Take me to the hotel and love me.”

The way his body moved when he turned around and walked over to Gunner turned me on. I loved his walk. It was confident and sexy as hell.

Gunner nodded his head and said something back to Scott. Lark walked over with Cassie, a friend from college, on his arm, and when I looked over toward Azurdee, she was standing at the window of the club, looking out. I walked over to her and put my arm around her.

“Why does he do this to me?” she asked.

I shrugged my shoulder and pulled her closer to me. “I don’t know. Defense mechanism, maybe?”

She turned around and rolled her eyes, and then she glanced back out the window. “He’s probably going to take Cassie back to her hotel.”

“Azurdee, go tell him how you feel. I know y’all like each other. I think everyone can feel it when the two of you are together.”

Azurdee let out a small chuckle. “Everyone but Lark. It doesn’t matter. I’m not going to force someone to like me if he doesn’t. I think I’m going to ask my friend Paul to the wedding. I sure don’t want to be the only one there without a date.”

I looked down at the ground and then back up at her. “I don’t blame you.”

“Um…do you know if Lark is bringing anyone?”

I shook my head. “Nah, he told Scott that it would just be him.”

I saw the slight smile move across Azurdee’s face. My heart slightly broke at the idea of Lark just planning on hooking up with one of our college friends, but I didn’t dare say anything to Azurdee.

I felt Scott’s arms wrap around me as he pulled me closer to him. He had put his shirt back on, and he looked so damn handsome in his cowboy boots, jeans, tight-ass T-shirt, and cowboy hat.

“Are you ready to go?” he asked as he raised his eyebrows.

I looked at Azurdee. “Will you be okay?”

She nodded her head. “Oh yeah, the limo is big enough for all of us to fit in and head back to Mason.”

“I don’t think y’all are going to Mason tonight. Gunner made hotel reservations for everyone at The Driskill Hotel.”

“Oh, okay.” Azurdee quickly glanced over toward Lark.

I followed her eyes, and Lark was now talking to Brad and Amanda. They had finally pulled their lips apart from each other. Cassie was now back with the rest of our college friends. When she turned and walked up to us, I held my breath.