Cherished Page 84

“So, I believe it’s the best man’s responsibility to make sure the groom is at the wedding on time. I’ve got that covered. I also need to make sure he is dressed and ready to go.” He looked me up and down and smiled. “That’s covered. Now, I see what my real hurdle is going to be.”

I chuckled. “What’s your hurdle?”

“Keeping you away from the bride before the wedding,” he said with a wink.

I threw my head back and laughed. “That is going to be a hurdle because all I want to do is see her.”

“Tough shit. Come on, let’s go get a beer. I know a place where we can get away from all this wedding bullshit.”

He started to head down toward the barn. I looked at the tables that were being set up. Jessie was going to be so happy when she could see how everything was coming together. I glanced over and saw my mom talking to Jenny. The two of them planning this wedding was just what they both had needed. They worked amazingly well together, and Jenny had asked my mother if she’d ever thought of going into wedding planning. As of three weeks ago, they had become business partners, and this wedding was their first as partners.

I looked to my left and saw my father ordering around the guys who were setting up the bar and putting out the kegs. I chuckled and shook my head. Leave it to him to be in charge of the booze.

I turned the corner and walked into the barn. Jeff, Gunner, Josh, and Brad were all kicked back and sitting around a small table. Everyone, except Brad, had a beer in his hands.

“So, this is where my groomsmen have been, huh?” I walked around and grabbed a beer out of a—


“What in the fuck is this?” I asked as I sat down.

They all laughed.

Brad said, “This was Amanda’s job—carve out pumpkins for little mini ice chests.”

They all looked at me, but no one said a word.

“What?” I asked.

“You nervous?” Jeff took a drink of his beer.

“Pft, no. I’m not nervous at all,” I said, trying to keep my hands from shaking. They’d been shaking ever since I’d woken up this morning.

Gunner and Josh both laughed.

Brad smiled at me. “Dude, we’ve all been in your shoes—well, everyone but Lark here.”

“The only one with brains, I guess,” Lark said before downing his beer.

Brad laughed and rolled his eyes. “We’ve all been in your shoes. We know you’re nervous.”

I dropped my head and shook it. “I don’t understand what’s wrong with me. I mean, I want to marry her more than anything. I’m not having doubts at all, but my stomach is in fucking knots. I feel sick, my hands won’t stop shaking, and…and I’m…I’m…”

“You’re afraid she is going to change her mind? Wonder why in the hell she is marrying you? Does that sound about right?” Josh asked.

“Yes! That is exactly it. I have this fear that she’s going to decide at the last minute that she doesn’t want to get married.”

“Trust me, she’s just as nervous, if not more, than you are, Scott. Don’t worry, dude. That girl has been in love with you since we were kids,” Gunner said.

Lark held up his hand. “So, let me ask y’all something. Every single one of you is happy. No desire to be with another woman? You’re…content?”

We all let out a laugh.

“Fuck, you couldn’t pay me to be back in the dating world. Ari literally saved my ass. If it wasn’t for her, Luke, and Grace…” Jeff slowly shook his head and looked at Lark. “I wouldn’t want to live without Ari in my life.”

Josh leaned forward and nodded his head. “I feel the same way. Heather is the air I breathe. She’s my life, and then you add in Will and Libby…” He smiled bigger. “I wouldn’t trade my life for anything. One day, you’ll find the one girl who will make you lose your train of thought just by her smile. When she walks by you, her smell will about drop you to your knees. Her kiss will cause your body to go insane with desire, and the sound of her voice will make you feel all fucking giddy inside. Yeah…once you find that, you won’t ever want anything else but that.”

“Amen, brother,” Brad and Gunner both said.

Gunner lifted his beer bottle to Josh. They clicked bottles together and then did some hand gesture that they always did. It was something from college, and I’d never understood it or cared to.

“I should take all your damn man cards away,” Lark said with a smile.

“Are you hiding in here?” Drake asked.

We all turned to see Drake and Garrett walking in.

“Gramps, Drake. Y’all want a beer from our very own pumpkin cooler?” Gunner asked. He got up, walked up to them, and shook their hands.

I stood up and also shook their hands. “Nah, I’m just trying to avoid your sons. Dewey keeps making threats to me, and honestly, I don’t think he’s kidding anymore,” I said with a wink.

Drake laughed and nodded. “Don’t piss that boy off, let me tell you. I think he and your daddy are about to go at it over where the Bud Light keg should go.”

We all laughed as I gestured for them to sit down.

Drake shook his head. “We only came down to ask that y’all stay in here. Your mama wants Jessie to take a peek at everything before she gets dressed.”

I perked up. “She’s going out?”

Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Don’t even think about it. I haven’t forgotten about that day when I came back to the barn from a ride,” Lark said.

He winked, and I felt my face instantly blush. I knew he was referring to the day I had taken Jessie on the side of the house while my mother and Azurdee were inside.

“Right. Um…yeah, Drake, we won’t budge from this spot until my mother or Jenny comes and gets us.” I nodded and smiled at him.

“Don’t ruin this for my baby girl. This is her day, not yours. Do you understand me? Just because you got a baby with her doesn’t mean I won’t kill you if you hurt her,” Drake said.

And then, I saw Dew and Aaron walk in behind him.

I swallowed hard and nodded my head. “Yes, um…yes, sir.”

We all watched as Drake turned and walked out of the barn with Dewey and Aaron following right behind him.

I let out the breath I had been holding, and I felt my whole body relax. “Holy shit, that man scares the piss out of me,” I said.