Firestorm Page 24

She bobbed her head. “I believe you may be right.”


Peta stayed crouched over me, as the lava in the air receded like a wave pulled out to sea. “Be wary, Dirt Girl. The queen is most dangerous when she is scared. And I believe she is terrified.”

I rolled to my back and found myself looking up at the queen. Her blue eyes stared down at me, but it was the two high spots on her cheeks that told me Peta was right. They were the only sign of emotion I’d seen on her.

I started to get up but she held a hand over me, the palm shimmering with a red glow. “Do not move, Terraling. How did you know he was a traitor?”

Worm shit and green sticks, there was no way I could tell her about my ability with Spirit. Not if Cactus was right about the way she used people. I swallowed hard.

From Peta came a single word reverberating through me.


But lies had a way of being outed so I went with the closest thing to the truth I could. “He bragged about it to someone else when I was supposed to be unconscious. That he was bedding you while he searched for ‘it.’”

Her eyes narrowed. “And how did you know about his hand, and the scar? He rarely takes his gloves off.”

Unless he was in bed with her were the unspoken words. Which of course would mean I’d spied on them during the act. Which I had, though it wasn’t my fault.

Under my back, the smooth stone slowly heated, as if the lava below was picking up on the queen’s mood. Not a good sign.

Cactus cleared his throat and the queen’s gaze swung to the left. “You have something to tell me, Cactus?”

“Yes, my queen. Lark told me what she’d heard, and we were going to speak to Brand about it. Lark didn’t know who the scar belonged to.” Which didn’t answer how I’d seen it, but maybe the diversion would work.

Peta, quiet through all the talk, slowly put herself between Fiametta and me, as the tension continued to rise. Fiametta was no fool, that much was clear.

I swallowed hard, but otherwise didn’t move. Fiametta turned to me, the heat from her hand directly over my heart. “Who was he speaking to?”

“I don’t know. I only heard him speak and saw him scratch at his scar before I blacked out again.”

Her eyes narrowed to mere slits. “And you didn’t think you were dreaming?”

“I know what I heard.” I took a chance, one that would either put her at ease or make her kill me right there. I sat up, which put her hand right in front of my face. “Fiametta, you’re friends with Cassava. You should know better than anyone that as part of the Rim, I can say I know the difference between dreams and reality with absolute clarity.”

She lowered her hand, but continued to stare down at me, her face unreadable. “Yes, I suppose you would have to learn that if you want to survive in her family.”

Her family. Like Cassava still ruled the Rim. I itched to put Fiametta to the question. To ask her all she knew about Cassava and the bitch’s plans. Almost as much as that, I wanted to know what was hidden in her room. Something she was willing to kill someone she cared about in order to keep hidden.

The queen of the Pit took a step back. “You willingly stepped in front of me when I would have otherwise been attacked. For that I will give you credit.”

“I saved your life,” I said. “Give me Ash’s, surely your life is worth that of a simple Ender who you have no care for.”

Peta let out a barely audible hiss. “Too far.”

I pushed to my feet and dusted my clothes off. Too far it might have been, but I had to ask. I had to push if I was to save Ash’s life.

Fiametta laughed and I was surprised at the soft tones of it. A real laugh, one not hidden behind the mask of royalty. “You think so? I do not. As queen, my life is not worth more than those of my Enders, nor any of my people. I would lay down my life for any of them, Terraling.”

Her words stopped me. Maybe she wasn’t as much like Cassava as I’d been thinking.

“Then you won’t give him even a measure of mercy?”

“No. Four lives were taken at his hands. Four. At best, I could credit him a single life, except I was still forced to take the life of yet another Ender, one who also filled a spot in my bed.” She lifted an eyebrow, her lips quirking upward at the edges. “Unless perhaps you’d like to take his place?”

“As an Ender for the Pit?” I was confused and struggled to understand until she gave me a soft smile, her eyes sparkling with humor and desire.

Oh shit. I’d thought the thing about her libido was exaggerated. Apparently not so much.

I gave her a bow from the waist. “Thank you, but I do believe I will have to forgo your offer. I am only here for three days after all.”

Her face closed off and she inclined her head. “You know more than you say, and I believe there is more to you than you let on—”

“I am an Ender,” I said softly. “Nothing else. I will do what I must to protect those in my care. No matter who they are.”

Her eyes went cold again, and I knew I’d struck a chord I hadn’t meant to.

“You may visit your friend once. That is the gift I offer you for placing your life in front of mine.” She turned and strode toward the entrance Cactus had collapsed. He scrambled to get it open for her, lifting the rock and pushing it all to one side. The queen never looked back, and I realized just how scared I’d been facing her. My legs shook and I had to lock my knees to keep them from buckling.