Firestorm Page 42

“Probably, why?”

This was the key to my plan, if we were to all get out of the Pit alive. “I need you to contact Belladonna. Tell her we need her help as an ambassador. Can you do that right now?”

He nodded. “I don’t think she’ll get here before the execution, Lark. Not even if she Travels.”

“Just go, and hurry,” I said.

His green eyes held more than a bit of suspicion as if he wondered what I was really up to. I knew because I would wonder the same thing if our roles were reversed. “Trust me, Cactus.”

“I do.” This time his kiss landed square on my lips and I kissed him back. In case I was wrong and what I was about to do would cost me my life. Which was a distinct possibility.

For a split second, he held my face. “Don’t do anything stupid, Lark.”

“Would I do that?”

“To save someone you love, yes. You would.” Still, he let me go and I watched him as he turned at the next intersection and was gone before I could say anything else.

“He knows me too well.”

“What are you doing, Dirt Girl?”

Now that he was gone, I decided to tell Peta, since she was stuck with me and the choice I made. “I’m going to confess.”

“No!” she roared and put herself in front of me, halting my moving forward, her snow leopard form big enough to physically stop me. “I will not allow it. You and I both know those Enders were killed after they were healing. You would at most have a lashing, and yet even that would kill you here in the Pit! Your death is not deserved, Larkspur. You can’t do this.” Her voice trembled and I dropped to my knees, wrapping my arms around her thick furry neck. She pressed her mouth against my collarbone, her teeth flat against my skin chattering with her emotions. Through our bond her intention was clear. To stop me no matter what it took. I hadn’t really expected her to be so firm in her conviction.

“Peta, I don’t plan to die. Belladonna will get me out of this and if I have to . . . I will fight my way out.”

She gasped against my neck and I pulled back. “I’m not like the other elementals. I won’t go down without a fight. Trust me. Please.”

“You would be banished, anathema to all who met you. Your life would be over; you would be the walking dead. For what? A single life freely given in exchange for yours?” Her mouth hung open on the last word as if she couldn’t believe the words even as she said them.

“No one will die, Peta.” The words sounded hollow in my own ears, and seemed to bounce off the walls followed by a low laugh, as though the words themselves mocked me.

I put my hand on her. “Peta.” Just her name, and she dropped her head.

Her green eyes rolled up so she could look at me. “Larkspur, please do not ask me to do this. To watch you offer up your life. You will be the thirteenth charge the mother goddess has given me. I cannot bear to watch you die, too.”

“Walk with me.” I put my hip against her shoulder and she gave way. We were close enough to the throne room that even if she refused to point out the turns, I could have found my way. The large doors beckoned and behind them I heard the rumble of voices, in particular Fiametta’s husky tone.

“Trust me to come out of this alive, Peta.”

“That is what my first Spirit charge said right before he died trying to save a friend,” she whispered and I wasn’t sure I was supposed to hear her.

I was committed though. Ash would not die.

I put my hands on the door and pushed against the sparkling firewyrm etched into the solid gold. They swung open with ease and when I stepped into the throne room, all activity stopped and every eye looked to me.

Ash was on his knees in front of Fiametta, his head bowed. Fiametta was dressed in her black Ender leathers and her hair was wild around her face, like a living flame, moving on unseen winds.

“Terraling, I thought you were going to miss your friend’s final walk,” she said as she smiled at me.

I smiled back, though it was an effort and my lips felt as if they were numb from ice. “I doubt that. Fiametta, I confess to the deaths of the four Enders and take all the consequences that will come my way as a result of this confession.” I crossed my arms and waited for a beat before I continued. “I instructed this Ender to confess in my place.”

Fiametta’s eyebrows climbed. “Truly? And why would he do that? You are the younger of the two, obviously less experienced as an Ender. Why would he listen to you?”

I drew myself up to my full height and arched an eyebrow right back at her. “Because I am a princess of the Rim, and he is marked as my bodyguard.”

The entire room sucked in a sharp breath, including Peta at my side.

Ash let out a low groan. “No, Lark, do not do this.”

Fiametta stalked slowly toward me, though her voice was even and without emotion. “You think you can avoid punishment because you have royal blood? If anything, you are held to a higher standard.”

“Do you accept my confession and release Ash?”

Fiametta laughed. “No, I will not. You are a smart girl, Terraling. Very smart. You would take his place, then ask for a trial and try to find a way not to be thrown into the Pit, yes?”

I held my breath and kept my mouth shut, but still, she saw through me. Damn, maybe Belladonna wouldn’t be able to help. Fighting my way out was not something I wanted to do, but I would if I had to.

Nodding she smiled again. There wasn’t a drop of condescension in her. “You will not take his place, though I commend you for trying to save your friend. Very admirable.”