Breakwater Page 60

Even at the distance I stood, the glare on Belladonna’s face was visible. “She left us here, Ash.”

I cleared my throat. “And I came back.”

Her eyes would have shot arrows at me if she’d been capable, I was sure. “Give me my diamond.”

Finley smiled. “If Lark wanted the diamond, then she may have it. She saved us all.”

That wasn’t exactly accurate since Peta had performed the killing blow. But I would take it if it meant Belladonna wouldn’t contest me for the Sylph diamond. I should have known better.

The rage that lit up her face made her look so much like her mother that I took an involuntary step back.

“You will give me the diamond back. Give it to me!” Belladonna launched herself at me, her fists flailing through the air as tears tracked her cheeks. She bit my arm before I could catch her. Grunting, I pulled her off me and when Ash made a motion to help, I shook my head.

“Bella, what is going on? What happened?”

She slumped in my arms, huge sobs wracking her body. “I can’t tell you, not with him here. He will tell me it is just. That the punishment is my reward.”

Startled, I looked up at Ash. “Give us a few minutes.”

“Let me know when you are ready to Travel.” He bowed at the waist and strode away.

Holding her tightly, I sank to the floor with her. Belladonna’s head rested on my shoulder as she cried herself out. “Lark, why did you take the diamond?”

I went with a half-truth. “It’s dangerous, cursed. I didn’t want it to hurt you so I . . . got rid of it.”

“Oh. You were protecting me?” Her eyes softened. She wiped her face as she hiccupped back a sob.

I stroked her hair with one hand. “I’ve been trying to protect you the whole time. That hasn’t changed.”

“But you couldn’t keep me safe from Requiem.” Her words were barely above a whisper.

A growing horror filled me, and the words choked me. “Did he . . .” I’d hoped Requiem’s words had been just to make me angry, to push me into making a mistake. That he hadn’t actually done anything to her, that he hadn’t had time.

She nodded and I clutched her too me. “I’m so sorry, Bella, I came as fast as I could.”

“He raped me before the wedding. I thought . . . I thought I could tease him like I’d teased the others and get him to do what I wanted. But he didn’t stop when I told him to.” She paused, her eyes slowly lifting to mine. “Do you know what happened with Ash and me?”

Jaw tight, I nodded. Ash’s memories were all too vivid within my head. “Yes. Cassava made you, didn’t she?”

Belladonna sobbed. “Yes, and I like him, but not like that. It was awful, but now . . . now it’s like this is my punishment. That’s why I don’t want Ash to know. He’d be happy that I’ve been hurt. The way he was.”

I was shaking my head before she even finished. “Ash isn’t like that. He is a good man.”

Finley stepped forward, stopping our conversation, her eyes darting to Bella’s stomach. “Belladonna, do you want to keep it? My healers can help you if you would like.”

“How could you possibly know . . .that?” I whispered.

Finley gave me a sad smile. “It is part Undine. And as its queen, I can sense it.”

Bella shook even harder and again the horror within me grew. The question was on the tip of my tongue but I couldn’t even say it. Her eyes were clamped shut and she nodded. “My mother . . . she’ll kill me if she finds out, even if I don’t keep . . . What do I do?” She looked up at me, eyes awash with fear.

Holding her in one arm, I reached up and twisted the cedar band around my bicep. “We go home.”


Belladonna’s memories on the way home were as bad as the first. Except it wasn’t only one beating, but all of them rushing through her mind and into mine. One after the other, and for such silly things I struggled to comprehend.

Touching Mother’s dress to feel the material.

Making eye contact when she wasn’t supposed to.




We collapsed inside the Traveling room. Belladonna looked away from me. “You saw, didn’t you?”

“I’m sorry. I don’t know how to not see.”

She sniffed and wiped her face. “Lark, I don’t know what to do.”

“Neither do I. But Father—”

“No. I can’t trust him. I trust you, Lark. Tell me what to do,” she pleaded and I understood. Her whole life had been directed by Cassava. And now she wanted me to direct her the same way. I couldn’t do it, though.

“What do you want?” I sat beside her, the globe swirling around us silently.

She fiddled with the hem of her skirt. “I don’t know.”

“Then for right now, I think you should wait. There is time yet . . . I think.” Mother goddess help us both. I hoped I was giving her good advice. “I have to go back for Ash.”

She caught my hand. “I never really liked him like that. Mother made me.” Horror filled her eyes and she clamped her hands over her head. “Mother goddess, this is my punishment, isn’t it?”

I hugged her to me. “Bella, that’s not how life works. It isn’t, I promise. Wait here, Ash and I will be right back.” I stepped away from her, repositioned the globe with my fingers, and twisted the armband. The blessed quiet of Traveling without someone surrounded me and then I was back in the Deep. I stumbled as I stepped out of the ether, on the edge of the stairs that led into the throne room. I’d missed my target by a bit, but close was good enough for me.