Untamed Delights Page 21

Vinnie’s frown deepened. “How have I never heard of this website?”

“A lot of people haven’t,” said Dominic. “If someone hadn’t issued bounties on both my pack and the Mercury Pack through the website, I doubt we’d have heard of this hit list either.”

Valentina tapped her foot. “Those thugs who turned up outside our building, Mila . . . They warned you that you would regret not cooperating, yes?”

Mila rubbed at her nape. “Yep.”

“Whoever sent them must have put a high price on her head, hoping it would flush Alex out,” said Tate, Vinnie’s Beta and his eldest son. Like his brother, Tate was powerful and dominant enough to run his own pride. Thankfully, more than one natural-born alpha could exist within a pallas cat pride, or both Tate and Luke would have had to leave.

Vinnie nodded, his jaw tight. “I agree. It’s a high bounty, which means people who wouldn’t normally bother our kind might be willing to risk it.”

“We need to find Alex and ask him who he pissed off,” said Tate. “Until we know who they are, we can’t deal with them ourselves.”

“It makes sense that he’d disappear off the face of the earth at a time when someone’s got it in for him,” Jesse commented. “He’s probably lying low, waiting for the trouble to blow over.”

“Alex wouldn’t hide or run,” said Mila. “He definitely wouldn’t leave others to deal with any fallout. It’s not uncommon for him to go off the radar when he’s roaming. It’s a wolverine thing.”

“Any chance he’s with your family, Valentina?” asked Luke, who was Head Enforcer.

Valentina shook her head. “I checked. No one has heard from him.”

“I’m surprised he’s even allowed in Russia after what happened,” said Luke. “Isn’t Interpol still pissed at him for leveling the police headquarters?”

It was Mila who answered. “Yeah, but they’re too scared of my uncles to refuse them anything, let alone access to their nephew.” Only Alex could escape a locked cell, free the other prisoners so they’d serve as a distraction, then use a few simple household products to create an explosion before breaking out. To be fair, the charges against him had been utterly false.

“We’ll find him.” Vinnie looked at Mila. “In the meantime, you’ll need to be careful. You’ll be safe enough while around these parts. The entire pride will have eyes on your surroundings.”

“She’ll also be protected while at the club,” Jesse vowed. “My mate is infuriated by what happened tonight. She considers Mila a friend, not just an employee. We’ll ensure she’s safe while there, although I will note that she doesn’t need our protection in a confrontation.”

Vinnie nodded. “Yes, but assassins don’t normally get close to their targets. They usually use firearms and shoot from a distance.” His brows drew together. “I’m surprised the jackal didn’t.”

“She said she liked to get up close and personal with her ‘marks,’” Mila told him. “I’ll be careful, and I’ll make it as hard as I can for anyone to get to me. Hopefully we find Alex soon, because identifying the asshole who put out the hit is our best chance at making all this end.”

They talked for a few more minutes, and then everyone began to disperse until there was only GQ and her parents. Mila was just about to send him on his way when her mother moved to stand in front of him, her hands on her hips.

“Tell me, wolf,” said Valentina. “How is it you know my Mila so well that you would go into her dressing room without knocking first?”

He stared up at Valentina for a good few seconds and then gave a fast shake of his head. “I’m sorry, what did you say? Every time you speak, I get so caught up in your accent that I don’t really process the words.”

Her mother’s mouth kicked up into a tiny reluctant smile. It had to be a trick of the light or something, Mila thought, because Valentina Devereaux rarely smiled.

James leaned into Mila and whispered, “Oh, this one’s good.”

Her frown back in place, Valentina looked Dominic up and down. “You say you coaxed her cat to you. That makes you either bold or stupid. Which is it?”

“She was bleeding a lot,” said Dominic, seeming to sober at the memory. “I needed to be sure she was okay.”

“Bold it is,” Valentina decided, and Mila could see that her parents now instantly liked him for his answer. “Good. Stupid is weak. I despise weakness.”

“I’m guessing you’re the wolf who wrote his number on Mila’s hand,” James said to him. “Evander only referred to you as ‘Lothario.’”

Dominic nodded. “Yes, sir, that was me.”

Mila’s brows lifted. Sir?

“And did she call you?” James asked.

Dominic let out a sigh that was heavy with disappointment. “No, sir, she did not.”

Again with the sir. Mila rolled her eyes.

“And yet, here you are.” Valentina pursed her lips. “It is good you are as stubborn as she is.”

Dominic smiled. “I like that she’s strong-willed, Mrs. Devereaux.”

“Is that so?” Valentina lifted a brow. “What else do you like about our Mila?”

Okay, enough was enough. “Mom—”

James raised a hand. “Don’t interrupt the wolf, sweetheart, this is getting interesting.”

“I like that she’s genuine and confident,” Dominic went on. “I like that she knows her own self-worth and fully respects herself. I like that she’ll call people on their bullshit—me included—and I like the way she absolutely owns a stage whenever she walks on it. And, although it might be considered odd, I like that her cat is undeniably vicious when she needs to be.”

Mila wasn’t gonna lie, her belly fluttered a little at that declaration. The bastard was good with words. Her feline sure did like the latter comment.

Her mother watched him for a moment, her face unreadable, and then gave a short nod. “You may call me Valentina. This is James, Mila’s father.”

Mila’s mouth thinned as her father actually shook GQ’s hand with a freaking smile. Hell, they might as well have said, “Welcome to the family.”

Mila stood. “All right, I think we’re all done here. I need to make some calls and redouble my efforts to get ahold of Alex. GQ, I’m sure I’ll see you at the club sometime. Mom, Dad—before you demand it of me, yes, I promise to be careful when I’m out and about. If you hear from Alex, please call me right away; I’ll do the same for you.” She gestured at the front door, hoping they’d all file out. They didn’t. Hell, they didn’t even move.

“You should come for dinner at our home sometime,” Valentina said to Dominic. It wasn’t so much an invitation as an instruction.

His smile wide, he nodded. “It will be my pleasure.”

“Come along, James, we have calls to make.” She cupped Mila’s chin. “Be extra vigilant, Mila.”

Standing, James pressed a kiss to Mila’s temple. “Stay safe, sweetheart. I’ll see you soon.” Her parents then said their goodbyes to Dominic and left.