Untamed Delights Page 36

She didn’t get a chance to properly look at the male holding her tight and dragging her deeper and deeper. The water flooded her lungs until it felt like they’d explode.

Again, she wrestled the fear beating at her. But she lost. Could barely move, let alone swim or fight. Yet, little by little, a sense of tranquility crept in, pushing away the panic. Her vision began to darken, and total paralysis finally set in. Just as the darkness dragged her under, the water shook as if something heavy had landed in it.

Lounging on his bed wearing only his jeans, Dominic pinched the bridge of his nose as he spoke into his phone. “Charlene, I said I’m fine, and I’m fine.” He’d been undressing, planning to take a shower, when he’d heard his cell ringing. He’d hoped it was Mila. Hearing her voice would have gone a long way to cheering up his broody wolf.

“Well, you don’t sound fine,” said Charlene. “And I sure wouldn’t be fine if there were two messed-up articles about me floating around.”

“How pissed is Lennie?” he asked with a sigh, referring to her mate.

“He didn’t like seeing my name on an online list of your past bed-partners, but he likes you well enough that he’s more pissed for you than at you. After all, it’s not your fault. Emmet Pierson has made many enemies by posting that list. A lot of the women on it are mated now, and their men will not be any happier than Lennie is. Speaking of Lennie . . . he’s out with his buddies tonight. I could come see you, cheer you up,” she offered.

“I’m good, but thanks. And I don’t think your mate would like it much anyway.”

She snorted. “He knows you and I are just friends. He won’t get jealous.”

“No, but he wouldn’t be happy if someone took pictures of you coming and going from my territory, considering you were on Pierson’s infamous list. The human would twist that information to make it seem like you’re cheating on your mate. Lennie wouldn’t believe it, but others might.”

“Wait, there are people hanging outside your territory?”

“There were earlier. Trick and Marcus keep chasing them off, but they come back.”

She made a noise loaded with sympathy. “I’m so sorry this is happening to you. I wish I could do something.”

“It’ll all die down soon.” That was what he kept telling himself.

There was a slight pause. “I expected to see you at the club on Friday, since you seemed determined to wear Mila Devereaux down,” she said, her tone neutral. “I guess this means you’ve given up. It’s for the best. You should be looking for a girl you like, not another one to enjoy simply for a night. You’re getting too old to be chasing skirts.”

But he did like Mila. In fact, he’d kind of . . . well, he missed her. A little. Sort of. Maybe.

“You sure you don’t want some company?” Charlene asked. “You’d be doing me a favor. I’m bored out of my mind here.”

Hearing a beeping from his phone that indicated another person was trying to call, he glanced at the screen. Tate’s name was flashing there. “Charlene, I have to go.”

“Why, what is it?”

“Probably nothing.” Hanging up, Dominic then answered Tate’s call. “Any news?”

“Don’t go postal,” said Tate.

Dominic sat upright. “What’s happened? Where’s Mila?”

“She’s fine,” Tate assured him. “But there was another attack. Some bastard tried to drown her.”

Dominic’s wolf sliced out his claws. “They did what?” He was already off the bed, grabbing a T-shirt out of his closet.

“In the basement swimming pool. Really, she’s okay. But I figured you’d want to know.”

“I’ll be right there.”

Having pulled on his tee and shoes, he left his room, slamming the door behind him. Then, his blood boiling, Dominic stalked through the network of tunnels, heading for the exit. Fuck, he should have convinced her to move to his territory, where he could have kept a close watch over her, where she’d be safer. Moreover, he should never have agreed to keep his distance from her. If he’d been at her side tonight, he might have put a stop to the attack before it started.

Although he was pissed as fuck at Trey for issuing the order to steer clear of her, Dominic was more pissed at himself for heeding it. He could have protested. Could have declared that Mila was far more to him than a female who warmed his metaphorical bed—Trey would have respected that. But Dominic hadn’t wanted to admit that truth to himself, let alone to others.

He’d told her that he wasn’t using Trey’s order as an excuse to put physical space between them. He’d thought he meant it. But Dominic realized now that he’d been talking out of his ass. He’d done to her what he did best—he’d pulled back. “I’m such a fucking prick,” he muttered under his breath.

Sharply turning a corner, Dominic saw Trey and Dante walking in his direction.

“What’s going on?” Trey demanded, obstructing his path. “You look like you want to rip someone’s throat out.”

He did. “Mila was attacked again.” Dominic quickly relayed Tate’s news to them. “I need to see her.”


“Don’t tell me to stay away.” Dominic’s voice was quiet but laced with something very, very dark. “I need to see her, and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do.” If that meant disobeying a direct order from his Alpha, so fucking be it.

Trey sighed. “If you’re seen with her, you could send more unwanted attention her way.”

“Yeah, you’ve said that already. I listened to you. I kept my distance. I trusted that her pride would take care of her. But she’s been hurt, and I don’t even know how badly.”

“The pride has two healers—”

“You’re not hearing me, and I don’t know why.” Dominic took a determined step forward. “I’m going to see her. You don’t have to like it, but it’s happening.”

Exchanging a look with Dante, Trey sighed again. “Then we’ll come with you.”

“You don’t need to—”

“Mila’s clearly something to you, so if you really feel you need to see that she’s okay with your own two eyes, then fine. But you’re not going out alone. We’re coming with you.”

His jaw clenched, Dominic gave a reluctant nod. “Then let’s go.”

The three of them headed down the steps of the cliff face and into the concealed parking lot. No one objected to him driving. Dante rode shotgun while Trey sat in the back.

“So,” began Dante as they passed through the iron gates, “are you ready to accept the truth yet?”

Dominic flicked him a sideways glance. “What truth?”

“That she’s not just a bed-buddy to you,” the Beta replied. “I know you, Dom, so I’m pretty sure you’ve been doing your best to rationalize why she draws you to her. At first, you no doubt blamed it on her rejecting you—and I’m sure that did play some part. But I think what really drew you was that, from day one, she saw you.”

Dante didn’t say “the way your parents never did,” but Dominic heard the words.