Magic Games Page 21

“Sera.” He dipped his chin to her as he sat down on the stool beside hers. He ordered a drink. As soon as it arrived, he spun his stool to face her. “I thought you were busy working tonight.”

“I am working.”

“Not dressed like that, you aren’t, honey.” His eyes panned up her body, lingering on her chest.

She flicked him in the chin.

“Ow!” he growled, nearly tumbling off his stool.

She shrugged. “It’s not nice to stare.”

He resettled his balance, his grin returning. “Now do it again, this time with magic.”

“You want me to flick you with my magic?” she asked in disbelief.

“Yes, as hard as you can, baby,” he said, stroking his finger along the lip of his glass. From the way he was still gawking at her chest, he was obviously thinking about touching other things.

Sera looked down at her glass, which was only half-empty. She should have downed the whole damn thing the second she’d seen him.

“What do you say, gorgeous?” Cutler winked. “Care to have some fun?”

“What do I say? That I’m too busy for this nonsense. I have work to do.”

He took a long drink, and when his eyes met hers again, they were glowing. “What kind of work? Checking the drinks for poison?”

She glared at him.

He didn’t take the hint. “You know what I think, Sera?” Smiling lazily, he wrapped his arm around her. “I think you didn’t come here to work. I think you came here because you’re pining for me.”

“Pining? For you?” she said, nearly choking on the words.

He gave her a knowing nod. “Yes.”

She shrugged off his arm. “You’re delusional. You followed me to New York.”

“Of course I did. I want to see you in the Magic Games. And don’t pretend you’re not glad I came.” Cutler leaned in. “I know a woman in need when I see her, and you’re it. How long has it been since you’ve had sex?”

Magic and alcohol shot out of her mouth. She coughed. “Excuse me?”

“That long, is it?” Cutler nodded. “I thought so.” He stood, grabbing her hand. “But don’t worry. I’m here to help. Follow me. I know a quiet spot in the back.”

“Remove your hand before I do,” she growled through clenched teeth. Her magic was bubbling beneath her skin, its flames fed by her rage.

“So it’s like that, is it?” he said, unconcerned. “You want to be wooed first.” He smiled. “Very well. Let’s dance.”

Sera’s magic was bursting at the seams, ready to explode. She tried to push it down, but it refused to obey. Instead, it continued to pound at her restraint, chewing away at it one bit at a time.

“Let go,” she said, the words buzzing in her throat. “I will not tell you again.”

He laughed, his grip tightening around her wrist. “You’re sexy when you’re angry. I want to see the look in your eyes when I take you over the edge.”

He was taking her over the edge all right. Her magic snapped out and punched him in the gut. Cutler doubled over, his grasp finally broken. Groaning, he straightened.

“Was that hard enough for you, baby?”

His eyes were swirling with pain. And excitement. “Sera,” he began, making her name sound like a dirty word.

Someone passed between them, cutting Cutler off. Sera looked up into Kai’s eyes.

“Go,” he growled at Cutler. When Cutler didn’t move, he barked, “Now.”

Cutler took one look at the dragon scales sliding across Kai’s arm, then scurried off. When he was gone, Kai turned and sat down beside her.

“Thanks,” Sera said. “I was this close to blasting him across the room.” She stared down at her drink and sighed. “I still have so little control over my magic.”

“You showed remarkable restraint against that punk.” He lifted her drink, turning it in his hand. “Do you mind?”

“Go ahead.”

He drained the glass in a single go. “My magic was close to the surface too.”

“You’re always in control,” she said, watching the scales fade from his skin.

“Not always.” He tapped his arm. “As you can see.”

“I thought you were just showing off for Cutler’s benefit.”

“No. I was half a second from losing it. Reining in my rage was…difficult.”

“I’m glad you didn’t blow up the building. There are better ways to show off,” she teased, giving his arm a pat.

He caught her hand as it withdrew. “Tell me.” His thumb stroked her palm in slow, deep circles.

Her heart stuttered. “Tell you what?”

“I’ve never cared about showing off for other people.”

“You don’t need to. Your magic speaks for itself. It’s…” She gasped as his magic slid against hers. “Kai, that’s very distracting.”

“What?” His eyes focused. “Oh.” He snapped his magic back into himself. “I didn’t even realize I was doing it. You are distracting.”

“So this is my fault?”

“Yes.” He gave her a rare smile. It was a hard smile, not sticky and slimy like Cutler’s silly grin. “You made me wonder about what I could do to impress you.”

“I thought you didn’t show off for people.”