A Heart So Fierce and Broken Page 49

Then I can’t see anything else because he launches himself forward and wraps his arms around my neck. His breath is hitching against my shoulder like he’s a child. “I knew you would fix it. I knew you would.”

The emotion in his voice is so potent that my own chest feels tight. My hands are shaking like I’ve been in a battle. This feels powerful. This feels useful. I feel so many things that my thoughts cannot contain them all. Regret that this happened at all. Guilt that I could not help him before. Relief that I could help him now.

And underneath it all, so tiny that I almost don’t acknowledge it, a kernel of pride that instead of magic bringing fear and torment, the way Lilith did, or pain and death, the way my sword would, my magic brought healing and trust, and that is not a small thing at all.



When we wake, Iisak reports that soldiers and guardsmen are preparing to move out of the closest town, and that they will be advancing ahead of our traveling party. Grey thinks this will be our best chance to find horses, especially since we have the buck’s hide to trade, and it makes for a good story. We stay in our camp throughout the day, until Iisak says they’ve moved on, then we wrap up the hide and antlers and plan to walk into town near sunset.

Blind Hollow is a small town burrowed into the base of the mountains that border Emberfall and Syhl Shallow. When we step out of the trees and into the valley, I’m nearly breathless from the beauty of our surroundings. The miles of blue sky overhead darken to violet in the distance. Trees climb the mountainside, stretching as far as I can see to either side. The foliage is vibrant green, but the air here is a bit cooler, leaving the bare start of red speckled throughout.

Tycho’s mouth is all but hanging open. It reminds me of Nolla Verin’s comments in the carriage, when I was doing the same thing.

“Get a good look now,” says Grey. “You cannot stare like that when we walk into town.”

“The mountains are even bigger than I imagined.”

“It’s not Rillisk, that’s for certain.” Grey starts forward, leaving us to follow.

The five of us together would draw too much attention, so Noah and Jacob wait inside the tree line. Their accents would give them away almost immediately. Iisak has disappeared, but I imagine he won’t be far.

I thought Grey might tell me to remain behind as well, but I offered to be his sister, mute ever since a childhood fever. “It might garner some sympathy,” I said. “For bargaining.”

The corner of his mouth tilted up, just the slightest bit, but his eyes were inscrutable. “Clever,” he said, and that was that.

He’s been active and occupied all day, rehanging the hide to make sure it dries, walking the path into Blind Hollow to see how much traffic we’d encounter, grilling Iisak for insights into the layout of the town and where we might run into trouble.

I spent the day with the bow and arrow, hoping to find more game so we’d have more skins to trade.

At least, that was the story I gave the men. In truth, I needed a task to busy my hands and occupy my thoughts. It didn’t matter. No matter what task I gave my hands, my thoughts were all too content to focus on the moment by the fire, when Grey’s thumb stroked across my lip.

Even the memory is enough to make me shiver. I keep stealing secret glances at him, as if my eyes are reluctant to look at anything else. That first night I hid in his room at Ironrose, I thought he was aggressive and cold, but after spending days in his presence, I’ve discovered that he’s not either. He’s quiet and strong and sure.

I wonder what my sister will think of him. She teased me about my inexperience with men, but now I long to whisper and giggle in the privacy of our carriage.

But of course we will not have moments of whispers and giggles once I reach the Crystal Palace in Syhl Shallow. Mother will task Nolla Verin with seducing him, so she can form an alliance before lending her support to his claim on the throne.

My entire mood sours by the time we reach the town proper. Dusk hangs over the valley, bringing a cool breeze down from the mountain. Lanterns hang near doorways, flickering with candles. The cobblestone streets aren’t crowded, but enough people are out that we earn a few curious glances.

I’ve braided my red hair into a rope and tucked it into a belted jacket I’ve borrowed from Jacob. Tycho carries the pelt over his shoulder, while Grey has the antlers strung together across his back. Tycho and I each have a dagger at one hip, while Grey is the only one to carry a sword. Tycho scowled at that, but Grey said it would be unusual for simple trappers to carry many weapons.

I think of that man and his daughter again. He only had one knife at his belt.

Kill them, Nolla Verin said.

Ah, Sister.

Grey glances at me, and he must take note of my expression, because he frowns. “You look troubled,” he murmurs.

I inhale to speak, then remember I am to be mute. I have no idea how to explain it all, so I shake my head, then shrug.

He moves closer. “No harm will come to you.”

He thinks I am nervous about the town. I probably should be, surrounded by people who’ve likely seen the destruction caused by my mother’s soldiers, but I am not. Rhen’s guards have moved on, and Blind Hollow seems quiet and peaceful.

Still, there is something charming about his reassurance. My annoyance dissipates. I look back into his earnest eyes and nod.

Tycho inhales deeply. “Do you smell the food?”

I hadn’t, but as soon as he says that, I realize I have been smelling food. The road is bordered by small houses and shops, but ahead there appears to be a larger establishment, with a wide thatched roof and a massive chimney spilling smoke into the air. No walls close the people in, and men and women seem to be coming and going from all sides. The scent of roasted meat fills the street, with the bitter scent of mead floating over it all.

“We’ll start there,” says Grey. “Hopefully we can find a buyer tonight, or someone willing to allow us to trade for horses.”

A sign hangs from the corner of the roof, naming the tavern the Rusty Rooster. Tables of all sizes line the floor, and most are occupied. Grey shifts past those to head for the bar in the center of the room, where he gestures for us to sit.

The barkeep is an older man, tall and thin, with a thick beard and a shiny bald head. He offers us a bright, disarming smile. “Travelers!” he says genially. “Welcome to Blind Hollow. I am Eowen. Mead?”

“Water, if you have it,” says Grey. “I am Rand. This is my sister, Mora, and my cousin Brin.”

Eowen provides a pitcher and three mugs, then adds a platter of dry biscuits, jam, and cheese. “You look a bit road weary.” He turns that smile on me. “Rough travel, girl?”

I wonder just how road weary I look. I touch my fingers to my mouth and shake my head.

Grey says, “Forgive her. My sister cannot speak.”

“Eh?” Eowen laughs and slaps the bar. “She’ll make a man a lucky husband, then!”

I scowl.

Grey laughs. “Indeed.”

I knock over my mug of water in his direction.

He’s quick and jumps back before it does much damage. I offer a simpering smile.

I expect a glare, but instead, he gives me a crooked smile, his eyes twinkling. “She doesn’t know her own strength, either.”