A Curse So Dark and Lonely Page 23

“There are certainly roles to fill,” says Grey.

Rhen cuts him a sharp look. “Commander.”

“There are?” says Evalyn, with wonder in her voice. “Then indeed there is hope for change.” She smiles at me.

I swallow. She thinks I will bring change. With some engagement to align Emberfall with a country that doesn’t exist. If the only hope for these people is for me to fall in love with Rhen, then they ran out of hope the very minute I swung at Grey with that crowbar.

“I don’t want to fight the monster,” says Bastian. His father hushes him.

Freya looks up from her baby. “Perhaps the monster will be vanquished before you come of age,” she offers hopefully. “If the Lady Harper’s people can lend their forces to ours.”

“Tell us, my lady,” says Evalyn. “Does the creature terrorize your lands as well?”

I glance at Rhen, unsure how to move forward from here.

He looks back at me. “Yes. Do tell us.”

“No monster in my lands,” I say breezily. Then I look into my mug and take a long sip, just to avoid the need to say more. It burns my throat all the way down.

“Is your country a long journey away?” says Coale. “I admit, I have never heard of Disi, though it has been so long since we’ve housed travelers from outside Emberfall.”

“I’m not really sure of the exact distance,” I say. “It seems I got here in a flash.”

A knock sounds at the door. “Innkeeper!” a man yells from outside.

“More guests?” says Evalyn. She smooths her skirts. “So unusual this early in the season.” She gives me a smile. “You bring us luck, my lady.”

Coale moves to the door and throws it open. “Gentlemen! Welcome—”

The joy in his voice dies. I can’t see much around his form, but I can see booted feet. The ends of sheathed swords. Five men. At least.

I’m on my feet without realizing it. Rhen moves to stand beside me, and Grey moves in front of us both. A hand rests on his sword hilt, but he hasn’t drawn a weapon yet.

“Welcome,” Coale finishes uneasily. His form blocks most of the doorway. “Are you in need of rooms? We have one available, if you are willing to share—”

“We are here to seize this property for the crown.”

“To seize this property?” Coale takes a step back. “We pay taxes every season to the Grand Marshal. We owe nothing—”

“You have one hour to vacate.”

Coale gasps. “That’s ludicrous! This is our home!”

The man steps forward menacingly. “You will leave, or your home will burn.”

Evalyn moves closer to me and Rhen. “I assure you, Your Highness,” she whispers quickly. “We pay every season. There surely is some mistake—”

“These men do not work for me,” says Rhen, his voice low.

“They wear the same colors as those men yesterday,” says Grey.

Rhen glances at him, then moves forward, toward Coale.

“Children,” Freya whispers quickly. Fear is alive in her voice. “Children, go to our room.” They scurry toward the staircase.

“Move aside, innkeeper,” growls the man at the door. “If you will not leave willingly, we will leave you in a pile of ash.”

Coale does not move. “You will not threaten my family—”

“I said, move.” The man draws his sword and all but pushes his way inside. “Gather your things and go.”

Beside Rhen, Grey moves to draw his weapon, but Rhen gives a brief shake of his head.

Four others follow the first man, and they crowd into the entranceway. They wear dark clothes trimmed in green and black and silver, like the men from last night. Their expressions are fierce and uncompromising. Hard-edged.

Their eyes search the room. They stop when they find Rhen and Grey, and I see two of the men exchange a glance.

I recognize one of them. It’s the man who ran last night. He leans in to the leader of the group and whispers something low.

The lead man’s eyes linger on Freya for a moment, but when he hears whatever his compatriot whispers, his eyes shift to me, then to Grey, but he finally stops on Rhen. “Who are you?”

Rhen takes a step forward. “Lord Vincent Aldrhen, Prince of Emberfall, son of Broderick, King of the Eastern Lands.” His eyes narrow. “A better question is, who are you?”

The man spits on the floor. “The prince is dead.” The men behind him chuckle.

Evalyn gasps and clasps a hand to her chest.

Rhen smiles, but there is nothing friendly about it. “I assure you, I am very much alive.” He pauses and his voice sharpens. “And you will leave these good people in peace.”

“If you’re the prince, where is your guard? Your entourage?” The man glances around the room, stopping on me this time. “This land will be under the rule of Karis Luran soon enough. I’ll take what I came for.” He steps forward. “Burn it. Kill them all.”

Rhen’s hand falls on the hilt of his own sword.

“Wait.” I lift my chin and put a hand on his forearm.

Loan sharks once came to the door, looking for my father. He was long gone. I was younger, but I wasn’t stupid enough to miss the glint of light on steel under one of the men’s jackets. My mother sweet-talked them and offered cookies and coffee. I still remember her fingers shaking as she lifted the coffeepot.

Apparently honey really does catch more flies than vinegar, because the men believed her when she said her husband was traveling on business, and she was just the silly wife, left home with the children, ignorant of her husband’s bad debts.

I can’t fight, but I know how to bluff.

I step forward. “You would dare threaten the first daughter to the King of Disi?” Without waiting for an answer, I turn to face Rhen, who’s looking at me like I’ve grown a second head. “You never specified that your lands are under control of another monarch. This was to be an alliance. When I alert my father, his armies will waste no time in seizing this territory—”

“What armies?” says the man. He sounds suspicious, but he stops the others from moving farther into the inn. “Who are you?”

“I am Princess Harper of Disi,” I announce. “You have not heard of me? My kingdom’s soldiers number in the thousands.”

“Per regiment,” Rhen adds quickly. “We look forward to combining our forces with Disi’s legendary army.”

“Yes, per regiment. Obviously.” I almost falter. “And my father has hundreds of regiments—”

“Dozens,” says Rhen.

“Yes, dozens of regiments, and they stand ready to invade Emberfall on my order if this alliance fails—”

“What alliance?” says the man. He sounds exasperated. “Who—what is—where is Disi?”

“You are in no position to make demands.” I fill my voice with steel and fire, remembering the way those men talked about Freya and little Dahlia. “I have already sent word to my father about the men who threatened me last night. You will identify yourselves, and then you will leave these people. I wish to know the names of the men my father will execute first. In fact, I believe I would enjoy watching.”

The man hesitates.

Rhen seizes the moment. “Princess Harper,” he says to me. “These men are clearly following orders. No harm has been done here today. Surely there must be a misunderstanding. Allow them time to return to their general before beginning an international incident.”

The man’s eyes narrow.

Rhen leans closer to me. “Have mercy, my lady. I know your soldiers are said to enjoy tearing men limb from limb, but—”

“Goodness,” Evalyn gasps. “The Secret Service sounds positively vicious.”

The man meets my eyes. He’s not an idiot. “I don’t believe you. We will burn this inn to the ground, girl.”

I hold his gaze and refuse to look away. “Commander Grey. Prove how serious I am.”

Grey’s hand flicks out. The man shouts and drops to the ground. The hilt of a knife protrudes from his knee.

Whoa. I have no idea what I expected him to do, but that’s even better.

The man is screaming hoarsely. Blood seeps around the dagger, slowly staining his pant leg. His men shuffle and look confused, glancing from their leader to me, and then to Grey. None have drawn a weapon.

There’s a sword in Grey’s hand now. “Shall I remove his leg for you, my lady?”

“Yes,” I say. “A trophy for my father.”

Grey steps forward without hesitation. I suck in a breath. I think he might actually do it.

“No!” the man yells. “No!” He glares back at his men. “Help me, curse you! Get me out of here!”

They hustle to drag him out. “The queen will hear of this!” he yells. “Mark my words, our queen will—”

Coale slams the door on him.

Then he turns to me. His normally ruddy face has gone pale. “My lady. Again, you have our thanks.”

“Yes.” Evalyn comes around the table and goes to her knees. She grasps my hand and kisses it. “Your kindness knows no bounds.”