Say I'm Yours Page 24

Cooper’s body relaxes a little. He shifts, rests his other hand on mine, and nods. “All right, but you’re going to choke on those words when you see the movie.”

“I doubt that,” I tease.

“You’ll see.”

I shake my head and pull my hands back. Cooper grabs his fork and knife, and we dig in. Dinner is nice, we talk a little about the farm and how he wants to change a few things. There’s a lot more to Cooper than I ever knew. I always knew that he was smart, but he has some ideas that are inspiring. He explains a little about the project Presley’s working on, and I go into some of my plans for next year. We talk long after our plates are empty and beers have run dry.

“Ready for the movie?” he asks in one of the very few lulls in conversation. I glance at the clock, realizing we’ve been talking for well over an hour. Time flew by, and we didn’t have any time where it was weird or we didn’t have something to talk about.

“I should clean up.” I start to grab the plates, but he grips my wrist.

“Leave it. Live a little. Let’s watch the movie and then we can take care of the dishes.”

He releases my hand, and I put the plate down. “Okay.”

It’s so not in me to do this, but different is good sometimes.

Cooper pops in the DVD before turning with a grin. “You excited?”


He chuckles and sits on the couch. Both of us sit on each end, I’m not sure what the hell is supposed to happen, so I’m going with better safe than sorry mentality. “I won’t bite,” he says as he drapes his arm over the couch.

Jesus. Here I go.

I scoot closer as Cooper watches me with an open arm. My butt hits his leg, and he adjusts himself so we’re even closer. My throat goes dry as my body rests very much against his. I can’t tell if I’m uncomfortable or the nerves are because of how attracted I am to him right now. I’ve never been blind to Cooper, but he’s always been—brotherly. Between today and now dinner, things shifted a little. He never once made me feel small or as if I was just Presley’s friend. He talked to me like a woman.

Tonight has felt good, and this feels good, too.

The movie comes on screen, and I can’t hold in the laugh as I tilt my head so I can look at him. “You did not!”

“I thought we could use a repeat.”

“Goonies never say die!”

Cooper’s other arm rests on my knees, and he holds me tight. When we were kids, Presley and I were so obsessed that we wore the VHS out. We would run around the house, searching for the gold and pirate ship we believed were hidden somewhere. Cooper would tell us we were naive, but it didn’t stop him from looking with us.

I nestle in, not thinking about the fact that he’s Cooper. He’s a man that I’m on a date with, one who I also find attractive. The movie plays on as we stay cuddled together. We both laugh at our favorite parts, and I jump a little when Ma talks about cutting out their tongues, which makes him laugh against my ear. The heat from his breath sends a shiver through me.

I try to cover it over by playing with my hair, but Cooper doesn’t miss it and tightens his arm a bit.

My head lifts a little and our eyes meet, causing a knot to twist in my stomach.

There’s no mistaking what’s burning in his green eyes. The heat is clear, and he wants to kiss me.

I should move my head and stop it.

I could clear my throat and leave the room.

I could, and probably should do all that, but I don’t think I want to.

I don’t want to look back and wonder.

Instead, I turn into him a little more, resting my hand on his chest. “Do you want me to move?” I ask, staring and waiting for something to change.

“Not at all.” Cooper’s head drops a little, giving me another chance out. He moves slowly, measuring each shift in my body.

I lift my lips just a smidge. “Okay,” I say as we grow closer.

His mouth is right there. He could kiss me, but neither of us moves.

Fuck it.

I push myself up and plant my lips on his. His arms go around me instantly, and he drags me closer. I kiss him without restraint and let my mind go so I can feel.

Cooper’s hands glide up my back and tangle in my hair.

I wait for the fluttering in my stomach to start.

I try to find the passion where I’d want to leap into his arms. I search for a smidge of feelings I feel when I’m in Trent’s, but there isn’t one.

Well, okay . . . this isn’t what I was expecting, but I keep holding on and waiting for something to happen. Instead of passion, it feels like friendship. The only thing I feel right now is that . . . I’m cheating on Trent.

I break the kiss and look at him.

Cooper releases me, and I hold on to his shoulders. “Was that?” he asks.


“Maybe we were caught off guard? We should try again,” Cooper suggests. He pulls me back to his chest, and I focus on how it feels against his body. He slowly brings his lips to mine.

I close my eyes and hold on to his strong arms as he kisses me. My mind starts to wander a little, it feels nice, but this isn’t a first kiss that anyone talks about. I make a mental note to add milk to my grocery list.

Groceries? That’s what I’m thinking about? This is so not going well.

It’s nothing he’s doing wrong, it’s . . . it’s . . . bland.

Cooper tilts back and looks at me. “So?” I ask, and he laughs.

“I’m not really sure.”

“It wasn’t bad,” I say quickly.

Cooper gives me a disbelieving look. “It was . . . nice.”

“But . . .” I say.

Out of all the vivid, what-if situations that played in my head, this definitely wasn’t one. I thought maybe the stars and fireworks would explode and we’d be naked, or Cooper would make me forget my name, Trent’s name, or a hundred other amazing experiences. Never did I conjure the idea that the kiss would be awkward or feel as if I were lip locked with a friend in spin the bottle.

Cooper groans and I sit back against the couch. “Unreal. I’ve waited a long time to kiss you like that. I didn’t think it would suck so bad.”

I slap his chest and giggle. “Hey! I’ve been known to be a great kisser.”

“Well, I’ve never had any complaints, either.”

“Yeah, Betsy loved tellin’ all the girls how you stuck your tongue down her throat in seven minutes in heaven.”

“She was a prude.” I lean into his side and let out a little sigh. “How are we so bad at this together? It’s like there’s been something keepin’ us apart from the beginning.”

I drop my head to his shoulder and let out a slow breath. “We shouldn’t’ve had to work so hard at this.” I sit up and tuck my leg under me. “And there has been somethin’ between us, Coop. And even if he’s not here right now—he’s here,” I say as I touch my heart.

“You told me all of that, but I thought I could win you over somehow.”

“I really wish you could’ve.”

I close my eyes and lay my head on his shoulder a split second before a loud screaming noise echoes through the house. The fire alarm blares loudly, and a second later, the house alarm joins it.

Both of us jump, covering our ears against the deafening sound. I look around and see the smoke billowing out from under the kitchen door.

“Shit!” I scream. “The pie!”

It’s been hours, and I completely forgot about the damn pie. Now, my house is on fire.

Chapter 12

I rush toward the kitchen, hoping I can save my house. Unreal. Absolutely unreal.

“Don’t go in there!” Cooper’s arms wrap around my waist as he moves me over to the side. “Where’s the fire extinguisher?” Cooper yells.

“In the damn kitchen!” I scream and follow him in there, moving to open the window as Cooper grabs the completely destroyed pie from the oven.

After a few minutes, we get the alarm to silence by fanning the hell out of the kitchen. The smoke is cleared out, and I call the alarm company to cancel the fire department, but they explain they’ve already been dispatched.

“Well,” he lifts the charred pie, “I’d say our desert is done.”

I attempt to smile so I don’t burst out in tears. “I’ve never, not once in my entire life, burned a pie!” My hands cover my face to hide the fact that I could no longer stop myself from crying. I’m sure Cooper will think it’s about the damn pie, but really it’s about so much more. This pie is just one more thing I’ve failed to do right.

“Don’t cry.” Cooper grabs me and pulls me against his chest.

“You don’t get it,” I cry into his shirt. “I burnt the pie. I slept with Trent. He told me he loves me, and then I kissed you. I’m a mess. I don’t even know who I am!”

Cooper rubs my back and kisses the top of my head. “I promise, it’s going to be fine.”

“Grace!” Voices yell from outside the house, and I hear the sirens, faint but growing louder with every passing second. “Grace, are you in there?”

“Oh my god!” I grumble against Cooper’s chest. “This can’t be happening!”