Say I'm Yours Page 28

“Mama,” I start to protest.

“No,” she refutes. “This isn’t a suggestion. Go home, shower, and come back in the mornin’ when we know more. This is comin’ from your father, and you don’t want to go against his wishes, do you?”

“No,” Wyatt says and gives us each a look that says we’re to do as she asks. Dad listens to Zach, where as Wyatt is the one Mom trusts to get us to listen to her. She doesn’t leave room for a discussion and arguing will upset her.

“I love you all,” Mama says and kisses each of us on the cheek. “I’m sorry we lied to you. I hope you’ll forgive me.”

I pull her into my arms and kiss the top of her head. “We’ll do whatever we can.”

She pats my back and looks in my eyes. “I don’t know what I’ll do if I lose him.”

Her eyes fill with tears, and I squeeze her again. “Then convince him to fight, Mama.”

Chapter 14


It’s been three days since Rhett collapsed. Trent has been at the hospital or working, and we haven’t had a chance to see each other or talk about anything. He texts me every day, telling me he can’t wait to see me, but our communication has been minimal. Presley told me that the blood transfusion worked well, and they’re now talking about chemo options. The last thing I want to do is add stress to Trent’s plate about where we stand.

His focus is where it should be, but he asked me to come over when he gets off work in an hour. I decide to head over early because I can’t handle just sitting here. I’ve talked myself into and out of a million things that he could say.

It wouldn’t be crazy to think he’s changed his mind, but God I hope he hasn’t.

I pull up to his house and look around. I haven’t been here in a while, but everything is still the same. His car isn’t outside, but I still have my key, so I can let myself in.

His house sits on the southern edge of his family’s land. It’s not big, but it’s perfect for him. The house is decorated with deep mahogany wood, leather furniture, and all very masculine art on the wall. He’s a simple man, and doesn’t need much, but he let me do some small things to make the house more homey.

I walk in and set my purse down, but then he emerges from the back room, scaring me half to death. “You’re here?”

“I came home to grab something,” he explains. “What are you doin’ here already?”

My heart races as he approaches. “I didn’t want to wait.”

“I’m glad you didn’t. I’ve been goin’ out of my mind.”

Trent’s body moves with such assurance. His sandy-blond hair is in disarray. His dark blue eyes shine with wonder. Everything inside me clenches when he stops in front of me. My breathing grows shallow, and I fight the urge to jump him. This is what has never been an issue for me. Trent makes my blood pump, and I come to life around him.

“Why?” I ask.

“Because I don’t know what we’re doin’, sweetheart. I don’t know what you want or what this means for us.” His hand rises to caress my cheek, but he drops it and blows out a deep breath. “I’ve pushed you away and messed with your head, and I’ll never forgive myself. I don’t want to do that anymore. I love you.” Trent, who seems to have run out of restraint, hooks his finger in mine. “If you want to be with me, you’re going to have to be the one to decide.”

I’m terrified to say what I’m feeling. Years of the back and forth between Trent and me are playing tug-of-war inside me. No matter how much I want to dive in and embrace his love for me, a tiny voice is telling me I’m a fool and that he said all of that as a way to keep me away from Cooper. He doesn’t know about the disastrous kiss between Cooper and me, but now is definitely not the time to tell him.

“I’m scared,” I admit, offering a safe answer.

“You think I’m not?”

I look up at him. “What do you have to be scared of?”

“I have no idea what you’re thinkin’ right now. For the most part, I’ve always been able to tell where your head is, but I don’t right now. It’s killin’ me. The only thing I know is what I feel and that there’s nothing in this world I want more than you.”

I stand before this man that I’ve spent my entire life loving. A man who, no matter what I do, I can’t eradicate from my heart. Our love may not be perfect, but nothing in life is. I want him by my side. He’s who I’ll always need.

“I don’t know how to live without you. I don’t want to try to learn, either.”

His arms are around me in an instant. “Say it,” he commands.

“You have to promise me things. You have to let me in. I need a man who’s going to give me his whole heart. I need you to love me and not just because we were separated. If we do this again, I can’t have you half in.”

“I’ll do whatever you want.”

My hands touch the stubble on his face, and I study his dark blue eyes. “It’s not just about what I want. I need to know you want this, too. I want to get married. I want a baby if we can. I want a life. I want it all. I can’t do this alone, and I don’t want to do it with anyone but you. What do you want?”

“I only want you. All of you—always,” Trent says before his mouth is on mine.

His arms tighten, and I lose it. Our lips move together in perfect harmony. His tongue seeks entrance, and I gladly give it over. Every part of my body is humming when he presses against me. I kiss him with everything I have. All the weeks I went without his touch were agonizing. The hours I spent crying for him. The way we could’ve kissed when he told me he loved me. All the emotions I’ve held on to . . . I let go.

Trent moves us backward until we fall onto the couch and then braces himself over me without breaking the connection. Our hands roam each other’s bodies, my fingers tracing each ridge and valley on his perfect body. The last time he kissed me, we were yelling at each other, it was passion and anger, this time it’s coming together. He’s the other half of my heart, and right now, I’m beating in perfect sync with him.

Trent pulls back. “I love you,” he says before finding my mouth again.

I break the kiss and look him in the eyes. “Show me how much.”

His grin spreads and he adjusts me so I’m on top of him. “I’m going to do much more than that, sweetheart.” The mirth dances in his eyes. “However, I’m on shift for another hour, so if I get a call, I can’t say I was busy makin’ love to my girl.” He kisses my nose. “So, you stay right here, and I’ll be back to make good on that promise.”

I know what that means. Fun time for Grace.

It takes Trent another twenty minutes to actually get out the door, and as soon as he leaves, I start to get excited about when he’ll return. I’m sure the next half hour is going to go by extremely slowly for both of us. With nothing to do but pace Trent’s house and drive myself nuts while I wait, I grab my phone and text Presley.

Me: You home?

Presley: Yes! Please tell me you’re stopping over!

Me: I’ll be there in five.

I leave a note on the table for Trent in case he comes back early and head to her house.

“Grace!” she says, standing from her seat on her front porch and rushing toward me. “I’ve missed you!”

“I’ve missed you, too,” I say as I embrace her. Even though we saw each other a few days ago, it was hardly time for us to catch up.

“Come sit. I have coffee or wine. Zach’s at the hospital finally visiting with his dad.”

We head back to the big couches that sit out on the porch. She and Zach built this house, and it’s truly amazing. It’s brand new yet feels like it’s always been here. The inside is modern rustic and the way they positioned the house they have a front row view to one of the ponds on the property.

“Where are the boys?” I look around and wait for the noise, but it’s quiet. Her twin boys are always running around and then there’s her man-child . . .

“They’re out camping with my brother and father. Since Rhett is still in the hospital, my parents figured they could take them so we’re freed up a little.”

“That’s really nice of them.” I smile.

She laughs and shakes her head slightly. “I think Daddy was a little ambitious and realized two teenage boys are a handful and called Cooper in for reinforcements.”

“I’m sure they’ll be fine.”

“Cayden is such a prankster, though. I can’t even imagine what they have planned for this trip.”

I fold my legs under me and listen as she fills me in on the boys. They’re such great kids, and it’s been wonderful seeing them with Zach. He loves them as if they were his own. Logan is the quieter of the two, but he’s blossomed being on the farm. Between Cooper, Wyatt, Zach, and Trent, he’s surrounded by strong and outspoken men, they’ve all been influential. From the conversations that Presley’s had about their father, he wasn’t that way. Todd was soft-spoken and much more reserved.

You won’t find much of that around here.