Say You'll Stay Page 14

His hand rises as if he’s going to touch my cheek, but drops it. “You’ll be fine, my love. You were always so strong. So beautiful. I left knowing you’d be okay.”

“You left us with nothing!” My emotions ping pong back and forth as I try to get my answers. “I had to leave our home, our lives have been flipped upside down. Do you know what this has done to the boys? You were selfish to think this was the answer. You had options!”

Todd’s tears fall as he listens to my weeps. “I knew you’d hate me. But I knew you’d move on. You’ll be fine, Presley.”

“Do you think I’m fine? I’m not fine, Todd! Why didn’t you just talk to me?”

His lips purse. “Would you have listened?”

These dreams are killing me. Each night it’s something. It’s been a week since we’ve been at the ranch and I haven’t slept peacefully once. I sit up with tears running down my face—tears of rage.

Rage that he did this.

That he gave me so much and then took it away. I loved him for so long, and now I feel like I never knew him. It would’ve been difficult for him to face the mess he put us in, but those two boys sleeping in the other room were all the reason he needed.

They don’t deserve this. And for the pain he inflicted on them . . . I’ll never forgive him.

I grab my phone to check the time. Ugh, three in the morning. I’ll never be able to fall back asleep. I get up, grab my phone, and head out to walk off the anxiety building inside me.

My mind races with my dream conversation with him. Would I have listened? What the hell is that? I comprehend this was a dream and this is all in my mind, but that last line has my stomach in knots.

As my feet carry me, my thoughts begin to settle. My anger abates, and I’m left with the knowledge that it was just a dream. A very vivid dream, but it wasn’t real.

I find myself standing in front of the stall of my beautiful horse. “Hi, Casino.” I smile as he walks toward the door. “Sorry I haven’t been here to see you.” His head comes over the opening and I rub his nose. “Aww, I missed you too. You look tired, boy. Are they taking good care of you, huh?”

He’s so much older now, as am I, but I can’t help but travel back in time. I got him the year before I left for college. I think my parents hoped I would stay close to home for him. I spent hours training him between Zach’s ball games.

Life was simple then. School, horses, Zach, and leaving here as soon as I could. I worked hard to get into the college where Zach was on a full ride. I promised him I would go where he went after two years of long distance, we’d have a few years together, and then he’d enter the draft. I kept my end of the deal. Followed through on it all. He promised me eternal love and broke it with one decision. Funny how that works.

I rub Casino’s neck, soothing both him and me.

“Well, why don’t you saddle him up?” a familiar voice says from behind me.

“You’re the foreman.” I smile as I turn to see Wyatt. “Isn’t that your job?”

His navy blue jeans and white shirt cling to him, and the Stetson on his head makes him look rugged. “Aren’t you spunky this morning? What are you doing awake at this hour?”

“I could ask you the same.”

“You could. But you’ve probably guessed I’m coming home from a hot date.”

Wyatt was always a playboy. He was young, sexy, and came from the Hennington family line, which bought him about anything he wanted. The same could be said about being a Townsend.

“Couldn’t have been too hot if you’re standing here talking to me.” I challenge him.

Suddenly I remember the last time I saw him. I quickly check to see what I’m wearing, and catch Wyatt doing the same. “I’m not a cuddle after sex kind of guy.”

“I figured.”

Trent and Wyatt were notorious for breaking hearts. Each naïve girl would swear they’d be the one to tame them. I was the lucky one. Zach is three years older than Wyatt and me. He was always the sensible, loyal, and responsible one of the brothers.

“Let’s go for a ride, Presley Mae.”

I loathe my damn name. “You do mean horseback, right?”

One can never tell with this lot.

He lets out a long, booming laugh. “Like I would ever dream of that happening. My brother would cut my dick off.”

“Your brother has no claim on me.”

“Never said he did, darlin’. Never said he did.” Wyatt slaps my ass as he walks past and saddles the horses.


Once he’s done, he hands me the reins for a horse I’ve never ridden. “You getting on the horse or are you gonna stand there and look at it?” he says from the back of our largest horse.

“I haven’t ridden in a long time,” I admit with fear.

“Your instincts will kick in. Hop up,” Wyatt encourages.

He’s probably right. I put my foot in the stirrup and get seated. “What’s the horse’s name?”


I inwardly groan. “Of course it is.” Wyatt chuckles, knowing I already hate this horse. “Surprised you didn’t give me one named Zach.”

Zach was a shortstop. My fantastic, talented, gorgeous, baseball playing, and going somewhere boyfriend. Scouted by every college and promised the world. I loathe baseball. It stole everything from me.

“Thought about it but figured you’d kick it too much.”

“I’m about to kick you.”

“I might like it.” He winks and then heads out of the barn.

I rub the horse’s neck and familiarize myself with him. “All right, Shortstop. I’m Presley. I haven’t ridden in a while, so be gentle, okay?”

Shortstop bobs his head, and I smile. I exit the barn, hoping that maybe I can breathe again.

Wyatt doesn’t say anything as we move through the fields in the moonlight. He silently walks beside me on his horse, allowing me some time to quietly reflect. He always knows when to push and when to back off. It’s the one thing I love most about him.

We ride along the property for a while, the sun is peeking over the horizon. No words are spoken until we reach a field I know well. “What do you say?” I can hear the dare in his voice.

I bite my lip as I think about it. If we allow the horses to open up, it’ll require some galloping, which I haven’t done in seventeen years. I can be scared or I can plunge in head first. “Let’s go.”