Say You'll Stay Page 54

Zach groans. “Maybe?”

“You never know.”

We both fall quiet as he holds me close. I want to move things forward with him. At the same time, I’m enjoying the pace we’re at.

“Sun’s coming up. We should get you back home,” he says against my ear. “Don’t want you to turn into a pumpkin.”

“I need to get some sleep too. I’m exhausted.” Mostly because I don’t want to dream and also because I’m staying up all night to meet Zach.

“Me too,” he confesses. “Felicia was asking yesterday why I looked like shit.”

Just her name causes my mood to shift. “Did you tell her it’s because I’m keeping you up all night?” I say half joking, yet half serious.

Zach pulls back a little. I can tell he’s trying to gauge how to answer this. He told me last night how she’s trying to convince him to try again. He’s also not allowed to say we’re together, so he’s backed into a corner. I hate her. I also know she’s relentless. If she wants him back, there’s not a trick she won’t resort to.

“Pres,” he says with an exasperated breath. “I’m doing what you want.”

“I know.” And I do. He is respecting my wishes. It’s way too soon. Right now things are fun, but what happens when we come back down to earth?

Eventually, I’m going to have to face the unresolved issues between us.

And I don’t know where that will leave us.

“Trust me.” He takes my hand. “I would much rather tell everyone, but you’ve made it pretty clear you’re not ready for that.”

I look away, conflicted. I feel like every single thing in my life is some big secret. It’s maddening. The secrets I keep are better left in the dark. When they come to light, they’ll overshadow everything else. I need more time. “Not yet. I hope you understand, but for now, I want to enjoy this. We have a town waiting in the balance, and what if this goes south?”

“You’re worried about the town?” he questions.

“Not really, I just mean that you’ll have people hounding you, and so will I. Right now, there’s no one up our asses. As soon as we’re sure—”

“I’m sure about you, Presley. Make no mistake.”

I hold up a finger to stop him. “I know that I want to try again. I’m sure that right now, this feels good.” I hook my arms under his and watch his reactions. “I’m not saying we have to keep this quiet forever. But for right now, I want to have time for us . Without outside influence.” I finish with a kiss to his lips.

He leans down, allowing his lips to ghost over mine. “I can wait for you. I can wait forever if that’s what it takes.”

I push on my toes closing the tiny gap. His fingers touch the small of my back as I hold myself to him. It’s a sweet kiss. No tongue, no immense passion, but full of confidence that we’re going to make it. If there’s one thing I know, it’s that Zach can make me happy. I just have to let him.

“You look all sorts of tired,” Wyatt says as he pushes the door open to my office. “Kinda like my brother does.”

I knew it wouldn’t take long for him to be onto us. Especially after the almost incident yesterday in the barn. I’m pretty sure he put two and two together.

I lean back, tossing the pen on the desk. “I’ve been having bad dreams.”


I forgot he knows about them. “Yeah, they’re getting worse.”

“Your husband?” he asks with concern.

I’ve mentioned them, but never gotten in too much detail. “It’s like he’s real. We argue, he says a lot of hurtful things . . . it’s all in my head.”

“It is.”

“But I can’t stop them.”

Wyatt comes around the desk and sits in front of me. “What are you battling, Cowgirl?”

Wyatt has always been someone I can trust, but I already feel like too many people know. “Guilt, I guess.”

“Because of you and Zach?”

Knowing how Wyatt feels about me, this feels so wrong. I don’t want to hurt him, especially because he’s one of my best friends. Yet, he’s the only one I trust. “We’re taking things really slow.”

He chuckles. “I doubt that.”

“No.” I stand my ground. “I mean it.”

“You and Zach have only ever had two speeds, Presley. You’re all in or not. I’m not blind or stupid. Neither are the people around you. Hell,” he says, letting out a laugh, “half the town has a bet going on how long it will be. He threw Felicia out slower than I thought he would.”

I groan. “This! This is why I didn’t want people to know. It’s none of y’all’s business.”

He leans in close, a smirk on his face. “Nice to see you found your inner country girl.”

“What?” I ask with annoyance.

“‘Y’all.’ I think that’s the first time you’ve said that and acted like you belong here.”

I look at him with a blank stare. “That’s what you take away from what I said?”

He grins. “Just pointing it out for you.”

“I appreciate it.”

I don’t at all. I actually would like to punch him for his smug grin. Why do people have to invade my life?

Wyatt slaps my leg. “As much as I hate to admit it, I’m going to say this: you and Zach are right. It’s nauseating to be around because you can’t help but watch. Every person in this world should hope for a love like you both share.” He sighs while getting up. “I’m not saying you can’t fuck it up—because you both have proven you’re capable of that already.”


“I’m serious. You two don’t know your ass from your elbow when it comes to fixing what you broke. How long have you been sneaking around?” Wyatt questions.

Ugh. I don’t think we’re sneaking around. I think we’re keeping things low key. He’s also missing one very important part to this equation. “And what, my friend, should I tell Cayden and Logan?”

He looks away, shrugs, and grumbles something under his breath. “They’re good kids, Presley. Give them a chance to work through it.”