Say You'll Stay Page 56

But this is something else. Zach is showing them how to be friends. He’s building something with Logan and Cayden without even knowing it. I watch with so much warmth in my soul that I could burst. There’s nothing fake about this. He’s not doing it because he has to or to win my heart. He’s doing it because he cares about them.

It’s clear now that, no matter how much I resisted my feelings, I never had a chance. My love for Zach never died.

“W HAT DO YOU SAY, DARLIN’? You up for an ass whoopin’?” Zach asks as the boys grin.

First, he called me “darlin’.” Second he cursed in front of the kids. However, they’re boys, and they’ve said and heard worse, so I let it go. Neither of them seem fazed by the term of endearment, but this is the South and everyone is someone’s “darlin’”.

I look Zach up and down, tapping my chin with my finger. “Well,” I say dismissively. “I’m not sure you’re a worthy opponent.”

Cayden laughs. “I think he could take you, Mom.”

“You do, huh?” I ask. “Did you know I happen to be Bell Buckle’s most prized barrel racer?”

Logan snorts. “The whole ten people who live here? Half of which are our family.”

“Watch it, twerp,” I say, half joking. I think it’s great they’re enjoying this, but let’s not go too far. “My title is no joke here.”

“Were you homecoming queen too, Mom?” Cayden nudges Logan as they sit watching me. They know how to push my buttons. Todd used to make fun of my social status all the time. Like being pretty is a sin.

Zach walks over, throwing his arms around the boys. “She sure was. I’m surprised she doesn’t sleep with her tiara.”

“You wanna play too?” I ask with a shrug. “I seem to recall someone here with his own crown.”

“I was a stud,” Zach says with no pause. “Women loved me. Of course I was the king.”

I clutch my hand over my heart with extra flare. “Oh, King Zach, however will your royal subjects compare to you?”

Logan bursts out laughing. “You guys are stupid.”

“You’re going to find yourself grounded,” I say, smirking.

“You’re going to lose to Zach. I bet five dollars.” Logan throws his arm around Zach’s shoulder.

“Yup,” Zach agrees. “Me and Logan know the deal.”

“Cay?” I ask as he deliberates. “You both can’t abandon me for him!”

No way both of my boys are going to the dark side. Where’s the loyalty? I won’t lie to myself, though, the fact that they’re bonding with him makes me smile. Zach was always good with kids, and he and Cayden have really grown close after the night in the woods. Yet, there seems to be something holding him and Logan back from connecting on that level.

Cayden grumbles before relenting. “I guess I’ll pick you.”

I giggle. “Turd.”

“Okay.” Zach claps his hands. “Here are the rules. We ride from here to the old barn and back. First one who makes it back here—wins. You remember the way, don’t you, Presley Mae?”

I tilt my head and pop my hip. “I remember just fine, Zachary Wilber.”

“Wilber!” Logan yells. “Your middle name is Wilber?” He laughs uncontrollably.

Zach steps closer, and I know I’m in trouble. “Now, Zach,” I say, retreating. “You used my middle name. It’s only fair.”

“Wilber is a family name.”

“Yes,” I agree with my hands raised, “and a fine one at that.” I look over at the twins who are giggling conspiratorially. “One I would try to denounce, but that’s neither here nor there,” I say as he gets closer.

“I think you need a good ass kicking.”

“You wouldn’t.”

He glances at the boys and smiles. “You’re right. I wouldn’t.”

He stops moving, and my heart settles. Maybe I’m not in trouble.

Before I can say another word, he rushes toward me, catching me completely off guard, grabs my legs, and throws me over his shoulders. “Zach!”

The earth spins beneath me as he twirls me around. I’m going to kill him. “Say you’re sorry.”

“Never!” I yell as I grow dizzy.

“Say it!”

“Put me down, you giant jerk!”

He slaps my ass. “Say you’re sorry and that you wish you were named Wilber.”

Logan and Cayden’s laughter fills my ears as Zach continues to spin. “Fine!” I yell as my vision blurs. “Sorry that your parents named you Wilber!”

“I don’t think so.”

I laugh and hold on to his waist as he goes faster. My light brown hair floats around me, but all I hear are the boys cheering him on. I don’t care if we look ridiculous. For the first time in a very long time, we’re all happy. The boys are laughing, happy, playful, and I’m feeling the same way.

“Say it, Mom!”

I slap Zach’s legs, and he stops. “I’m sorry and I wish I could be as cool as you and have my name be Wilber.”

“Good girl,” Zach says as he puts me back on solid ground. He doesn’t let go as everything around me spins uncontrollably. My feet stumble, but Zachary’s arms are around me in an instant. I hold on to his broad shoulders and fight back the urge to kiss him.

I bite my lip to stop myself, but I see the desire pooled in his eyes. There’s no denying the attraction between us. It’s been weeks of spending the nights together, chasing away the demons.

“I’m going to fall.”

“I won’t let you.”

I look into his blue eyes, searching for anything to tell me different, but I don’t find it. “I—” I start to say, but Zach saves me.

“Now.” His voice echoes. “You ready for me to show you who the ruler really is?”

Logan hoots. “Team Zach!”

“Team Mom,” Cayden’s unenthusiastic voice calls out.

“Cay!” I say with my hands on my hips. This kid. I gave birth to him, the least he can do is pretend to be on my team.

He shrugs. “Sorry, Mom. I want Zach to beat you.”

“Kids,” I say and then head over to grab the horse.