Say You'll Stay Page 76

“Then go hold on to her.”

I walk past him, bumping him with my shoulder.

“Chump.” He laughs as the door slams behind me.

I walk to my house while my mind ping pongs back and forth over what the right thing is. It’s one thing to understand why she did what she did, it’s another to accept it. Then there are the boys and what they’re going through.

Maybe now just isn’t the right time for us.

Maybe there will never be a right time.

I could’ve been there for her through it all. The part that pisses me off the most is the time we’ve wasted. I’ve spent my whole life thinking about her, even when I was trying to forget. I sabotaged every relationship because no one could measure up. She didn’t have to love anyone else. Another man didn’t have to give her the comfort she sought. I would’ve been there.

Instead, she kept it to herself and used it as an excuse. What else is she keeping from me?

I get to my house and groan. I don’t have the patience for this. Felicia stands against the door as I approach. I used to look at her and see beauty, now I see how blind I was. She’s the polar opposite of Presley in every way. Felicia spent hours getting ready when we’d go out. Where Presley takes five minutes. Felicia wasn’t well loved around the town, but I chalked it up to them not knowing her. I think it was me who didn’t know her. She had me fooled, but now, I’m seeing things I never noticed before.

“Hey.” She smiles. “I wanted to come check on you. I was worried when I heard how you closed the bar down and Brett needed to drive you home.”

“I’m fine.” I’m not half as nice as normal. She’s having a really hard time understanding her role. “You should go. I appreciate you checkin’ on me, but I’d rather be alone.”

“Zach.” She sighs. “Please, you need a friend.”

I look at her and wonder if we could’ve worked had Presley not come back. I had plans to marry her because it was time. It was the right thing to do. Trent asked me if I ever loved Felicia. I did, but never close to the way I love Presley.

“I need to think, Felicia. Alone.”

She puts her hand on my arm. “I know how much this hurts you. I’m glad you get to finally see the person she is. She’s a liar, Zach. She’s always been. How could she keep a baby from you?”

“Stop,” I demand. “Stop talking, because I see what you’re doing.”

“I’m not doing anything.”

“No?” I laugh. “Tell me this isn’t part of your plan.”

Felicia steps back. “Plan to what?”

I just look at her.

“We could move past this, Zach,” Felicia simpers.

There it is. “No. We can’t.”

“Zach,” she begs. “Please, I’m in love with you. I can make you happy.”

And right now, I know where I need to be.

“I love Presley.”

We’ve both spent our whole lives running. Whether toward each other or away. It’s time to stand and deal with all our shit so we can move on. Loving her isn’t a choice—it’s who I am.

“No, listen to me. You deserve so much more.” Felicia steps closer and puts her hand behind my neck. I move back, but she grabs tighter.

“I always knew that you would come back to me.”

“Well.” Presley’s voice rings from behind me. “I guess I know why you didn’t text me back.”

I push Felicia away and turn to see Presley with tears in her eyes.

“I swear to God, Presley.” I push away from Felicia and walk toward the girl I love. “I got home and she was here.”

She shakes her head. “Your mama said that she saw Felicia moving boxes in.” She crosses her arms across her chest.

“She’s not moving in here,” I explain.

Presley retreats. “I came here because I couldn’t stand being away another second. I missed you so much my heart ached, Zach.” I grab her arms but she jerks them away. “I thought it was a mistake. I thought she was confused.”

I don’t know what my mother saw, but it wasn’t that. I look over at Felicia, wondering what her game is. “Did you tell my mother we were back together?”

Felicia takes a step back, wringing her hands. “I told her I was moving some boxes.”

I turn back to Presley. “She’s not who I want,” I clarify. “I was coming home to shower and then coming to get you.”

Presley doesn’t look like she’s buying it.

“And do what?” She taps her foot.

“This.” I can’t wait another second. I grab her shoulders and crush my mouth to hers. I inhale her scent and confirm everything I already knew. This is who I love. This is where I belong. I’ll fight to the death for her. We’ll fight because we’re both hot-tempered. Things will go wrong, and there’s a lot of shit to work through, but Presley is my life.

She came back here, and for the first time, I don’t feel like I’m missing something. Just her being close makes a part of me come to life. I’ll be hell pressed to let her go again.

I release her and she steps back. Great. She’s going to slap me again.

Instead a smile forms. “That would’ve worked.”

Her eyes dart behind me. “Nothing happened. Nothing ever would.”

“Okay,” she says.

“Okay?” Felicia yells from behind me. “Okay? Just like that? She lies about a baby, keeps the secret for years , makes you look like a fool, and you kiss her? I tell you the truth. I let you know all the things that have happened and it means nothing ?”

I pull Presley against me. “It’s not up to you.”

Presley shrugs out of my hold and walks over to her. “It was you that told him. I figure you were lurking in the shadows, overheard, and thought this was your golden opportunity.” She’s absolutely correct. Felicia waited until Presley left and told me everything. “You forgot one thing.” Presley smirks.

“What’s that?”

“He doesn’t love you.”

Presley turns and heads back toward me. We’re not done talking about anything, but I can’t let her go. My life wouldn’t work again without her.

“Screw you, Presley!” Felicia yells.