Just the Sexiest Man Alive Page 49

He cleared his throat. “So where’s he taking you on Saturday?”

Taylor waved this off as she took another bite of her salad. “I don’t know, we didn’t talk about that.” She smiled slyly.

“Besides, as you’ve pointed out several times, it’s Scott Casey. Does it really matter where we go?”

Jason stood up so quickly the stool banged against the counter. He could not believe the shit she was saying.

“Seriously, Taylor—do you know who I am?” he demanded.

She smiled at this. “You celebrities actually say that? That’s cute.”

Jason raked his fingers through his hair in exasperation. “I don’t believe this,” he muttered, more to himself than anyone. Thoroughly worked up, he glanced around the kitchen. “I need something to drink—why is it so f**king hot in here?”

He went over to the sink, dumped his wine, and hurriedly filled his glass with water. He gulped the whole thing down, then finally turned back to Taylor.

She studied him for a long moment, then cocked her head. “Is something wrong, Jason?”

He was quite certain he detected the faintest trace of a smile on her lips.

JEREMY WAS DEEP in thought, typing on his computer at a table in the back of Reilly’s Tavern. The bar was quiet and empty, except for the manager, who occasionally wandered out of his office to accept deliveries from beer trucks in the alley.

The studio that had bought Jeremy’s latest screenplay wanted a “stronger midpoint.” According to the know-it-all development execs assigned to the project, things were proceeding too easily for the hero halfway through the story, and they wanted to shake things up a bit.

“Maybe there’s some villain who’s been quietly lurking in the shadows, and suddenly he makes a play for the heroine,” one of the studio execs had said. The rest of the suits in the room nodded excitedly in agreement as Jeremy rolled his eyes.

Fucking Hollywood.

Jeremy quickly reminded them that this was a serious film about vampire/alien hybrids waging a battle for world domination against an evil zombie/warlock hybrid empire, not some lame-o chick flick.

But, since nobody was listening to him—which apparently was the theme of the week—Jeremy plodded along, typing in the requested changes to the script.

When suddenly the door to the bar slammed violently open.

Startled, Jeremy peered up from his computer and saw Jason standing in the doorway, looking all dark and stormy.


He pointed accusingly at Jeremy.

“Did you set this up?”

Jason furiously walked over to Jeremy’s table. “Fess up, funny boy. Did you set this up?”

Jeremy stared blankly at him. “Did I set what up?”

“This thing with Scott Casey.”

“What thing with Scott Casey?”

Deciding this could go on all day, Jason changed tactics.

“Okay, you got me.” He grinned sheepishly. “Ha ha, very funny. When did you and Taylor come up with this . . . what? This little trick to put me in my place?” Ready to be a good sport, Jason wagged a finger at him. “Very clever.”

Jeremy folded his hands politely on the table.

“Jason. I have no f**king clue what you’re talking about.”

Jason’s face fell. “Really?”

“Yes, really,” Jeremy said. “I haven’t seen Taylor since the night of your party.”

With this news, Jason slumped into the empty chair at Jeremy’s table. He fell silent for a moment, then peered over at his friend in shock. “Then she really does have a date with Scott Casey.”

Jeremy blinked at this. “Taylor’s dating Scott Casey?” He began to laugh. He held up one hand, clutching his side with the other. “Wait, wait.” He gasped for breath. “This really is too good. I gotta write this down to use one day.”

Jeremy turned to his computer, reading out loud as he typed. “ ‘And then the evil, arrogant movie star learned that lying does not pay.’ ”

Jason glared silently as Jeremy leaned back in his chair, still chuckling.

“Ahhh . . . Scott Casey . . . now that’s classic.”

“Are you finished?”

Jeremy peered over innocently. “They say he’s the It Guy, you know.”

Jason’s eyes narrowed warningly.

“All right, all right, I’m done,” Jeremy finally acquiesced. “Tell me how this happened.”

Jason leapt out of his chair. “The hell if I know! Last night, I went over to Taylor’s apartment to tell her about Naomi, but the next thing I know, she’s talking about Scott Casey and how they have some date on Saturday.” Jason pointed. “He picked her up at my party.” Then he punched the air. “I knew I should’ve thrown that little punk out the minute I saw him.”

“Wow. That’s not exactly how you saw this playing out, is it?”

“No, it isn’t,” Jason retorted. He paced angrily. “What can she seriously see in that guy? He’s as dull as a lamppost.”

“A slightly younger lamppost,” Jeremy quipped.

Jason looked over, stung. That hit below the belt.

Jeremy immediately held up his hands in contrition. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry.” He got up and followed Jason over to the pool table. “So what’s your game plan now?” he asked as Jason picked up a cue stick.

Jason shook his head. “I don’t know. I can’t think straight. Something’s off.”