Just the Sexiest Man Alive Page 62

With a slight smile, Jason nodded.

“You’re welcome.”

The two of them stood there, and Jason noticed that for once, she didn’t ruin the moment with a sarcastic comment.

Nope, instead the moment was decidedly ruined by Valerie, who yelled over to them.

“Hey! Slowpokes!”

Jason and Taylor looked and saw Val hanging out the roof of the limo. “Would you two mind stepping it up a bit?” she asked, clearly tipsy. “You can continue your secret little chitchat at Taylor’s—we’re all going back there for after hours.”

Jason glanced at Taylor, curious to see her reaction to this turn of events.

With a shrug, she grinned.

“Shall we?”


SO THE GROUP adjourned to Taylor’s, where there was much laughing and drinking. Merriment, Kate jokingly declared, that’s how she would describe it when she told Us Weekly all about the night as soon as she got back to Chicago. Ballyhoo, Jeremy said, backing Kate. Taylor wondered if they were flirting.

Meanwhile, Valerie sprawled across the couch. In her inebriated state, she had just remembered something that now didn’t seem to make much sense.

“Taylor, didn’t you say something earlier about having a date?” She waved her glass around, mango martini sloshing precariously inside.

It was like a record had skipped to a stop in the room.

Somehow, Taylor had completely forgotten all about Scott Casey for the entire evening.

Reading the frozen look on Taylor’s face, a more sober Kate quickly intervened. “Oh, who cares about that after everything we’ve done tonight? Taylor—you can fill us in tomorrow.”

But then a voice spoke out from corner of the room.

“Actually, I would like to hear more about Taylor’s big date.”

Everyone turned and looked over at Jason, who sat in the armchair in the corner of the room.

“After all,” he said, holding Taylor’s gaze, “it’s not every day that a woman is lucky enough to go on a date with Scott Casey.”

This news was just too much for Valerie to bear.

“Scott Casey?” she gasped. She grabbed Taylor’s hand, nearly cutting off the circulation. Sitting next to her, even the usually cool Kate appeared shocked at this unexpected development.

Taylor strove for nonchalance. “It was just one date. I planned to tell you about it in the morning.”

And with that, mass hysteria erupted.

Val shrieked and leapt off the couch. Mango martini flew everywhere. Kate immediately began firing questions at Taylor. Who? What? Where?

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” cried Val, her contribution to the interrogation. Kate continued firing away, full speed. How? When? And then what?

As Taylor tried to wave off their questions, she caught a glimpse of Jason out of the corner of her eye. To put it mildly, he looked pissed. His grip on the highball glass grew tighter and tighter with every question asked.

Suddenly, Taylor found herself a bit annoyed. First of all, he had brought up the subject of her date with Scott Casey, not her. Second (and far more important in Taylor’s mind), she hadn’t done anything wrong. In fact, it was just recently that Jason had been flaunting his date with Naomi in front of her. She didn’t know exactly what kind of game Jason was playing, but she did know one thing for certain:

Two could play at it.

So she flung her hair back, happy to answer any and all questions her friends might have.

First they covered the basics. Including how Scott had cooked for her.

“Oh . . . how sweet.” Valerie sighed romantically. This was about the point at which Jeremy excused himself to have a smoke in the courtyard outside. Jason, on the other hand, sat quietly in the corner, simply listening, and for a few minutes, the girls forgot he was there.

“So, what does this mean?” Kate asked, moving onto the more substantive questions. “Are you going to see Scott again?”

Taylor paused. “Yes. This Saturday.”

Jason glanced over sharply. “You didn’t tell me that.”

Taylor shrugged. “You didn’t ask.”

Valerie turned toward Jason, leaning tipsily over the arm of the couch. “See, women know how to ask the right questions,” she explained.

“I see that,” Jason said. “Please continue. I’d like to know what else I’ve missed about this date.”

Kate appeared uncertain. “Maybe we should finish this later.”

Jason waved her on, encouraging. “No, really—keep going. Pretend I’m not here. What would you ladies normally cover next? What kind of shoes he was wearing? What type of dressing they had with their salads?” Scoffing, he took a macho sip of his drink, all haughty man-like.

Kate shrugged matter-of-factly. “Actually, I’d ask if he was good in bed.”

Jason choked on his drink. He leapt out of his chair and pointed at Taylor.

“Well, I certainly hope you don’t know the answer to that!”

She stared at him. “Why? How many first dates have you had sex on?”

Jason sat back down. Shutting up now.

“Exactly,” Taylor sassed him. “So don’t act so appalled. You men ask the same questions.”

Jason snickered at this. “No, generally, men start with whether she has big . . .” He trailed off, considering his audience. “. . . whether she’s well-endowed,” he rephrased politely.

Kate shrugged, happy to play along. “Fine. Is Scott Casey well-endowed?”