Just the Sexiest Man Alive Page 78

Jason stayed there, on the dance floor, watching her go. A rush of emotions swept over him, and he knew then one thing, the only thing that mattered.

He loved her.

A LITTLE WHILE later, Jeremy found Jason sitting alone on a bench in front of a fountain near the back of Bredstone’s grounds. The party was a little distance away, back up the hill. The sounds of lively music and laughter drifted down in stark contrast to Jason’s somber mood.

Jeremy took a seat on the bench next to Jason. He sighed. “Yep, yep, yep . . .”

The two of them sat quietly for a long time.

“I know, I hear you,” Jeremy agreed.

More silence.

Finally, Jason broke it.

“It’s not a game with her anymore. If it ever really was.” He glanced over at Jeremy. “She doesn’t trust me.”

Jeremy considered this. “Should she?”

Jason faced the cold, hard truth. “I suppose I haven’t exactly been a good guy.”

Jeremy spoke honestly then, as only a best friend could. “You know, I remember when we were just two guys driving cross-country to Los Angeles in that crappy yellow Datsun you owned, hoping to somehow make a living in Hollywood. And also hoping that the car would actually make it to Hollywood.”

That got a slight smile out of Jason. He remembered that car well.

“These years that we’ve been in L.A.,” Jeremy paused, as if this was something he had been thinking about for a while. “I’ve watched as you’ve settled into this crazy, ridiculous life you’ve been blessed with. And I’m not going to lie to you—there were plenty of times when I’ve been worried about you. Plenty of times. Getting everything you want so easily, that changes a man.”

Jason watched Jeremy intently, waiting to be judged by one of the few people whose opinion actually mattered to him.

“And then this thing with Taylor . . .” Jeremy whistled disapprovingly. “Boy, did you ever f**k that up. That stunt you pulled with Naomi was a shitty thing to do. You know, you really can be a selfish, spoiled pain in the ass.”

Jason nodded. He looked at the ground.

“Except ...”

He glanced up at Jeremy.

“Except when it comes to the people you really care about. Because to them, you are generous and loyal as hell. Around those people, you are a good guy, Jason. And those are the people who, at the end of the day, will never doubt you. No matter how big a pain in the ass you can be.”

Jason grinned in relief—and also surprise. Jeremy never talked like this.

Jeremy pointed. “Don’t get all teary-eyed on me now.”

Jason laughed. “Wouldn’t dare.”

“So, now—about this thing with Taylor,” Jeremy said. “Yes, you’ve made a lot of mistakes. We both know what you’ve done in the past with other women. But I’m talking about the person you are with her. So again, my question to you is: Should she trust you?”

At this, Jason met Jeremy’s gaze. His eyes never flinched.


Jeremy nodded. “Then stop playing games with her. Lay it all on the line. If she loves you, she’ll see the real you.”

Jason nodded solemnly. The thought of actually putting it all out there with Taylor made him quite nervous. Seeing this, Jeremy punched him in the shoulder good-naturedly.

“Look at you, Mr. Hollywood, all soft and vulnerable.” He beamed. “I’m proud of you, man.”

Jason pushed him away, embarrassed. “Get out of here with that.”

“No, I’m serious,” Jeremy told him. “As your moral superior, I can say honestly say that I’ve never been more proud of you than I am right now.”

Jason glanced over, eyebrow raised. “Not even in college, when I convinced those twins you were the guitarist from Guns N’ Roses?”

Jeremy pointed at him.

“That could be a close second.”


“SO THEN WHAT happened?”

Taylor rolled her desk chair over to her credenza and grabbed a file from the bottom drawer. “So then I ran off the dance floor, and I haven’t talked to him since.”

It was Sunday afternoon, and she had come into the office to catch up on work. To save time on the Black & Pink post-game analysis, she had three-way called Val and Kate.

“And what about Scott?” asked Kate.

Yes . . . and what about Scott? Now that was an interesting question. Taylor filled them in on all the details.

After leaving Jason on the dance floor, she had hurried over to the bar where she had last seen Scott. She wanted to tell him she was leaving the party, not that she thought he’d mind terribly much, given the fact that they had exchanged about ten words total since arriving.

She was making her way across the veranda when she felt someone grab her by the arm. She looked over and saw Scott.

“Can I talk to you for a second?”

Without waiting for an answer, he led her off into one of the gardens, where they were hidden behind some trees. He stared at her angrily.

“Are you having fun out there, making a fool of me?” His eyes narrowed. “I saw you dancing with him, Taylor. The whole f**king party saw you with him.”

Despite the fact that she didn’t think Scott had exactly been the perfect date, either, Taylor felt guilty. She knew it was time to put an end to this little charade of theirs.

“I’m sorry, Scott, I wasn’t trying to embarrass you. I—”