Cynful Page 39

Julian did what he could to stabilize her condition and improve her chances in surgery, but unless he wanted to tip his hand or risk his own life, there wasn’t much more he’d be able to do. So he made sure she had the best odds possible before he pulled back from the healing path. He sighed as he pushed bone white hair out of his eyes. “She’ll live.”

Cyn smiled and popped a baseball hat on his head, hiding the thick white streak in his hair. “Good job, Super Bear.”

He allowed her to pull him to his feet just as the nurse walked back in. He smiled wearily at the poor woman. “Thank you.”

The nurse’s answering smile was sympathetic. “You’re welcome.”

Hours had gone by, and still there was no word on Glory’s condition. Cyn looked ready to tear her hair out in frustration. Gabe had called and told him he couldn’t find any sign of Ryan, which could be a good thing or bad thing. Good, because Gabe’s Hunter instincts hadn’t kicked in, meaning Ryan had not yet gone rogue. Bad, because nobody had a clue where Ryan was or what he was up to. Tabby and Alex had remained behind to close up the shop and get some plywood taped over the shattered window. A few policemen had come by to talk to Cyn and some kid named Tim about what had happened, but there wasn’t much she could tell them. None of them had caught sight of the shooter.

“I thought you could use some caffeine.” Tim, the young man who’d been in the shop when Glory got shot, handed Julian the cup of coffee. Julian took a sip and grimaced at the bitter taste. Tim leaned closer, his expression somewhere between curious and concerned. “Can I ask you something?”

“Go ahead.” He could guess what the boy wanted to ask him.

“Why doesn’t one of you bite her and change her? Wouldn’t that heal all of her wounds?”

Julian rolled his eyes. “Why does everyone think it works that way? Stupid Hollywood movies.” He leaned on the arm of a hard plastic chair and kept his voice low. He didn’t want any of the humans to hear him. “Look. Whatever injuries, diseases or other problems, physical or mental, that you had as a human will still be there when you get changed. If you have cancer as a human, you’ll have cancer as a Bear. If you have scars, they’ll still be there.” He took another sip of the really bad coffee and wondered if he could sneak out to Starbucks. “It’s nice to think that something as simple as a bite can cure everything, but this is the real world. Problems just don’t magically go away because you get bitten by a shifter.”

“Oh.” Tim grimaced in sympathy. “That sucks.”

“On top of that, it takes days for the change to fully manifest itself. Most people can’t change into their new animal form until about a week after getting bitten. I’ve heard of cases where it goes faster, but those people are incredibly strong-willed.”

“So Cyn got bit almost a week ago?”

Julian froze, coffee cup halfway to his mouth. “She got bit last night.”

“Then how come she had claws?”

Julian’s gaze darted over to where Cyn was resting. She was half asleep, her head resting on Alex’s broad shoulder. His mate was exceptional in all respects, and he couldn’t be more proud of her. “Because she’s Cyn.”

Chapter Fourteen

Cyn stared at the plywood over the window of her dream shop. What was she supposed to do now? Without Living Art, she’d lose not only her livelihood but her independence. She’d be forced to rely on Julian for everything. No matter how good a man Julian was, she’d never be able to tolerate that for long. They had to find whoever was targeting her and her friends and end this.

Glory had been in the hospital for two days. Thanks to the damage the bullet had caused, part of her lower lung had been removed. She was in a lot of pain and cranky as hell. The two tubes in her side were driving her crazy, but the doctors had told them that they’d be removed tomorrow. The physiotherapists were encouraging Glory to cough, something she wanted to do about as much as she wanted to shove red-hot pokers up her ass.

They were no closer to finding the shooter. Cyn knew at least some of Glory’s crankiness came from fear rather than pain. Alex and Tabby were practically living at the hospital while the entire Williams-Bunsun clan hunted for Ryan, who was still missing. Gabe had told her in private that something was rattling the Hunter within him. If Ryan had gone feral from Glory’s injuries nothing would save him from Gabe.

“We’ll find him.” Julian wrapped his arms around her and propped his chin on her shoulder. He’d left his hair down, and the strands were cool against her cheek. She could smell the coffee he’d had prior to driving her over to the store on his breath. They were sitting in his car, Julian unwilling to allow her out of it, or anywhere closer to Living Art than they already were. She understood his concern. If the shooter was keeping an eye on LA then she’d be a prime target. She still wasn’t certain whether Glory was the one the shooter intended to hit or not.

If he’d hit Tabby she could have lost the baby.

The low growl that reverberated through the car startled her. What surprised her even more was that it came from her. “I want to play hacky sack with their nuts.”

He snorted a laugh. “That’s the best you could come up with? I’m disappointed.”

“Did I mention they’d still be attached?”

“Mm. In that case, I know a couple of Grizzlies who should be more than happy to play with you.”

“If you can find them.” She sighed wearily. “I think part of the reason Glory is so pissy is because Ryan’s not there. No matter how much she squirms and complains, she cares about him.”

“Do you have any idea why she’s fighting their mating so hard?”

“Her father was an absolute jerk. I mean, my mother didn’t say boo without my father’s permission, but he was never abusive toward her. He just ran her life like it was a military operation. To him, it probably was.”

“And Glory’s father was abusive.” Julian’s tone was thoughtful, as if he was trying to figure out a unique puzzle and didn’t have all pieces.

“Her father was extremely conservative. He was a firm believer in spare the rod, spoil the child, and was exceedingly possessive toward his wife and children. If anyone showed an interest in any of his daughters he would run them off. I’m not certain all the methods he used were legal.”