Steel Beauty Page 11

She was the most incredible woman he’d ever met, bar none.

He moaned as her jostling forced him deeper inside her. “Oh yeah, baby.” He snarled, his own fangsdropping as he fought the Wolf for dominance and won, barely. “Submit.”

She stilled. “What?”

He grabbed her wrists and forced her arms apart, causing her upper body to lay flat against the mattress. He slid even further inside her, his Wolf demanding he dominate his mate. His cock was now halfwayinside her. Her moist heat was nearly his undoing. “Submit to me.”

“Oh, Fido. Them’s fightin’ words.”

He would have been worried if he hadn’t heard the humor threading through the threat. He leaned down,letting his hair form a curtain around them. Distantly he heard the answering machine pick up, but reallycouldn’t give a…well, okay, hewas  giving a fuck, wasn’t he? He brought his lips to her ear. “Submit tome.”

He felt the shudder that ran through her, saw the hot, speculative gleam in her eyes, before his pretty littlekitty turned into a wildcat in his arms.

She bucked against him, writhing, her claws moving in and out as she tried to toss him off and out of herbody. He held her as still as he could, trying to put as little weight as possible on her hip, only forcing theissue when she grunted in pain.

“Enough!” He held her down, immobile, his body trapping hers against the mattress. His cock was now fully seated in her body, throbbing with the need to move before he exploded like a teenager with his first hot pussy. “Submit, Belle.”

“Never!” She bucked one last time, but he could see the exhaustion beginning to war with the need.

Time to end this. “Submit, my Luna.” He moved back cautiously, the smooth, silken glide of her snugpassage nearly his undoing.

“I submit—” his heart jumped into his throat, “—that you’re crazy.”

He slammed his cock home, smirking as she gasped and shuddered. “Submit, Belle.” He pulled backagain in a long, slow glide.

“Ah, I submit my taxes every year.”

He could feel her shoulders shaking as she grinned up at him.

He grinned back, slamming his cock home again. “Submit.” He didn’t even have the heart to growl it. Hewas no longer sure which of them was submitting to the other.

“I submit to a gynecological exam every year, too.”

He nipped her shoulder as he rammed into her, reveling in her sighed moan. “Submit, love.”

She looked up at him through her bangs, shocked. “What?”

He backtracked. He hadn’t meant to reveal that yet. “Submit, Luna.”

She smiled slowly, bucking back into him as he fucked into her again. “Make me.Alpha  .”

With that one insolently drawled word, Rick lost control of his beast, and thanked God for it, too.

Oh my God!Belle felt Rick lose it as he began ramming his cock in and out of her wet pussy. Sheyowled and pushed back, trying her best to get him even deeper, not caring in the least that she soundedlike a cat in heat. He bit savagely into her shoulder, once again claiming her and marking her for all to seeas his. She shrieked, her orgasm nearly robbing her of breath, the Puma in her glorying in the strength ofher mate.

He let go of her hands to grab at her waist, heedless of her hip, pulling her back into his thrusts like awild man. “Submit.” His voice was deep and gravelly, like he battled his Wolf back.

She couldn’t fight him anymore. She collapsed beneath him, allowing him total access to her body.


She withheld that one, final thing that would tip him over the edge, knowing it would mean all the morewhen she finally gave it.

He reached under her body, between her legs, and began stroking her clit, timing it to coincide with themotion of his hips. When she moaned hungrily he picked up speed. “Mine!”

She could feel herself building up to one hell of an orgasm. She bit her lip, determined to save that onefinal word for when she came.

“Say it”!

“Yours!” She could barely get the word out as her body clenched around him in a climax so strong it

robbed her of breath.

When he howled out his own release she couldn’t even move, so satiated with pleasure she couldn’thave said her name if her life depended on it.

All she knew was she was his.

Rick collapsed over her, too stunned to do more than pant.

Where the hell has she been all my life?

He could feel himself beginning to snarl as he remembered where, and with whom, she’d been. He tooka deep, calming breath, amazed at the depth of rage in him at the thought of her with any man but him.

His Wolf mourned the fact that he hadn’t been her first. The man rejoiced in the fact that he would be

her last.


He headed into the bathroom without even stopping to think. He had an Ibuprofen and a glass of waterin hand before he even realized he’d moved. He shook his head at himself in the mirror and chuckled.

So this is what it’s like to be pussy-whipped.

He decided not to share that little observation with Belle. She’d probably do something gruesome to himin his sleep.

He wet down a washcloth and added it to his pile to bring his hurting mate. He carried everything backinto the bedroom, smiling to see her exactly as he’d left her. He put everything down on the end table butthe wet washcloth. “Hold on one moment, and I’ll have you comfortable.”


He would swear she purred as he gently cleaned her off. He was just glad she couldn’t see the bruiseshe’d left on her hips, or the multiple bite marks he’d left behind. They would heal, given a few days, buteveryone would know she’d been most thoroughly claimed.

He got rid of the washcloth after cleaning himself up. Picking up the bed’s control, he pressed the buttonthat lifted her side of the mattress.

“What the hell?” She opened her eyes and stared at the remote in his hand. “You got me the extra

deluxe hospital bed?”

He shook his head. “It’s one of those beds you see on TV. I can raise your legs or back, depending onwhat’s most comfortable for you. Didn’t you see that the sheets are two twins?”

She blushed bright red and glared up at him sleepily.

“I mean, your face was right there.” The devil was in him tonight, it seemed. He wanted to see her all