Like a Memory Page 29

“No way. Yours was funny but mine was just embarrassing,” I said standing up then holding my hand out to take hers. She slipped her hand into mine so trusting and stood up.

“That’s not fair! Mine was embarrassing!”

Hers was cute and innocent. Mine ended with me ejaculating before I could get my dick into Haley Martin’s older experienced vagina. That had been embarrassing. But when you’re a sixteen-year-old boy and an eighteen-year-old with big tits and porn quality features gets naked in your car and asks you to fuck her it’s a little too exciting to keep from exploding early. Bliss however wouldn’t get the humor in all that. And I wasn’t about to tell her.

“I’d rather look at the stars with you,” I replied and pulled her over to the lounger sofa that I had made sure faced the water and the moonlight. This was what Bliss needed. Romance. She wasn’t like the other females I’d had in my life. I couldn’t bend her over that sofa and bury myself inside her while we looked at those stars. Although to me that sounded pretty damn romantic. Bliss deserved more. She needed the romance to go with the sex.

We sat down and I put my arm around her shoulders pulling her against my side. There were a million things I could have asked her. Several topics available to me so why the fuck I asked “When was the first time you had sex?” I do not know. But I did.

She jerked her head around to look at me wide eyed then she laughed. Thank God she thought this was funny and not getting all stiff and uncomfortable with me. That would suck. I wanted her warm and relaxed in my arms. She smelled wonderful and this would just be another of those things I stocked back for days when I needed to feel happy. This memory would give me that.

“Are you planning on asking me questions all night and not answering any yourself? I should at least get your first sex story. If I’m not going to get your first date story.”

“One and the same,” I replied.

Her big eyes went even wider and then she covered her mouth as she laughed. “You had sex on your first date?”

I shrugged. It had been something I liked to brag about in the field house at school but with Bliss I wasn’t about to recap.

“You have to tell me now. That’s just not fair.”

She was wanting my first sex story. Bliss was an adult now. She wasn’t that sweet innocent girl I’d fallen in love with. Any other girl had asked me to tell her this I would have and given them details. Was it right for me to treat Bliss like she was innocent and breakable? She didn’t want that obviously.

“You really want to hear this?”

She nodded her head turning her body toward mine and pressing her chest against my arm. That was a little distracting but I didn’t let my eyes go to her low cut dress and enjoy the view. Talking about sex with Bliss was going to make me fucking hard.

“She was eighteen. I was sixteen,” I began.

I expected Bliss to jump in here with a comment on the age difference but she stayed silent. So, I went on.

“We went to the movies and I can’t remember what we saw because she kept slipping her hand up my thigh then took my hand and slipped it under her skirt. I was sixteen and all I could think about was the fact I could possibly be losing my virginity that night.”

Bliss laughed softy, so I went on.

“We didn’t make it to the end of the movie. Once I got my hand under her skirt she spread her legs and well, it didn’t take long for her to be ready to leave.”

“Did you touch her . . . like without the panties there as a barrier?”

Jesus. That one question from her and my dick was so damn hard I could break shit with it.

“Uh, she wasn’t wearing panties. One of the reasons Haley’s skirts were famous at school was when she bent over or opened her legs you had a clear view. The male teachers and a couple of the female teachers enjoyed it as much as we did.”

“Oh my god,” Bliss said but she didn’t sound horrified. She was fascinated. The little freak. Grinning I rested my hand on her thigh to keep from losing my mind if I didn’t touch something other than her shoulders.

“I actually heard Coach J say the same thing once in his office about five minutes before Haley walked out wiping the corners of her mouth and smiling.”

Bliss grabbed my arm. “She gave the coach a blow job?”

I nodded. “Several I’m sure. Coach J was younger and the girls loved him.”

“So what happened when you left the movie?”

Bliss was too into this. I was supposed to be romantic and give us both a memory to keep. Not tell her sex stories. But damn if her interest wasn’t turning me on. I was enjoying this as much if not more than her.

“We, uh, you sure you want to hear this?”

She nodded again so I continued.

“We made it to my car, it was a Range Rover back then. She crawled in the backseat and got naked. I followed her and got my clothes off as fast as I could. She slid a condom down over my dick which was good because I wasn’t sure how to do it. Then she climbed on top of me straddling my waist and well, her boobs were in my face and her pussy started down on my dick and I fucking blew right there. Luckily I had on the condom. It wasn’t my finest hour.”

Bliss giggled and I had to smile. I had never admitted that to anyone before. With Bliss, everything just seemed right.

Bliss York

I DIDN’T HAVE a promise of another night with Nate. It was me who had made this date happen. By force. Just because we were having a good time or at least I thought he was, didn’t mean I’d get another date. He said he was leaving Sea Breeze.

Listening to him talk about sex had made my body tingle in areas that wanted a release of their own. But how did I tell him that? I wasn’t one to take off all my clothes and climb in his truck. Although I wish I were. I wanted to experience sex with Nate. I’d never had sex but I wanted to. With Nate.

His hand was on my thigh so I did the only thing I could think of. I put my hand on his and slid his hand up my thigh and then pressed it between my thighs. He had gone still beside me. I wasn’t sure he was even breathing. My heart was beating so rapidly in my chest from nerves and excitement I could hear it.

“Bliss,” he said my name in a deeper tone as his hand flex and griped my inner thigh.

“Yes,” I replied in a whisper.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“Yes,” I said again.

He didn’t need more than that. His body turned and covered mine as we lay there on the lounger. This time when his lips touched mine I knew it wasn’t for a moment. There was no guilt. I sank my fingers into his hair and held on while his hard, warm body moved over me. This was what it was supposed to be like. This was why I never let it get far with other guys. I wanted Nate. I imagined this was Nate. I had since I was fifteen years old.

One of his hands cupped my face while the other ran down my body feeling and brushing the right places. I wish I had gotten naked first. The touch of his hand on my skin would be amazing. I squirmed at the thought and the hardness of his erection touched my leg. I froze then. I wanted to rub against it. Feel more of it but this was all new to me and I wasn’t sure.

Nate’s tongue slipped inside my mouth and his taste excited me further. When he pressed his erection against me, I made a sound I didn’t recognize. But he’d pressed it right where I needed to feel it. Right where my body was aching for contact.