Getting Rowdy Page 106

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ROWDY WAS IN the shower when his sister knocked on the door. Feeling very self-conscious—he’d told Pepper to give them time to have sex!—Avery went to the door to let her in. Whenever Pepper was around she felt unaccountably nervous, in large part because she knew how close they were. They shared a love stronger than any she’d ever known, and that made Pepper a very special person to Rowdy.

Which also made her a very special person to Avery.

Dressed in requisite jeans and a T-shirt, with one of Rowdy’s flannels to help ward off the morning chill, Avery hurried to the door. She loved his loft apartment, but the floors could be so very cold, and the high ceilings made it difficult to heat. If she ever truly moved in, she’d put down colorful area rugs.

But she and Rowdy weren’t there yet. Her place in his life was tentative at best; she would do nothing to rock the boat.

After giving herself a quick pep talk, Avery opened the door and before she could say a word, Pepper swept in. She carried coffee and doughnuts and, as always, she looked beautiful.

“Where’s Rowdy?”

So much for hello. “He’s taking a quick shower.” Avery secured the door again and followed Pepper down to the kitchen. “He won’t be long. Doctor’s orders. He can only take quick showers until the stitches are removed.”

Pepper grinned at her. “Hi.”

“Good morning.”

Pepper set everything on the table. “You know, I never thought I’d see the day where I had to deal with my brother having a significant other. One-night stand, sure. Groupie, no problem. But a regular?” Pepper shook her head. “Unheard of.”

Disapproval, or mere observation? Avery wasn’t sure. “I’m sorry.”

“Hey, I wasn’t complaining.” Making herself at home, Pepper got sugar and creamer and put them on the table. “I think it’s awesome. Rowdy deserves someone who cares, and he deserves to be happy.”

“Amen to that.”

Pepper raised a brow. “Meaning you do care?”

Seeing no reason to lie about it, Avery lifted one shoulder. “I love him.”

Pepper did a double take before smirking. “Huh.” She loaded one of the cups with sugar. “Have you told him that?”

“Many times.” Often, regularly, especially during sex—when Rowdy seemed to enjoy hearing it most.

Pepper missed the coffee cup and sugar went all over the table. “You’ve told him?”

“Yes.” Avery pulled out a chair and grabbed her own cup of caffeine. Her hands shook just a little, but then, Rowdy had made her wild in such a short time, she still hadn’t quite recovered from the mind-blowing release. “I felt he had a right to know.”

Coffee forgotten, Pepper, too, pulled out a chair, her attention rapt. “Wow. And you’re still here?”

“Amazing, I know.” Grabbing the sugar bowl, Avery doctored her own coffee. “But then, I haven’t asked him for anything in return. I know how he feels about settling down.” She hesitated, but because Pepper kept staring at her agog, she gave a mental shrug and continued. “I also know some of his past. Your past. I understand why he doesn’t trust the idea of love, and why he’s...uncertain about settling down.”

Pepper continued to stare.

“Some might think that because he’s bought a bar and obviously enjoys working it, he’s put down roots. But that’s a deceptive notion. If he decided to move on again, the bar wouldn’t keep him here.” She smiled at Pepper. “The fact that you’re here would be the only reason he might stick around.”

“We’re super close,” Pepper said in an aside, then, “That doesn’t bother you? I mean, knowing he might up and take off again?”

“Not enough I guess.” She propped her head on a hand. “Rowdy is such an amazing man in so many ways. How could I not love him?”

“Yeah.” Shaking herself, Pepper used a hand to clear the sugar off the table and went to dump it in the sink. She said nothing as she washed her hands, came back to finish prepping her coffee and took a big drink.

The shower shut off, letting them both know Rowdy would soon join them.

Avery gave her time. She understood that Pepper might distrust her. The last thing Rowdy ever needed was more hurt.

“What will you do if he tells you to hit the road?”

“I’d go without causing a scene.” Avery smiled sadly. “Eventually it’ll happen, right? But my heart keeps telling me maybe not.” She blew out a breath, shrugged. “So I’m happy to stay and wait and love him and...hope.”

Rowdy came out dressed in jeans, still pulling a T-shirt over his head.

Pepper launched from her seat and went to him. “How’s your back?”

“I’m ready to get the damn stitches out.” He caught her up in a hug before she could get behind him. “No, don’t start mothering me. My back is fine and you looking at it won’t change anything. Avery checks it enough for ten women.”

“Hey!” Avery gave mock protest. “I’m not that bad.”

“You’re not bad at all.” He winked at her. “So, kiddo.” Slinging an arm around his sister, he steered her back to the table. “You’re at loose ends today?”

“Logan is working on a big case, so I need to be preoccupied.” She said to Avery, “Cleaning house and doing laundry just doesn’t cut it for me, not when I start worrying. And I hate worrying.”