Bare It All Page 103

On the pretense of drying her shoulders, Alice avoided his gaze. “It’s okay to tell me, you know. I won’t kick up a fuss. I can tell it’ll be something dangerous, and of course I’ll be anxious. But I’m not the type to—”

She squeaked when Reese suddenly scooped her over his shoulder.

“Reese!” The towel slipped from her grip to land on the hardwood floor.

His hand covered her backside, holding her still as he strode toward the bedroom. He told Cash, “Stay,” as he passed him.

So Cash was right? They would have sex?

Smart dog.

In her ignominious position, Alice could do no more than hang on and wonder what had gotten into Reese. One minute he’d been distant, then austere, then all over her.

She felt his hand moving, sliding down to her inner thigh, tucking in between for a fleeting touch.

“Reese!” she said again, but she didn’t really struggle. What would be the point?

“Hush.” He stepped into her room and kicked the door shut behind him.

“But...what are you doing?”

His hold was rougher than usual, and she could feel him shaking when he said, “I need you.”

“Oh.” Well, of course that was okay. Hanging over his shoulder, Alice said, “I need you, too.”

He gave a dark laugh. “Always so agreeable, Alice.” He dumped her sideways onto the bed and stood back to look at her.

She came up on one elbow but didn’t bother to close her legs.

Peeling his shirt off over his head, Reese stared at her br**sts, then down to her sex.

Alice licked dry lips. “Are we doing something different?”

“I’m going to get my fill of you.”

Her heart skipped a beat and she went still. She didn’t like the sound of that. Oh, God, please don’t let him mean that  the way it sounds.

But she had to know. So, she drew in a breath, shored up her courage and whispered, “Do you mean...for forever?”


ALICE FELT ONLY nominal relief when Reese gave another humorless laugh, accompanied by a shake of his head. “I doubt that’s even possible.”


“No, I meant for the night.”

The reprieve left her limp until his words sank in—then her heart started tap-dancing again. “Oh.”

He opened his slacks and pulled down the zipper. “I’ll have to be gone for a while, and I’m going to need to focus.” His gaze clashed with hers. “By the way, Logan and Pepper will be here with you.”

“I don’t need babysitters.”

“I need you to have company.” He shucked off his pants. “I don’t want to worry about you while I’m gone, but I will if you’re here alone.”

Mmm. The sight of his body always inspired her, and her fingers curled into the bedcovers. “I’ve been by myself for a long time now, Reese. You know I’m capable of taking care of—”

“Me.” Naked, he stepped up to the bed and caught her knees, then opened her legs more. “You can take care of me.”

The way he displayed her made her voice die in her throat.

His fingers kneaded her knees while he studied every inch of her. “I feel almost savage. You make me feel savage.”

Meaning what? Alice didn’t understand this new mood of his. She’d seen many facets to his personality, but none this urgent, this dark. “I don’t mean to.”

“Doesn’t seem to matter if you do it on purpose or not.” He pushed her knees up—and wider apart.

Bracing herself, Alice did her best not to shy away. “Reese, tell me, did something happen?”

“You happened.” He slid his hands down to her hips, then drew her to the edge of the mattress.

Her legs dangled over the side, and she floundered, grabbing on to the covers. “Reese...”

“You keep saying my name.” He went down to his knees.

Between her legs.

“I like it.” Lifting her legs over his shoulders and cupping her bottom in his big hands, he said, “You are so f**king beautiful.”

Good grief, he was staring at her there. It was intimidating but also exciting. Alice dropped her head back and studied the ceiling. “Is this because of what I did to you yesterday?”

“It’s because I want you. All the time, it seems.” He brushed his lips along her inner thigh, his cool hair tickling her skin, his hot breath making her shiver. “Other women hit on me, and I don’t care because you’re always in my head.”

Whoa, wait. “What?” She tried to lever up. “Other women hit on you? When?”

Nuzzling against her, Reese gave a soft growl that almost stopped her heart. “You smell incredible.”

A thundering heartbeat made her weak, so she lay back again—and felt his mouth and his tongue on her thighs, along the delicate skin of her groin, her belly.

“Oh, God.”

“Be still, honey.” Using just his fingertips, he teased over her lips, opening her, dipping in the tiniest bit, back out, in again. “You’re already wet.”

Alice squeezed her eyes shut.

He slicked two fingers into her, turning them a little, withdrawing. “Nice and wet.”

That low, rasping voice washed over her, assuring her that he enjoyed this, enjoyed holding her this way. It was both embarrassing and exciting.

She waited, her breath held, her body tense in anticipation—and his soft, hot tongue licked over her.