A Perfect Storm Page 25

Including her? His bet would curtail her language—but gain him a kiss if she slipped up. Was that really all he wanted? “So with Marla, it was sex, but only sex, huh?”

“It’s not always about love.”

“Boy, do I know that!”

“Sometimes,” he continued as if she hadn’t spoken, “the pleasure is enough.”

“If you say so.” She had her doubts about any real pleasure, though. She sure hadn’t experienced it. “So how many women have there been?”

He made a sound of disgust. “They were few and far between. But I am a grown man, Arizona.”

So defensive. Sharp with derision, she said, “And you have needs?”

“Everyone has those needs—including you.” When she started to shake her head, he cut her off. “You do. And that brings us full circle. You know about abuse, but you don’t know anything about the real give-and-take that’s supposed to happen between the sheets.”

“Not always between the sheets.”

He paused. “No.” He took a step closer, then stopped himself. “There are all kinds of sexual encounters, in lots of different places.”

“And different positions?”

“Positions that you should enjoy.” He reached out, but instead of touching her, he pulled back and ended up rubbing the back of his neck. “Only it doesn’t start with sex.”


“It starts with an attraction. A mutual attraction.”

“Can’t prove it by me.”

His gaze searched hers, his voice deepened. “I know. That’s my point.”

There was such gravity in his tone, she rolled her eyes. “Go on. Mutual attraction?” she prompted.

Slowly, he nodded. “Flirting, kissing, a touch or two. Foreplay for an hour, or a day. Wanted by both people, and shared by both people.”

That did sound sort of…not awful. “I know that’s how it’s supposed to be.” She wasn’t a total social misfit. She’d seen romantic movies, and she’d seen real life. People walking together, talking together. In sync.

In love.

But he’d just negated the link between love and sex, and she wasn’t sure she could ever trust in casual sex.

Almost as if he’d read her thoughts, he said softly, “It can be really good when both people are willing, eager participants.”

“And you think I need to experience that, huh?”

“You’re a healthy, energetic woman. I’d hate to see deliberate cruelty turn you off from knowing everything that nature intended.”

For reasons she wouldn’t analyze, his attitude irked her. “So let me get this straight. You want to do things to me, to get me all into the idea of screwing—and then you want me to go off to find some other guy to finalize the deal?” She smirked at him. “Know what, Spence? From my side of the table, that sort of makes you sound like a pimp. Only problem is, I can’t figure out what you get from the deal.”


WITH HER BREAKING DOWN his motives to the basest purpose, Spencer had to admit that it did sound bad. God knew he didn’t want to send her off to anyone else. The thought of another man touching her left him raw with anger.

But he wasn’t the man for her. Even if the age difference didn’t exist, she deserved someone who’d be involved for the long haul. She deserved someone with a sunny outlook on life.

Not only was he opposed to settling down again, he was about as far from optimistic as a man could get.

“I wasn’t trying to coerce you into having sex with anyone.” What he wanted most was for her to not be…damaged. But he sure as hell couldn’t say anything that stark to her. “What I’d really like is to break down those walls so you can let in people who care about you.” He tried a smile that she didn’t return. “All in all, you can be a pretty likable woman.”

With one hand flattened to his chest, she pushed him back a step and moved out from between him and the window. “Whatever. If I’m staying over, I want Trace to fix my car.”

The quick turnaround surprised him. “You’ll stay put?” With me.

She made a gesture of indifference. “For now.”

“Then I’ll let Trace know.” And they could all help keep an eye on her.

Her eyes narrowed. She hesitated, then she turned away. “I better go get my stuff.”

It’d take time to convince her of his motives. Spencer accepted that, so he allowed the change of topic. “What stuff?”

“My duffel and laptop case. I’m not as dumb as you and the big macho boys want to believe.” She opened the front door, and a heavy gust of wind carried a smattering of rain in around her. “Ho boy, look at those purple storm clouds blowing in.”

Spencer closed the door. He could see why she’d keep the laptop close. But the other? “You brought an overnight bag with you?”

“Yeah, see, I had no intention of going back to my motel room tonight.”

That surprised him, but he was pleased with her forethought, especially since she’d made the plans to protect herself, not someone else. He had a feeling that Arizona deliberately put herself at risk far too often.

Given the downpour, he caught her arm and moved her away. “I’ll get your things for you.”

“I don’t melt.”

Already rain dampened the front of her T-shirt and left her face dewy.