A Perfect Storm Page 55

Arizona looked up and back at him. Thank God she wasn’t really eating her food, was more or less moving it around the plate. She’d nibbled on a corner of the sandwich, eaten a few bites of lettuce from her salad.

The bartender eyed his stance over her and scowled. “What do you need?”

“A drink for the lady.” He nodded back at the booth where Red waited for him. “Rum and Coke.”

“I’ll get it right to you.”

“Thanks.” Easing away again, he let his body brush against Arizona. “Excuse me.”

Luckily, the young waiter had used Spencer’s timely interruption to escape Arizona’s inquisition.

But Arizona didn’t realize that yet. Her gaze went past Spencer to the redhead—and sharpened. She didn’t stare, but she took in the other woman’s attitude and appearance in mere seconds.

With her mouth tightening, she lifted her glass of tea, saying, “No problem” in an offhand way that didn’t fool him for a second.


Let her stew on his possible hook-up, Spencer thought, instead of breaking heads. In the meantime, he’d keep Red company while watching everyone else in the bar, remaining alert and ready to react if it came to that.

With Arizona around, it could all go to hell in an instant.

* * *

AT THE EDGE OF AN OLD GARAGE locked up for the night, Dare stood outside his rented black van and kept watch on the Green Goose. The air felt thick with the threat of another summer storm. Dark clouds swam around the moon.

The back of his shirt stuck to his skin. Mosquitoes buzzed nearby. He could smell oil, gasoline and old refuse.

The garage sat atop a rise off to the side of a rarely used bridge. It gave him the perfect vantage point. He could see everything, and if needed, he could be down to the road in under a minute.

His phone buzzed, so he dug it from his jeans’ pocket and put it to his ear. Always cautious, he said nothing.

Trace asked, “Busy?”

“Waiting. Watching.”

“It should be an uneventful night.”

But with Arizona involved…anything could happen.

Dare knew they all shared concern for her. In such a short time, she’d drawn them all in and won them over. It only took one look to see the vulnerability she hid behind outlandish bravado.

They also recognized Arizona’s genuine courage, caring and determination to make the world a better place. Despite Arizona’s rough edges, Dare liked her a lot. And he respected her.

Having her back tonight was both a pleasure and an honor. “This call is just for confirmation?”

“For Jackson. He’s prowling the floor.”

Dare grinned. Jackson thought of Arizona as a kid sister. Add to that his impending wedding and fatherhood, and Dare figured he had reason to pace. “So why are you the one calling?”

“Because I was wondering…after you saw her, what did you think?”

“About how she looked?” He shrugged to himself. “I definitely noticed.”

“Killer, right?”

He knew Trace mentioned it as a potential problem, not out of personal interest. “She’s going to make Spencer insane.”

“Probably.” Trace made a rude sound. “But he can handle it.”

“I don’t guess there’s much chance that Janes will overlook her tonight.”

“Doubtful anyone in that place will overlook her.”

True enough. Few women looked like Arizona, but she also carried herself with a confidence that enhanced her physical appeal. “That’s the point.”

In the background, he heard Jackson questioning and Trace explaining.

“Spencer’s got a thing for her,” Dare stated.

“He’s trying to deny that.”

Hmm. He couldn’t see denial doing Spencer much good at this point. “She’s got a thing for him, too.”

“More than a thing,” Trace said, “if I’m reading her right.”

“Does Spencer realize it?” In Dare’s experience, a lot of men never saw it coming. Spencer seemed sharper than most, but where Arizona was concerned, there existed a lot of emotional muck to wade through. It’d be easy to miss the signals in the middle of bigger issues.

“He thinks she’s too young, and with her past experience, he’s…wary.”

“Only an idiot wouldn’t be. But in Arizona’s case, I can’t see her age factoring in. She’s lived through enough for three lifetimes.” Down by the Green Goose, a white van pulled up, drove slowly down the alley between the buildings and around to the back of the bar. Dare narrowed his gaze. Not a delivery van, so what? “I think we have trouble.”

Picking up on his tone, Trace asked, “Any direct threat to Spencer or Arizona?”

“Not yet.” He explained about the van. “Going on gut instinct here, but I’d say the point of that nondescript van is either nabbing Arizona, or maybe to move out some of the captives.”

As much to himself as to Dare, Trace said, “Spencer won’t let Arizona out of his sight. Unless things explode, you can assume she’s still safe.”

But what about her targets? “With Arizona, chances are good that she’ll be the one to light the fuse.” And sorting victims from aggressors could be tricky.

“Maybe we should cut things short.”

Spencer knew the codes, and he understood the situation. “We’ll see. I’m moving closer, but I’ll check in later.”