Savor the Danger Page 110

“I wanted to see you die!” The outburst left her flustered, and she quickly collected herself again. And then, on a tittering laugh that sent goose bumps down Alani’s spine, she purred, “You don’t recognize me, do you?”

“Sure I do. You’re Chandra Silverman.”

Her expression hardened.

“They were good drugs, but they didn’t stop my brain from working. You had to know I’d figure it all out.”

“All of it? I doubt that.” Chandra moved closer to him while the men held guns and watched. “I’ve always enjoyed an…elaborate revenge.”

“How elaborate?”

The sinister smile widened. “For starters, I had decided to have you. Did you know that?”

“Damn, lady, that is cruel and unusual punishment.”

“Shut up!” Again, she collected herself. Breathing deep, she looked him over, then cocked out a hip. “I would have had you, and then rendered you useless. For a man like you, that’d be the best revenge.”

Quietly, Jackson said, “Even drugged, that never would have happened.”

“Ha! You wouldn’t have had a choice. Believe me, it would have been a done deal if that prissy little bitch hadn’t showed up.” Looking beyond Jackson, she murmured, “But she did show up, didn’t she? She threw off my plans, so now she has to pay, too.”

Hearing such a direct threat made Alani’s throat go tight. Without saying a word, Arizona leaned into her, bolstering her.

Chandra continued to smile. “Tell her to come out from behind the car.”

Succinct, Jackson said, “Dream on.”

“There’s nowhere for her to go. You realize that, right?”

“I realize a whole lot of things. Now you should realize how bad your planning ability is.”

Chandra shook her head on a laugh. “I’m excellent at what I do.”

“Yeah?” Jackson moved slightly closer to her. “That’s why Marc Tobin is safe? That’s why I took your men out of commission so easily? That’s why you got busted that first day at my apartment?” He snorted. “Doesn’t sound like good planning to me.”

For a second, Chandra showed her anger, but then she merely laughed again. “Get her out here, or I’ll shoot you.”

As if he had all the control, Jackson said, “Why don’t you tell me first what this is all about? Why me?”

“You stole from me.” She shrugged. “One of my favorite girls, too.”

Jackson’s entire demeanor changed. Voice filled with deadly menace, he said, “You threw her away.”

Pleased to get a rise from him, Chandra curled her mouth. “No, I tried to kill her. Those are two very different things.” She waved the gun barrel at him. “You robbed me of my satisfaction, and you demolished my men.”

“I’ve demolished a lot of your men. So what? They sucked anyway.”

The guys watching took exception to that, and reached for their guns. Chandra raised a hand. “Not yet,” she said. She looked beyond Jackson, and made brief eye contact with Alani. “She’s back there with your girlfriend, isn’t she? I followed her here, so don’t bother denying it.”

“She’s no concern of yours.”

“There’s where you’re wrong. I’m thorough. You said so yourself, if you recall. I destroy those who cross me. And that means I’ll have them both, and you’ll watch as they die.” Keeping the gun on Jackson, she spoke toward the car. “Now, girls, why don’t you come on out before I let my men dissect him?”

Knowing what she would do, Alani grabbed Arizona’s arm. “No.”

Undecided, Arizona chewed her bottom lip. “I have to.”

Panic beat in Alani’s heart. “Absolutely not.”

Chandra heard their exchange, and laughed. “Step out or he’s dead. The choice is yours.”

Swallowing back a groan, Alani grabbed on to Arizona, but that only got her half dragged along when Arizona did as ordered.

“I’m sorry,” Alani said to Jackson.

“That’s all right, doll. No harm.” He kept his back to her, his posture relaxed—and despite facing the armed lunatics, that helped Alani to be brave, too.

“Loyal little thing, aren’t you?” Chandra said to Arizona.

Arizona smirked. “I’m surprised you can even say the word. Usually dead women can’t talk. And you are dead—whether you realize it yet or not.”

Oh God, oh God. Alani tried to think what to do.

“Still as mouthy as ever, I see.” Chandra tipped her head. “Arms out.”

Staring straight at Chandra, Arizona lifted her arms.

Chandra tsked in mock disappointment. “Weaponless? You’re slipping. And here my men were so looking forward to disarming you.”

“They won’t touch her,” Jackson promised.

“They will get their fill,” Chandra countered.

“No.” And he approached Chandra.

Stunned by the bold move, she ordered, “Stop right there.”

“I don’t think so.”

Her jaw clenched, and she turned to aim the gun at Alani.

Heart stuttering, Alani shrank back—until Jackson moved into the line of fire. That scared her even more. But he stopped before Chandra fired, and now he stood oh so much closer to her.

Alani fixated on that gun. She hated guns, all of them, but to see one aimed at Jackson amplified everything tenfold.