Savor the Danger Page 46

“Already done. Supposedly he’s off on a leave of absence. His staff thinks he’s out of the country, and according to them, he’s been gone since about the time Alani broke things off. I find it hard to believe he’s taking the breakup that hard, but who knows? I can dig some more, but—”

Jackson finally found his voice. “He was just here.”

A pause, and then, “Interesting.”

“Yeah.” Jackson saw Alani smile, a shy, curious, anticipatory smile. Heat roiled through him, and he said absently, “I knocked him out.”

“You want to tell me why?”

“Yeah, he—” Alani stepped up to him, so Jackson said, “Hang on a sec.” He covered the phone.

She folded her hands together and cleared her throat. “I’m going to take a shower.”

He started to offer to shower with her, but she cut him off.

“And I’m going to lock the door.” She tried to look stern, but instead she looked flushed and maybe a little nervous. “A smart man would know not to intrude.”

Explicit visuals blasted his brain: Alani naked, wet, soap-slick… He swallowed and managed a nod. “If you linger too long, I’m a goner. Just so you know.”

Heat colored her cheeks and parted her lips. “When I’m done, we’re going to clear the air.”

Clear the air how? Of sexual tension? That worked for him. “You mean…?”

“We’ll talk. That is, if you still don’t mind answering some questions?”

He could think of a dozen different things he’d rather do, and they all involved Alani naked, but he shrugged. “Sure thing, if that’s what it takes.”

Her gaze went to his mouth; her hand touched his chest. “And then you promised to help me make up for lost time.”

Oh, yeah. That promise he would keep, and then some. “After your shower, don’t bother getting dressed.”

“Jackson,” she warned, “I do want to talk first.”

“And we will. In bed. Naked.” He cupped her cheek. “Deal?”

Excitement darkened the gold of her eyes and made them look slumberous—the same way he imagined she’d look right after a climax. She took two deep breaths, then nodded and hurried away.

Jackson watched the gentle sway of her hips, how her long blond hair shimmered down her back.

Damn, he needed to get off the phone, and fast.

He put the cell back to his ear and rushed through the rest of his explanations. “Tobin had it coming. He was being an ass, insulting her, even challenging me—”

“No way.”

“Yeah.” Jackson still couldn’t credit how the idiot had tried to punch him. He shook his head. “I let him take two wild swings before I decked him. The big baby went out cold, and when he came to, Alani sent him packing.”

Trace laughed. “Figures. So what did he really want?”

“I don’t know. Yet.” Jackson went on to explain about how Marc had parked up the street. “He was too far away for me to see the license plate number, but I got it the first time I met him.”

“I already have it.”

Jackson had figured as much.

“I’ll take care of unraveling Tobin. But have you told Alani about Arizona yet?”

Hell, there hadn’t been much opportunity for full disclosure. Though he didn’t want to admit it, even to himself, he dreaded that particular conversation. It could be a deal-breaker, and he didn’t want to risk it. Not yet.

Jackson looked toward the hall where Alani had gone. “I’ll get to it.”

“You better, because the school sent you some mail.”

Shit. He hadn’t given Trace a key to his mailbox, but that wouldn’t have stopped Trace. Knowing damn good and well that he’d already read it, Jackson asked, “All right, let’s hear it.”

“They’re discreet. The letter informed you of a need to meet.”

That was usually the message. What had happened now? Jackson let out a long breath. “I’ll see to it.” After he saw to Alani. But for now, he was more than ready to drop the topic of Arizona. “Keep me posted if you two find anything.”

“The same.” Trace disconnected the call.

Jackson looked around her house. He could hear the shower running, so he figured he had a few minutes yet. He went through the house, locking up, taking some extra security measures so that he could better see to Alani without concern that intruders could slip in unnoticed. Sure, he’d still be aware of anything that happened, but he could relax a little.

He heard the shower shut off, and his abdomen tightened. He was already getting hard just thinking about her.

Before she emerged, he went to his duffel and got out a box of rubbers. Detouring into her bedroom, he turned down the bed, set out the rubbers and cleared space for his weapons.

Wrapped in a towel, her hair twisted atop her head, Alani walked in. She froze in the doorway when she saw him.

God Almighty, she posed the greatest temptation he’d ever seen. The towel barely covered her from br**sts to upper thighs. She had her knees squeezed together, her bare feet touching.

Clutching the towel for all she was worth, she licked her lips. “You were waiting for me?”

“Getting ready.” He pulled off his shirt and tossed it to a chair. Next he sat on the bed and unlaced his boots. As he pulled off the boots and his socks, he said, “I’m going to take a quick shower, too. You’ll stay here in the bed until I’m done?”