Savor the Danger Page 56

“Yes, thank you.”

Adrenaline pumping, he kissed her mouth, quick but thorough. “Trust me, okay?” He dug out his cell and hit a button.

Trace answered on the first ring.

“We’re fine,” Jackson told him without preamble, “but someone—two people, actually—shot at the house. One silencer, one not. Tobin was here, somehow involved—”

He heard Alani gasp.

“—skittish as hell, and when the shots came, he high-tailed it out of here. We’re safe for right now, but I wanted you to know.”

“Stay put,” Trace said. “I’ll be right there.”

“Not necessary.” Jackson rubbed Alani’s shoulder. “I’m taking her out of here.”

“Do not move with my sister, Jackson.”

Impatience gnawed on him. “Waiting for you will just hold us up.” And he wanted Alani tucked away somewhere safe. “I know how to evacuate. I know how to watch for—”

“Yeah, you do. And if it was anyone but Alani, I’d be fine leaving it up to you. But she’s my sister, and I’m already on my way.”

Jackson drew a breath, glanced at Alani’s upturned face and wide-eyed uncertainty, and nodded. She didn’t need to witness a pissing contest between him and her pushy brother. “Yeah, all right. But make it fast.”

He disconnected the call and tucked the phone back into his pocket. Wrapping both arms around her, he hugged her into his chest. With his chin on top of her head, feeling very much the macho protector, he asked, “You all right, honey?”

Seconds ticked by—and she pushed him away. “Don’t you ever speak to me like that again.”

Confused, Jackson glared at her. “What the hell?” If this was her idea of hysterics, it made no sense. “All I did was ask if you’re okay. You’re shaking all over and your face is whiter than my ass, and you—”

She threw up her hands. “You shouted at me in front of Marc. You ordered me into the house. You—”

“We could both see through your nightgown.”

“You were nasty and—what?”

“Could see you.” Jackson leaned closer, his lip curled as he fingered the fine material of the nightie. “Everything,” he stressed. “This damned fetish-inspired, virginal sacrifice gown didn’t hide a single detail.”

“Virginal sacrifice? Fetish inspired?”

“Might as well be.” He shrugged. “I know that’s where my mind went.”

Her mouth opened twice, but she said nothing. She looked down at herself. “It’s opaque.”

“Yeah, well, not so much when you’ve got the light behind you.” He brought up her chin. “I had my hands full dealing with your boyfriend. I didn’t need you flaunting yourself on top of everything else.”

“He’s not my boyfriend,” she snapped. “And you were naked! Right out there in the yard!”

Jackson shrugged again. “I don’t give a shit who sees me.”

“That was obvious!”

“But I don’t want anyone ogling you.”

Irritation brought color back into her cheeks, and she thrust up her chin. “I don’t care.”

“About?” It sort of tickled him that she’d forgotten her fear in favor of bitching at him. He’d take her angry over terrified anytime.

“Whatever the circumstances, I don’t want you to use that tone with me.”

“I’d already figured someone else was lurking out there besides Tobin.” He put his hands on her and, mindful of the remaining threat, savored the narrowness of her waist contrasted to the gentle flare of her hips. So sexy. “My tone was meant to get you to safety.”

She flipped back the silky fall of her hair. “It failed, now didn’t it?”

“Yeah.” He drew her hips closer to his. “So next time someone has cut your electricity and someone else is shooting at us, I’ll try to politely ask you to keep your sweet little ass inside—as I nicely instructed before I left the room—so that my attention won’t be splintered.”

Her whole face tightened…and then suddenly she grinned.

More hysterics? Wary now, he said, “Alani?”

She fell into him, her face against his chest. “You were naked, Jackson.”

She did seem hung up on that. “Clothes weren’t a priority at that moment.” Protecting her would always be his top consideration.

“What if you’d had to fight Marc?” Her voice sounded high and quick. “With your…your…”

“Family jewels?”

She gasped. “…exposed, and your…” She gestured at his lap.


Her mirth expanded until she choked on her humor. “Yes, that. It was just sort of…out there.” She snickered. “Vulnerable.”

“Yeah.” He pressed it against her warm, soft body. “Not my preferred way to fight, but I wouldn’t let it slow me down.”

“Thank God I don’t have neighbors living close.” Her shoulders shook as she fought off more nervous giggles.

He didn’t mind. Because her hair fascinated him even at the worst of times, he smoothed it back, tangled his fingers in it and smiled. “That damned Tobin almost pissed himself when I busted him. You sure know how to pick ’em, don’t you?”