Savor the Danger Page 61

Farther down, he pointed out some deer to her. Birds darted in and around the trees, occasionally doing a kamikaze dive in front of his car. Alani gasped each time, even though the birds avoided colliding with his windshield or tires.

Finally the front gates came into view and, beyond that, the house.

Aware of Alani’s silence beside him, Jackson pulled off his sunglasses to enter the gate code. “Like Dare’s, it’s run by a keypad, but you can use a remote when leaving the property. There’s an intercom and sensor device so that I always know when someone approaches.”

She nodded, looking beyond the gate to his home.

Uneasy, Jackson waited for the gates to open and then drove over the long paved driveway to the house. “It’s a ranch, but set up like separate quarters all connected. I liked the architecture of it.”

“It’s amazing.” Her gaze went all over the house, from the garage attached by a utility room, to the main entrance and to the jutting master suite.

“Not a whole lot is done yet, but eventually the basement will be finished. There’ll be a fourth bedroom down there, an exercise room and a recreation room.”

He pulled into one of the three attached garages and turned off the car. Alani immediately slipped on her sandals, opened her door and stepped back out of the garage to look around.

Shielding her eyes, she looked up at the tallest trees with awe.

“I deliberately built around the trees,” Jackson said as he joined her.

“I’m glad. It’s perfect.” She headed up the walkway to his massive front door.

“We could have gone in through the garage.”

“I want to see the outside first.” She circled around to the side of the house, picking her way along the wild-flowers and weeds.

“I haven’t even touched the yard yet.” He wished she’d slow down and say something, maybe tell him her thoughts. She didn’t know it, but through the process of choosing the house plans, the location, he’d been thinking of her. Considering her reaction.

She stopped on the back porch and looked down at the lake. Ducks swam by. Off in the distance, a fish jumped.

Alani brushed away a fly, then tipped her head back and breathed deeply.

He liked seeing her here, like this.

On his property.

“It’s going to be a scorcher today.” But the July morning had nothing on his internal heat. “In a few more hours, the humidity will make you sweat as soon as you step outside.”

“I don’t mind a little sweat.”

No, she wouldn’t. Slipping his hands around her, Jackson brushed aside her hair, nuzzled the side of her throat and kissed the softest part of her neck. “When you’re up for it,” he said suggestively, “I’d like to lay you out here on a blanket and make you scream with pleasure.”

She quickened. “In the open?”

“Yeah.” He lifted one hand to rest just under her breast, and felt her heartbeat thumping. “It’s private enough. But I’d be able to see every inch of you.”

Her hands settled over his. “You already did.” Her voice quavered. “Before, I mean.”

“But it wasn’t enough.” He was starting to feel like a masochist. “Until then…” He stepped back from her, wrestled with and conquered his control. “What’s first? A tour, coffee or sleep?”

She turned to face him. “If I drink coffee, I won’t be able to sleep.”

“Then let’s go back to bed for now.”

Her palm settled over his chest. “Won’t that be…hard on you?”

“Yeah.” He grinned crookedly. “But it’d be harder knowing you were alone in my bed, all sleepy and warm and sweet.” He took her hand and led her back around to the front. “I’ll show you the master suite, and you can get settled while I unload our stuff.”

As she looked everywhere, he took her in through the garage, through the vaulted kitchen and entryway, and down a connecting hall into the bedroom. Once there, he turned her and cupped her face. “I’m still working on things, so this is one of the few finished rooms—and the only bed.” Did she understand?

She eyed the spacious room and the big bed, made up with a few pillows, sheets and a quilt. “It’s big enough for a whole family.”

She said that tentatively, almost like a question.

The thought threw him. Sure, the house was spacious, with enough rooms to accommodate most family units. But as a rule, family was never one of his considerations. He didn’t think of his folks since they’d never really been a stereotypical family, and while he’d enjoyed the women he’d been with, he sure as hell hadn’t looked at them as the start of a future. Sex was for relief only, and he was careful when it came to protection, so kids of his own had never been a concern.

Briefly, he thought of Arizona—but no. He didn’t want to go down that path right now. He’d told Alani what she needed to know, and the rest would wait.

Hell, he’d just gotten her to admit there was something between them. For now, he wanted to enjoy her—and only her.

Guilt prodded him, but still he joked, “Your brother has no interest in being here, babe.”

Something shone in her eyes, something elusive and female and wary. Her fleeting smile lacked genuine warmth. “Maybe for a visit.”

Relieved that she didn’t push it, Jackson nodded. “Maybe.” Much, much later, if he had his way. “For now, there’s just the two of us, and we’ll be sleeping close.” He wouldn’t mind having her right on top of him—or better still, under him. He kissed her mouth. “Okay by you?”