Savor the Danger Page 87

“I understand.” The others would join them soon, so she didn’t waste time. “It’ll be dangerous?”

“I don’t think so. If she remembers the backup plan—and she’s spontaneous but not dumb, so she should—then I could be back by tomorrow in time for dinner.” He turned heated green eyes on her. “This is something I have to do.”

To settle her suddenly fluttering stomach, Alani drew a deep breath. “Of course it is.” And for the sake of their future, she’d do what she had to do, too.

AN HOUR LATER, everyone had gathered at Dare’s. Alani hadn’t yet had a chance to “finish what she’d started” with Jackson because she’d barely seen him once they were all in the house.

She wondered at his lack of attention. With getting Marc settled elsewhere and being unable to reach Arizona, he had his hands full, she understood that. But he always had his hands full, and still he’d chased her and been so amazingly attentive…that she felt spoiled.

The last thing Jackson needed right now was a clinging woman. She would be supportive of him, and when time permitted, they’d talk privately.

The men hung out for a long time in the kitchen. “Boy talk,” Priss explained with an air of indulgence. She and Molly, kind as always, visited with Alani while she set up the guest room and got refreshed. They were very curious about her new relationship with Jackson.

As much as she could, without giving away her own insecurities, Alani shared what had transpired.

“If he’s anything like your brother,” Priss said, “I’m amazed he let you out of the bed.”

That made her blush and Molly laugh.

“Sometimes,” Molly confided, “Dare doesn’t. Let me out of the bed, I mean. Luckily Chris makes himself scarce on those days, or I’d be forced to embarrassment.” They laughed.

The women were very different and loads of fun. Alani liked them a lot.

“Before Jackson,” Alani admitted, “I wasn’t all that interested. Now…well, thanks to him, I have a hard time thinking of anything else.”

Molly grinned at her. “Morning, noon and night, I know.”

Priss agreed. “And the guys are so macho, they’re sometimes up for three times a day.”

“And occasionally four times,” Alani said. She laughed—until she realized that both of the women were staring at her. “What?”

“That was a joke, right?” Priss lifted her brows. “Four times?”

“Uh…no.” Was that so unusual? Alani felt her face getting hot. Jackson had claimed to be a sex machine. Had he been serious? “No joke.”

“That’s happened?” Molly gaped at her. “Seriously?”

“More than once or twice?” Priss clarified.

Since it had happened quite a bit with Jackson—and in fact, felt more like the norm when circumstances allowed—she cleared her throat. “Often.”

Priss dropped back with widened eyes. “That stud.”

“Wait.” Molly cocked a brow with suspicion. “Is this when he was drugged?”

“The first time, yes.” Seeing them as great confidantes, Alani shook off her shyness and leaned in. “But since then, too, he’s been…insatiable.”

Priss and Molly sat silent for a moment, then burst out laughing. “That dawg,” one said, and “Such a hedonist,” said the other.

Alani found herself grinning, too. “It’s pretty wonderful, I have to say.”

Molly hugged her. “Glad to hear it.”

“All this sex talk has me wanting to see Trace.” Priss stood. “Let’s go find the guys.”

“Yeah,” Molly said. “I need to let Dare know he’s been a slacker.”

They fell into fits of laughter again. Alani shook her head at them, but she kept grinning, too.

Hopeful that she and Jackson could finish their conversation, she decided to wait behind. “You go on. I’ll be there shortly.”

Lingering in the bedroom, she waited for Jackson for what felt like forever. When he finally came to her, it was just to tell her that everyone had convened in the family room for casual conversation and food.

He carried the cat, giving it more attention than he did her.

Deflated, but not quite outspoken enough to keep him alone with her in the room when he showed no real interest and everyone else waited for them, Alani went along to join the others.

Dare sat in a big chair with Molly in his lap. He gave Alani a long look when she walked in, until Molly elbowed him.

Her brother and Priss stood by the fireplace. Priss cupped his face and whispered something in his ear. He drew back, shook his head.

She gave a slow smile and murmured something again.

He turned a dark glower on Jackson, but when Priss started snickering, he gave up and squeezed her.

While Alani fought a blush, Jackson looked at each varying expression. Finally he said, “What?”

“Show-off,” Dare said. “But now I feel challenged.”

Molly pretended to swoon, making Dare laugh again.

Still confused, Jackson looked at Trace, but he said, “Forget it. If you want to know, talk to my sister.”

So he transferred his baffled gaze to Alani.

She cleared her throat and shrugged.

“We’ll discuss this later,” he told her in a stern tone.

And everyone cracked up again, even her brother.