Savor the Danger Page 95

“He’s still a prick, but at least that takes care of one problem.” Making up his mind, Jackson snagged up one more sandwich and devoured half in a single bite. “Guess I might as well get on with tackling the other.”

Trace folded his arms over his chest. “You’re saying my sister is a problem?”

“Biggest one I’ve ever faced.” He slapped Trace on the shoulder before leaving the room. “But don’t worry about it. It’s nothing I can’t handle.”

SITTING UNDER A TREE OUT FRONT, Alani allowed Grim to do his business while keeping a close eye on him. The vet had done a few cursory tests, and overall had given the cat a clean bill of health. But he needed to be brushed—something Alani had just been working on—and he’d need to be brought in for more vaccines once the tests were finished. Chris had promised to see to it, since no one wanted her going out.

Danger lurked.

It seemed so surreal. Prior to being kidnapped, her life had been so secure, so happy and so…surface-level. Sure, she’d loved—her brother, Dare, the parents she still missed.

And she’d enjoyed—her studies, her work, her friends.

But everything she felt now was enhanced by the knowledge of how easily it could be taken away. Fear honed her senses. Simple joys, like planning the decorating of Jackson’s house, meant so much more to her.

Loving him meant everything.

She wanted to tell him how she felt, but he had so much going on right now, how could she add to his burden? What if he didn’t feel the same? Jackson thought himself invincible, but she knew the truth.

In a heartbeat, everything could change. She didn’t want to waste a single second of her time with him.

But neither did she want to be a distraction.

Grim came back to her, gave one long rusty meow, butted her hand with his head and started purring. In her maudlin frame of mind, such a simple gesture of trust left her ready to weep. “You like being pampered, huh?” She drew him into her lap and began brushing again.

Already, giant fur balls rolled over the lawn like tumbleweeds. Many of the tangles had had to be cut out, so he had a few patchy places, but otherwise, he looked beautiful.

Cross, but oh so precious.

She cuddled him up to her face and hugged him.

A shadow fell over her.

Thinking Chris had returned with a bag for the cleanup, she tipped her head back, but instead it was Jackson. He stared down at her, expression enigmatic except for his eyes. Burning bright with sensual need, they left her scorched.

Caught up in her own disturbing analogy, Alani whispered, “Hi.”

“Hey.” He knelt down beside her. “What’d the vet say?”

“So far, so good. Tomorrow, Chris will take him to her office to get the results of some blood tests, and if everything is as good as she suspects, he’ll get a few shots. But he’s parasite free, ears clean, eyes clear. All he needs is lots of love.”

“Looks like you’re giving him that.”

The cat abandoned her to high-step, back arched, tail lifted, over to Jackson. He wove in and around Jackson’s legs, purring loudly in that raspy voice of his.

Grinning, Jackson scooped him up. “My man, you’re looking real slick.” He ran a hand along the cat’s back, found a knot of fur and reached for the scissors.

So gentle, he cut out the tangle without a single complaint from Grim.

The setting sun shone on Jackson’s face, in his bright green eyes, gilding his blond hair and emphasizing the clarity of his astounding good looks. Jackson was a man who could make women melt by appearance alone. Coupled with his protective streak and generous nature, he devastated her senses.

Cupping the side of his face, Alani drew him toward her for a kiss. She thought of everything he’d done to her, how he made her body burn, and she badly wanted to reciprocate.

“Mmm.” Noses touching, he asked, “What was that for?”

“I want you.” She sighed. “I’ve wanted you since that aborted seduction in the car.” The words left her mouth, and she laughed. “That’s a lie. I wanted you long before that. In fact, it’s getting harder and harder to remember when I didn’t want you.”

Arrested, he gazed into her eyes a moment, then looked around, probably trying to figure out how they could work it.

She smiled. “Sorry. Chris will be back in a minute. He’s going to help me clean up the fur mess.”

“Here.” Jackson set the cat in her lap and started gathering up the fur.

Knowing he shared the physical need with her left Alani’s mood lightened. “In a rush?”

“After what you said? That kiss?” He chased down a rolling ball of fluffy fur. “Damn right.”

Seconds later, Chris showed up. Jackson took the bag from him and shoved everything inside.

Watching him, Chris said, “Let me guess—you’re in a hurry?”

“Something like that.”

“Jackson.” With him being so blatant about things, Alani couldn’t keep the heat out of her cheeks. “I was going to help Chris get the cat settled—”

“He can do it.” Expression imploring, Jackson appealed to Chris. “You can do it, right?”

Rolling his eyes, Chris said, “Yeah, sure. Who am I to stand in the way of true love?”

Both Jackson and Alani froze. Jackson cracked first. “You’re the man, Chris. Thanks.”

“I’ve pretty much already got everything ready, anyway. The vet suggested keeping him separated from the others, but the girls are dying to say hi, so maybe I can take him down to my place now.”